EuGH-Debate: Headscarf at the work place in private economy

In march 2016 the EuGH in Luxemburg concernded itself with the subject headscarf at the work place in private economy. Two lawsuits are filed, a sentence is expected shortly. In one of the lawsuits the responsible Advocate General Juliane Kott submitted a final request saying that the ban of the head scarf was permissible and no violation of the  General Equal Treatment Act. The acteurs working in the anti discrimination space, Dr. Sabine Berghahn, the Netzwerk gegen Diskriminierung und Islamfeindlichkeit/Inssan e.V., the Aktionsbündnis muslimischer Frauen (AmF) and Dr. Birgit Sauer, subtended arguments against this request and tried to approach the court with Amicus-Curiae-letters. These letters weren’t accepted by the court (with the argumentation that the court wasn’t allowed to speak with third persons about the argumentation of the Advocate General), but all who are engaged in this subject could find some useful information there. The fact that the responsible Advocate General of the second lawsuit, Eleanor Sharpston, came to another result, is still giving us hope. You can follow the debate under these links.

Symposion “Governance, Governmentality and the State: Postcolonial, Queer and Feminist Interventions”

Invitation to the



“Governance, Governmentality and the State: Postcolonial, Queer and Feminist Interventions”

at the University of Viennna

November 17th to November 18th, 2016




Thursday, 17th November 2016



Neues Institutsgebäude, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna, Department of Political Science, 2nd floor, Room “Hörsaal 1” (A212)

Keynote lecture Shirin Rai

“From the State to Governance and Back Again? Postcolonial and Feminist Interventions”

Introduction: Birgit Sauer and Gundula Ludwig


Friday, 18th November 2016


Alois-Wagner-Saal, C3 – Center for International Development, Sensengasse 3, 1090 Vienna. (


9.00-9.30       Welcome and Introduction to the Symposium (Wolfram Schaffar and Nikita Dhawan)


9.30-11.30     Panel 1


Chair: Birgit Sauer

Scheiterbauer, Tanja: The North African Uprisings and Revolts 2011: The Transformation of the State and its Impacts on Gender and Sexual Politics

Krämer, Anna: Why Africa’s ‘Weak States’ Matter. A Review of Colonial Moments in the Discourse on African Statehood and Sovereignty

Dogangun, Gökten: Conceptualizing Gender (In)equality in Turkey and Russia: Authoritarianism, Sexism, Feminism


11.30-12.00 Coffee Break


12.00-14.00 Panel 2


Chair: Nikita Dhawan

Dinkelaker, Samia: Governing through Labor Migration Sending States – Manufacturing Affective Domestic Workers from Indonesia

Hutta, Jan Simon: Precarious Governmentalisation: Brazilian Queer Politics between Transversality and the Neoliberal State

Siddiqui, Farida: Muslim Women, Religious Fundamentalism and State Intervention: The Context of Post-Colonial South Asia


14.00-15-00 Lunch Break


15.00-17.00 Panel 3


Chair: Gundula Ludwig

Jauk, Daniela: Shaping the State in a Roundabout Way? Interrogating Queer and Feminist Interventions at the United Nations

Klapeer, Christine-Maria: Decolonising the State while Queering Aid?

The (Im-)Possibility of an Affirmative Sabotage of (Homo-)Developmentalist Governmentalities

Mieszkowski, Sylvia: Governmentality and Acts of Counter-Conduct in Kate Atkinson’s “The War on Women”


17.00-17.30 Coffee Break


17.30-18.30 Input by Nikita Dhawan

Comments by Gundula Ludwig, Birgit Sauer, Wolfram Schaffar




For the Panel Discussions on Friday please register via !

Book tip of the month from Birgit Sauer and Otto Penz

The University of Vienna recommends “Affektives Kapital” from Birgit Sauer and Otto Penz as the book of the month!

