P20046 Long period variables and Gaia
Project Publications
Further Activities
Final Report

a) Peer-reviewed

Lebzelter T., Hron, J. 2008, Comm.Asteroseism. 152, 178
Lebzelter T., Obbrugger M. 2009, AN 330, 390
Lebzelter T., Nowotny W., Höfner, S., et al. 2010, A&A 517 A6
Kamath D., Wood P.R., Soszynski I., Lebzelter T. 2010, MNRAS 522
Kerschbaum F., Lebzelter T., Mekul, L. 2010, A&A 524, A87
Dubath P., ..., Lebzelter T., et al. 2011, MNRAS 414, 2602
Lebzelter T. 2011, AN 332, 140
Lebzelter T., Andronache, S., IBVS 5981
Lebzelter T., Wood P.R., A&A 529, A137
Lebzelter T. 2011, A&A 530 A35
Lorenz D., Lebzelter T., Nowotny W., et al. 2011, A&A 532, A78

b) Non peer-reviewed

under construction


c) Stand-alone publications


d) Publications for the general public and other publications

Publications for the general public and other publications



With support from
FWFDer Wissenschaftsfonds