I presented a poster on Sampling theorems with derivatives in shift-invariant spaces generated by exponential B-splines at the Foundations of Computational Mathematics Conference 2023 held in Paris, France. The poster can be found here.
Irina Shafkulovska
Talk at the Ghent Methusalem Junior Seminar
I gave a talk about the metaplectic action on modulation spaces at the Ghent Methusalem Junior Seminar. The slides can be found here.
Talk at the 3rd Austrian Day of Women in Mathematics
I gave a talk about sampling of the phaseless STFT at the 3rd Austrian Day of Women in Mathematics organized by the Austrian Association of Women in Mathematics. The slides can be found here.
Harmonic Analysis Seminar (SS23)
The Harmonic Analysis Seminar of the Numerical Harmonic Analysis Group will place in the summer semester on Fridays, from 9:45 to 11:15 (CET). The seminar takes place in hybrid form, on site in SR11 (OMP1, second floor) and per Zoom.
The metaplectic action on modulation spaces
New preprint out: The metaplectic action on modulation spaces. This is joint work with Hartmut Führ.
Harmonic Analysis Seminar (WS22/23)
The Harmonic Analysis Seminar of the Numerical Harmonic Analysis Group took place this semester on Mondays, from 15:00 to 16:30 (CET). The seminar took place in hybrid form, on site in SR6 (OMP1, first floor) and per Zoom.
The seminar was co-organized with Lukas Liehr.
Lange Nacht der Forschung
As PhD Candidates in Mathematics at the University of Vienna, Beatrice Andreolli, Steffen Plunder, Michael Fischer, Hannah Götsch and I took part in the Lange Nacht der Forschung (Long Night of Science). It was a fantastic experience to participate in a nation-wide event dedicated to making science more approachable to everyone and highlighting its importance for modern life.
We each presented our current work at various levels, starting with games for the youngest to detailed explanations for the hobby-mathematicians.