Article “Staat, Demokratie und Machbarkeit” at

In the german weekly magazine “The time” Judith Butler wrote in 2008 that for her “the radical democracy is the only feasible politic”. In this article not the question of feasibility will be discussed but the question of the theoretical conditions of such a feasibility. Thereto the overlap between Butler’s theory and feminist-marxist conceptualizations will be analysed.

The whole article on

Book Release: Otto Penz and Birgit Sauer: Affektives Kapital. Die Ökonomisierung der Gefühle im Arbeitsleben

Otto Penz und Birgit Sauer: Affektives Kapital. Die Ökonomisierung der Gefühle im Arbeitsleben, Frankfurt a.M. (Campus), 2016

Article at ORF: Arbeitsvermittler werden zu Therapeuten

The workaday life in the service center for labour market (AMS) shows a social change. Scientists in Vienna now analysed the situation of the consultants in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. The research showed that the staff are becoming social workers and therapists more and more and that they are working under particular pressure of time in Austria.

The whole article at

New release: Birgit Sauer: Affektive Gouvernementalität. Eine geschlechtertheoretische Perspektive

Birgit Sauer: Affektive Gouvernementalität. Eine geschlechtertheoretische Perspektive, in: Mixa, Elisabeth/Pritz, Sarah Miriam/Tumeltshammer, Markus/Greco, Monica (Hg.), Unwohl-Gefühle. Eine Kulturanalyse gegenwärtiger Befindlichkeiten, Bielefeld (transcript), 2016


Geschlecht und Gesellschaft research newsletter November 2015

Making gender studies visible at the University of Vienna, bundling them and establishing them as an interdisciplinary subject: These are the primary goals of the research association “gender and the power to act” which exists since 2014 under the direction of the political scientist Birgit Sauer.


Käthe-Leichter-state-prize for women’s studies, gender research and gender equality in the working world to Univ-Prof. Dr. Birgit Sauer

At October 14th, 2015, the Käthe-Leichter-prizes 2015 were bestowed in the ministry for education and women. Univ-Prof. Dr. Birgit Sauer is the award winner for the Käthe-Leichter-state-prize for women’s studies, gender research and gender equality in the working world.


Article “Europas rechte Rechtfertigungen” at Die

Viennese Political Scientists analysed the argumentation patterns of european right-wing populists: They discovered similarities and differences.

Whole Article at Die


Article “Rechte sehen sich als neue Sozialdemokratie” at Wiener

Political Scientists at the University of Vienna examined right-wing populism and racism on the Internet.

Vienna. Right-wing movements and organisations are very active on the Internet. That they seem to be social and start an argument between different groups of people are the new insights of two research Projects which were reported on in the research Newsletter of the University of Vienna on Wednesday.

Whole Article: