The preprint On the frame property of Hermite functions and analytic extensions of their frame sets, which is joint work with I. Shafkulovska and I. Zlotnikov, is available on the arXiv.
Didaktischer Vortrag
Here you find the notes of my trial lecture (March 1) which I gave in partial fulfillment of my habilitation.
International Day of Mathematics
Vienna is celebrating the International Day of Mathematics 2024. Come join us and “Play with Math”. I will present a lecture for the interested public on point configurations.
Published article
The article “Maximal Polarization for Periodic Configurations on the Real Line“ (joint work with S. Steinerberger) has been published in International Mathematics Research Notices.
Accepted article
The article “Maximal polarization for periodic configuration on the real line” (with Stefan Steinerberger) has been accepted for publication in International Mathematics Research Notices (IMRN).
Submitted habilitation thesis
I submitted my habilitation thesis today. It will be put online in the publication section once it has been approved. Fingers crossed!
Seminar talk
I will present the joint paper with Stefan Steinerberger (U Washington) on Maximal polarization for periodic configurations on the real line in the Harmonic analysis seminar (hybrid, October 17, 2023).
Accepted article
The article Gabor frame bound optimizations (joint work with I. Shafkulovska) has been accepted for publication in Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis.
New preprint
A note on energy minimization in dimension 2 – joint work with Irina Shafkulovska and Ilia Zlotnikov.