Teaching | Courses

Quick-Links Courses Winter Term 2024/25 Summer Term 2024

“Education, I argue, is not a “stilling in,” but a “leading out,” which opens paths of intellectual growth and discovery without predetermined outcomes or fixed end-points. It is about attending to things, rather than acquiring the knowledge that absolves us of the need to do so; about exposure rather than immunization. The task of the educator, then, is not to explicate knowledge […] but to provide inspiration, guidance, and criticism in the exemplary pursuit of truth.” (Ingold, 2018, p. ix).

As the world faces increasingly complex challenges the focus of our teaching/learning activities is centered around enabling our students to engage in novel, inspiring, meaning- and mindful, as well as scientifically founded ways of interdisciplinary thinking, perceiving, working, (co-)creating, and collaborating. Our focus in teaching is on cognition, knowledge (creation), and innovation.

We believe that “future-ready students need to exercise agency, in their own education and throughout life. Agency implies a sense of responsibility to participate in the world and, in so doing, to influence people, events and circumstances for the better. Agency requires the ability to frame a guiding purpose and identify actions to achieve a goal… A concept underlying the learning framework is “co-agency” – the interactive, mutually supportive relationships that help learners to progress towards their valued goals. In this context, everyone should be considered a learner, not only students but also teachers… and communities.” (adapted from OECD Education 2030, Future Education and Skills [2018])

We provide inspiring and enabling learning/teaching environments that find their expression in novel and alternative formats of teaching/learning (e.g., project & innovation work, knowledge ateliers, prototyping, design thinking, peer-to-peer teaching/learning, etc.), state-of-the-art curricula, or innovative physical learning environments (M.Peschl has been part of the design team for the Learning Lab at the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) | (Uni:View)).

Over the last years we have established several interdisciplinary curricula and student/teacher exchange networks focussing on cognition, innovation, and knowledge (technologies):

MEi:CogSci — Middle European Interdisciplinary Master Program in Cognitive Science
Extension Curriculum (EC) Innovation and Knowledge Creation — how novelty comes into the world  
Vienna Doctoral School
Cognition, Behaviour and Neuroscience (CoBeNe)
ERASMUS Exchange program for Cognitive Science  
 CEEPUS Network for Cognitive Science, Knowledge Studies, and Knowledge Technologies  

Topics for projects & MA/PhD Theses

We offer topics for projects, MA theses, and PhD theses in the following fields: innovation, knowledge creation, enabling (innovation and knowledge work/creation), Enabling Spaces, office space design, extended cognition/4E approaches to cognition, impact of cognitive technologies for organizations, for new ways of work and office design, organizational studies, design thinking. For further details and research questions see the section on M.Peschl´s research.

Teaching Award