B. Hartl, M. Levin, and A. Zöttl,
Neuroevolution of Decentralized Decision-Making in N-Bead Swimmers Leads to Scalable and Robust Collective Locomotion,
under review (2024).
L. Sappl, C. Likos, and A. Zöttl,
Polymer thermophoresis by mesoscale simulations,
under review (2024).
C. Schneck, J. Smrek, C. Likos, and A. Zöttl,
Supercoiled ring polymers under shear flow,
Nanoscale 16, 8880 (2024).
A. Zöttl, F. Tesser, D.Matsunaga, J. Laurent, O. Du Roure, A. Lindner
Asymmetric bistability of chiral particle orientation in viscous shear flows,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U. S. A. 120, e2310939120 (2023).
L. Sappl, C. Likos, and A. Zöttl,
Multi-particle collision dynamics for a coarse-grained model of soft colloids applied to ring polymers,
Journal of Chemical Physics 159, 114904 (2023).
A. Zöttl,
Dynamics of squirmers in explicitly modeled polymeric fluids,
European Physics Letters 143, 17003 (2023).
A. Zöttl and H. Stark
Modeling Active Colloids: From Active Brownian Particles to Hydrodynamic and Chemical Fields,
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 14, 109 (2023).
B. Hartl, M. Hübl, G. Kahl, and A. Zöttl,
Microswimmers learning chemotaxis with genetic algorithms,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U. S. A. 118, e2019683118 (2021).
G. Jing, A. Zöttl, E. Clement, and A. Lindner,
Chirality-induced bacterial rheotaxis in bulk shear flows,
Science Advances 6, eabb2012 (2020).
A. Zöttl,
Simulation of microswimmer hydrodynamics with multiparticle collision dynamics,
Chinese Physics B 29, 074701 (2020).
J. K. Novev, A. Doostmohammadi, A. Zöttl, and J. M. Yeomans,
Mesoscale modelling of polymer aggregate digestion,
Current Research in Food Science 3, 122 (2020).
A. Zöttl and J. M. Yeomans,
Enhanced bacterial swimming speeds in macromolecular polymer solutions,
Nature Physics 15, 554 (2019).
A. J. T. M. Mathijssen, N. Figueroa-Morales, G. Junot, E. Clement, A. Lindner, and A. Zöttl,
Oscillatory surface rheotaxis of swimming E. coli bacteria,
Nature Communications 10, 3434 (2019).
A. Zöttl, K. E. Klop, A. K. Balin, Y. Gao, J. M. Yeomans, and D. G. A. L. Aarts
Dynamics of individual Brownian rods in a microchannel flow,
Soft Matter 15, 5810 (2019).
A. Zöttl and J. M. Yeomans,
Driven spheres, ellipsoids and rods in explicitly modeled polymer solutions,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 31, 234001 (2019).
A. Daddi-Moussa-Ider, C. Kurzthaler, C. Hoell, A. Zöttl, M. Mirzakhanloo, M. Alam,
A. M. Menzel, H. Löwen, and S. Gekle,
Frequency-dependent higher-order Stokes singularities near a planar elastic boundary: Implications for the hydrodynamics of an active microswimmer near an elastic interface,
Physical Review E 100, 032610 (2019).
D. Matsunaga, A. Zöttl, F. Meng, R. Golestanian, and J. M. Yeomans,
Far-field theory for trajectories of magnetic ellipsoids in rectangular and circular channels,
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 83, 767 (2018).
A. Zöttl and H. Stark,
Simulating squirmers with multiparticle collision dynamics,
European Physical Journal E 41, 61 (2018).
D. Matsunaga, F. Meng, A. Zöttl, R. Golestanian, and J. M. Yeomans
Focusing and Sorting of Ellipsoidal Magnetic Particles in Microchannels,
Physical Review Letters 119, 198002 (2017).
A. K. Balin, A. Zöttl, J. M. Yeomans, and T. N. Shendruk,
Biopolymer dynamics driven by helical flagella,
Physical Review Fluids 2, 113102 (2017).
J. Blaschke, M. Maurer, K. Menon, A. Zöttl, and H. Stark,
Phase separation and coexistence of hydrodynamically interacting microswimmers,
Soft matter 12, 9821 (2016).
A. Zöttl and H. Stark
Emergent behavior in active colloids,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28, 253001 (2016).
K. Schaar, A. Zöttl, and H. Stark
Detention times of microswimmers close to surfaces: Influence of hydrodynamic interactions and noise,
Physical Review Letters 115, 038101 (2015).
A. Zöttl and H. Stark
Hydrodynamics Determines Collective Motion and Phase Behavior of Active Colloids in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Confinement,
Physical Review Letters 112, 118101 (2014).
A. Zöttl and H. Stark,
Periodic and quasiperiodic motion of an elongated microswimmer in Poiseuille flow,
European Physical Journal E 36, 4 (2013).
S. Uppaluri, N. Heddergott, E. Stellamanns, S. Herminghaus, A. Zöttl, H. Stark, M. Engstler, and T. Pfohl
Flow loading induces oscillatory trajectories in a bloodstream parasite,
Biophysical Journal 103, 1162 (2012).
A. Zöttl and H. Stark,
Nonlinear Dynamics of a Microswimmer in Poiseuille Flow,
Physical Review Letters 108, 218104 (2012).