CCP4 Workshop at the APS

CCP4 started this annual workshop in 2008. It takes place at the APS at the Argonne National Lab.


I changed the talk about XDS quite a bit to include more references to the excellent xdsGUI.

The talk about Experimental Phasing changed even more since I describe the use of ANODE in the RNA polymerase I project, and I also include a section about MrTailor.

The tutorial is basically still the same, but I updated a few things. E.g. aimless/pointless is now used instead of scala for scaling.


Again I presented a talk about XDS and one about phasing with shelx c/d/e:


Only one talk was scheduled for the workshop this year. It explains the usage of shelx c/d/e for phasing and includes a few slides about adavanced usage scenarios. It also covers a quick introduction to the program anode to calculate an anomalous difference Fourier map in order to carry out post-mortem analysis or for cross-confirmation of a SAD experiment with an MR-solution.

The tutorial data did not change compared to the previous years, but the introduction of the tutorial was adjusted to shelxc now being capable of reading XDS and XSCALE data directly.


The talk about substructure solution with shelx c/d/e is accompanied by a tutorial which contains some beginners' part as well as more advanced topics of phasing, e.g. recycling of the refined heavy atoms sites as well as an example for MR-SAD with shelxe.

Please download this link for the PDF-version of the 2010 tutorial without data. Tutorial plus data are contained in this tar archive.

The course's homepage maintains copies of the available teaching material and can be downloaded from there.

Last modified: Mar 25, 2020 22:23