On Frictionlessness

Frictionless experience has become a requirement—even more so in times of COVID-19. What is frictionlessness actually about?

It turns out that when one removes friction from a system, process, business, organization, experience, etc., you offer your users what is almost the most valuable and nonrenewable/unique for them: time.

Friction is what costs you (time); frictionlessness is priceless.


Course on the Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence — MIT Media Lab

This course will pursue a cross-disciplinary investigation of the development and deployment of the opaque complex adaptive systems that are increasingly in public and private use.  We will explore the proliferation of algorithmic decision-making, autonomous systems, and machine learning and explanation; the search for balance between regulation and innovation; and the effects of AI on the dissemination of information, along with questions related to individual rights, discrimination, and architectures of c

Source: The Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence — MIT Media Lab

How to make uncertainty your friend

In this conversation Margaret Heffernan offers a critical perspective on our assumption and obsession that we can control (almost) everything. We are living in an age of big data, machine/deep learning, etc. pretending that we can predict almost everything and that these predictions empower us to control reality. M.Hefferman seriously questions these assumptions and shows how we could possibly deal and embrace uncertainty in an optimistic and future-oriented manner.


Purpose: How to place purpose at the core of your organization

According to a Fortune 500 survey 93% of CEOs do not believe that the goal of a company should be to focus on making profits only. Especially in times of crisis the power of purpose and the importance of engaging for the benefit of society becomes evident. However, how is it possible to find an answer to what is an organization’s reason for its being and how it may have a thriving impact on the needs of society and the environment? In this article McKinsey develops an insightful list of questions and a roadmap on how to develop and engage in purpose and how to place purpose at the core of an organization.

see: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/purpose-shifting-from-why-to-how

Hiring Humans, Not Resources – How to Bring Humanity to Hiring

Have you ever reflected on your hiring processes? Have you ever thought of radically changing your mindset and the way you are hiring new employees? The Ready offers an inspiring way of thinking about these processes; however not only on the “how”, but on the attitude on what it does mean for the whole organization. They suggest a human-centric/humanistic approach to one of the most delicate and important processes of a company. It is not primarily based on skills and roles, but on the purpose and a guiding question: “How can we make hiring more about humans and less about resources?”

https://cms.megaphone.fm/channel/bravenewwork?selected=TR1177548120 (Podcast)

Dancing with systems in unpredictable complex situations

What can we learn from  COVID-19 crisis and almost every other bigger crisis?
We are not in control, at least not to such a degree as we have thought.

The solution is not despair or fight against something that can be barely changed, but to assume a humble and open attitude, to try to “dance with the system”.

Have a look at Donella Meadows´ really inspiring ideas about dealing with complex unpredictable systems by way of “dancing with the system”


Ending the Tyranny of the Measurable

These days ask for reflecting on many of our dearly held mental models and assumptions. Being confronted with a situation like ours right now, shows us that—besides all numbers irritating our minds—there is a lot more behind these numbers and that the non-measurable, the qualities,  becomes even more important. Today, we invite you to question one key assumption in our organizational lives: “You can’t manage what you can’t measure”


Emergent Innovation: From innovation as extrapolating from the past to learning from the future as it emerges

How do we want to innovate in the next 10 years? What does innovation mean in an exponential and digital (platform) economy and how are we dealing with an uncertain and almost unpredictable and complex future as we are experiencing it right now? How can we bring about innovations „with purpose“, that “make sense”, that are sustainable and have a positive impact?

Most of our innovations are driven by past experiences these days, as this seems to be the only “solid” source that we can rely on. We will show, however, we can go beyond this strategy by tapping into future potentials leading us the way to “learning from the future as it emerges”.


Why strategy under high levels of uncertainty can be thriving

Prediction lies at the heart of every process of planning and strategy. It is essential for any organization. However—as we are experiencing right now—there exist situations where we are far from being able to make predictions even for the next few weeks. This article develops four levels of uncertainty and shows how we might deal with what the authors refer to “residual uncertainty”. Interestingly, level 4 uncertainties (i.e., the highest level of uncertainty) — in many cases — offer higher returns and lower risks for companies seeking to shape the market…
