Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna
Boltzmanngasse 5, room: 3315
A-1090 Wien, Austria
Phone: +43-1-4277-739-01
E-mail: pedro.delreal(at)univie.ac.at
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/pedrodelrealwien

I am Pedro and I work at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Vienna. I am currently working with different research groups and taking care of Physik Alumni, the alumni initiative of the Faculty of Physics.
My main interests are science communication and community building.
My goal is to create narratives that not only explain scientific facts, but also focus on how science is done and who does it. To reach that objective, I experiment with innovative and engaging formats. For that, I like to bring together scientists, companies and creative professionals. If you have a vision for a project, contact me!
The research groups I work with
A selection of projects

Catching Magnons! / Wir fangen Magnonen
The webcomic “Catching Magnons!” attempts to portray the multifaceted reality of experimental research. It is a team effort, combining scientific expertise and the work of a talented group of creatives. The end product is an interactive webcomic (this includes games, animations and soundtrack) that can be easily read from mobile devices.
My contribution to the comic has been:
a) Original idea
b) Project coordination
c) Text (together with Fabian Lang)

Physik Alumni
With the initiative Physik Alumni, the Faculty of Physics is trying to bring current and former students together. Now we use different platforms to keep our alumni up-to-date with what is going on at the Faculty, invite them to different activities and networking events, and open communication between them and current students. For the latter, we want to assist and guide on the many challenges and opportunities they will tackle once they obtain their degree in Physics. We want to actively listen to their questions and doubts to create a program that meets their needs. For that, we rely on alumni to come back to the Faculty and share their experiences with current students.
Keep up to date with the project on these channels:
a) Website
b) LinkedIn
c) Newsletter

With the handle @nanomagvie, I coordinated the social media presence of the NanoMag at U of Vienna. There I have been experimenting with different formats and skills. On YouTube, the focus has been on brining lectures to a global, interested audience and experimenting with the format Shorts. Instagram should play a role in dissemination work and showing the people that work at the group.