Univ. Prof. Dr. Gottfried Biewer
Department of Education
Research Unit: Special Needs and Inclusive Education
Vocational Participation of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities
(Duration: 01.02.2008 – 31.01.2013)
Function: Principal Investigator
Financed by Austrian Science Fund – FWF Project number: P 20021

In recent years, research on aspects of the post-educational life of people with an intellectual disability has become increasingly prominent within the scientific discourse of Special Needs and Inclusive Education and related disciplines. Bringing an end to the marginalisation of the topic this development was favoured, amongst other things, by a change of perspective towards self-determination and social inclusion, which is beginning to manifest itself both in the field of research and in pedagogical practice. However, so far little attention has been given to the specific meaning of experiences of participation of people with an intellectual disability, especially in the sphere of working life. The research project at hand aims at reconstructing both objectively determinable and subjectively experienced participation in the vocational biography of people with an intellectual disability. In order to achieve this goal, the transition period from "school to work" and the "working life" phase of people with an intellectual disability shall be studied with particular regard to the specific institutional situation in Austria. The study will address the questions

(i) whether and how people with an intellectual disability experience participation during the phases transition from school to work and working life and

(ii) whether or not there is a connection between experiences of participation and the perception of an individual and self-determined life design.

Focussing on these points allows to derive conclusions on the future design of support offers for participation in working life of people with an intellectual disability which are oriented on the principles of self-determination and participation.
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