An interview with the both authors about their new book and a possibility to win one of these you can find here:


Article: Spaces of Right-Wing Populism and Anti-Muslim Racism in Austria: Identitarian Movement, Civil Initiatives and the Fight against „Islamisation“

In the new volume of the “Czech Journal of Political Science” you can find the article “Spaces of Right-Wing Populism and Anti-Muslim Racism in Austria: Identitarian Movement, Civil Initiatives and the Fight against “Islamisation” from Birgit Sauer, Edma Ajanovic and Stefanie Mayer!



Spaces of Right-Wing Populism and Anti-Muslim Racism in Austria: Identitarian Movement, Civil Initiatives and the Fight against „Islamisation“, in: Czech Journal of Political Science, XXIII(2), 2016 (gem. mit Edma Ajanovic und Stefanie Mayer), S. 131-148


New publication “Staatsdenken”

Since June the book “Staatsdenken. Zum Stand der Staatstheorie heute”, edited by Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Voigt, is available.

Here the flyer with further information:



Article “Rechtsextremer Gender Trouble”

In the newsletter of the Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation you can find the text “Rechtsextremer Gender Trouble” from Birgit Sauer, Edma Ajanovic and Stefanie Mayer.

Here the link:

Lecture “Affektive Gouvernementalität. Politik und Geschlecht im Neoliberalismus”

Lecture “Affektive Gouvernementalität. Politik und Geschlecht im Neoliberalismus”

with  Birgit Sauer, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Universität Wien

as a part of the 16. Ringvorlesung Gender Studies „Eine emotionale Geschichte: Geschlecht im Zentrum der Politik der Affekte“ Teil II

Tuesday, 14.06.2016 / 6.30 pm
HS B, Campus Universität Wien, Hof 2.1
Spitalgasse 2-4
1090 Wien
The new attention towards emotions and affects can be understood as a dimension of the neoliberal governmentality, as speaking about emotions, as a praxis of being affectes as well as institutional arrangement of emotions, not least in the working world. Novel reasons of civic rights and a new situation of the citizens within the democracy are linket with it. In line with the neoliberal subjectivation affects are – following Foucault – new techniques of “leadership” and the “governance” of people. On one hand, affects institutionalise new techniques of power into humans, that is to say the subjection under new forms and requirements of the organisation of life, of living together and of working under neoliberal conditions. On the other hand, affects as technique of governing and as a mode of (political) subject building are a source of possible forms of resistance to “not-wantig-to-be-governed-like-this” (Foucault 1990) and of new forms of solidarity. These connections should be picked as a central and empirical deepened in the lecture. Birgit Sauer is professor for Political Science at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Vienna and leader of the PhD-programme of Social Sciences.
Conception: Maria Mesner Sushila Mesquita Maria Katharina Wiedlack

Book Review “Gouvernementalität und Geschlecht. Politische Theorie im Anschluss an Michel Foucault”

In the new Femina Politica you can find a book review of the 2015 from Brigitte Bargetz, Gundula Ludwig and Birgit Sauer released anthology “Gouvernementalität und Geschlecht. Politische Theorie im Anschluss an Michel Foucault”:

Another book review already came in 2015 in the magazine politix and can be read here:

Gundula Ludwig/Brigitte Bargetz/Birgit Sauer (2015): Gouvernementalität und Geschlecht. Politische Theorie im Anschluss an Michel Foucault Frankf.a.M.: campus

Article “Staat, Demokratie und Machbarkeit” at

In the german weekly magazine “The time” Judith Butler wrote in 2008 that for her “the radical democracy is the only feasible politic”. In this article not the question of feasibility will be discussed but the question of the theoretical conditions of such a feasibility. Thereto the overlap between Butler’s theory and feminist-marxist conceptualizations will be analysed.

The whole article on

Book Release: Otto Penz and Birgit Sauer: Affektives Kapital. Die Ökonomisierung der Gefühle im Arbeitsleben

Otto Penz und Birgit Sauer: Affektives Kapital. Die Ökonomisierung der Gefühle im Arbeitsleben, Frankfurt a.M. (Campus), 2016