
26 Jan. 2023Special values of automorphic L-functions for \mathrm{GL}_n \times \mathrm{GL}_m
Fordham University, New York City
poster (incl. abstract)
25 Jan. 2022Special values of automorphic L-functions
University of Vienna, Seminar “Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms”
event page (incl. abstract) • rough notes
18 July 2019Moduli spaces of elliptic curves with level structure
University of Vienna, retreat of the Algebraic Geometry research group
extended notes
10 Apr. 2019The Importance of Being Totally Disconnected
PhD Colloquium of the Vienna School of Mathematics (VSM)
event pageposter (incl. abstract) • slides
7 Jan. 2019Wiles’ proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem, part I
University of Vienna, joint seminar of the algebra and number theory group
7 & 14 Nov. 2017A number theorist’s guide to the Riemann–Roch Theorem, parts I & II
University of Vienna, seminar of the Algebraic Geometry research group
event page (incl. abstract) • notes

I’ve also given a number of informal talks and seminar talks on disparate topics, only some of which reflect my current research interests. For some of these talks, there are surviving notes, which I have uploaded to the Miscellaneous page.