
ˆ - caret, Zirkumflex
- Slash, Schrägstrich, Bruchstrich (manchmal auch Solidus genannt)
˜ - tilde
" - double quotes
Alt-Gr - alternate graphics
Ctrl - Control
Strg - Steuerung


\ Probability Mass Function < tr> td>Time To Live
ABC - Abstract Base Classes
ABNF - Advanced Backus-Naur Form
ACID - Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
ACF - Applied Collection Framework
ACL - Access Control List
ADC - Analog-Digital Converter
ADT - Abstract Data Types
AES - Advanced Encryption Standard
ALG - Application Level Gateway
aka - as known as
AOCL - AMD Optimized CPU Library
APT - Advanced Packaging Tool
ARIA - Accessible Rich Internet Application
ARP - Adress Resolution Protocol
ARPA - Advanced Research Projects Agency
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit
AST - Abstract Syntax Tree
ATA - Advanced Technology Attachement
ATM - Automated Teller Machine
ATM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode
AVD - Android Virtual Device
AWS - Amazon Web Services
BASH - Bourne Again SHell
BASIC - Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BBT - Big Bang Theory
BCPL - Basic Combined Programming Language
BDFL - Benevolent Dictator For Life
BGP - Border Gate Protocol
BIF - Built-In-Function
BIND - Berkely Iinternet Name Domain Service
BIOS - Basic Input/Output System
BLAS - Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines
BMC - Baseboard Management Controller
BND - BundesNachrichtenDienst
BNF - Backus-Naur Form
BPF - Berkeley Packet Filter
BSD - Berkely Software Distribution
BSI - Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informatik
CAE - Common Application Interface
CARP - Common Address Redundancy Protocol
CCC - Chaos Computer Club
CCTA - Central Computing and Telecommunications Agency
CD - Compact Disc
CEO - Chief Executive Officer
CERT - Computer Emergenzy Response Team
CEST - Central European Summer Time
CET - Central European Time
CFQ - Completely Fair Queuing
CFS - Cryptographic FileSystem
CIDR - Classless InterDomain Routing
CIFS - Common Internet File System
CIO - Chief Information Officer
CIR - Cisco Commited Information Rate
CLI - Command Line Interface
CMDB - Configuration Management DataBase
CNA - Customer Name and Address
CND - Computer Network Defense
COM - Component Object Model
CPU - Central Processing Unit
CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check
CSN - Change Sequence Number
CSS - Cascading Style Sheets
CSU - Cloud Solution Provider
CSV - Comma Separated Values
DAC - Digital-Analog Converter
DAU - Dümmster Anzunehmender User
DBMS - DataBase Manager
DDL - Data Definition Language
DDR - Double Data Rate
DDS - Dewey Decimal System
DES - Data Encryption Standard
DFT - Discrete Fourier Transform
DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DIMM - Dual Inline Memory Module
DMA - Direct Memory Access
DMI - Direct Media Iinterface
DNS - Domain Name Service
DOM - Document Object Model
DRAM - Dynamic Random Access Memory
DRR- Debug Register Rootkits
DRY - Don't Repeat Yourself
DSP - Digital Signal Processing
DSP - Domain b>Specific Language
DTP - Dynamic Trunking Protocol
DVCS - Distributed Versioning Control System
DVD - Digital Versatile Disk
DVI - DeVice Independent
ECFS/td> - Extended Core File Snapshot
EAR - Export Administration Regulations
ECN - Explicit Congestion Notifications
EEPROM - Electronically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
ELF - Executable and Linking Format
ELT - Extremely Large Telescope
EMI - ElectroMagnetic Interference
EOF - End Of File
EOL - End Of Life
EOT - End Of Transfer
EOT - Embedded OpenType
ER - Entity Relationship
ERST - Error Record Serialization Table
ESA - EinlagenSicherung Austria
ETF - Earliest TxTime First
ETL - Extraction, Transformation, Load
ETW - Event Tracing Windows
EULA - End User Licence Agreement
EVA - Eingabe, Verarbeitung, Ausgabe
EVE - Elektronische VerpflichtungsEerkl¨arung
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
FDDI - Fiber Distributed Data Interface
FDR - Full Data Rate
FFT - Fast Fourier Transform
FIN - FINal flag
FLOSS - Free/Libre Open Source Software
FOSS - Free and Open Source Software
FPC - Full Package Capture
FPU - Floating Point Unit
FQDN - Fully Qualified Domain Name
FTP - File Transfer Protocol
gcc - GNU Compiler Collection
GCP - Google Cloud Platform
GDB - GNU Debugger
GIF - Graphics Interchange Format
GIL - Global Interpreter Lock
GNFS - General Number Field Sieve
GNU - GNU's Not Unix
GPG - GNU Privacy Guard
GPL - GNU Public Licence
GPT - GUID Pattern Table
GSM - Global System for Mobile Communication
GUI - Graphical User Interface
HAC - High Availability Computing
HIDS - Host Intrusion Detection System
HKP - Horowitz Key Protocol
HL - Header Length
HMI - Human Machine Interface
HPA - Hardware Protected Area
HPC - High Performance Computing
HSL - Hue, Saturation, Lightness
HTC - High Throughput Computing
HTML - Hyper-Text Markup Language
HTTP - Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol
IANA - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol
IDE - Integrated Drive Electronics
IDLE - Integrated Development Environment
IDM - IDentitiy Management System
IDS - Intrusion Detection System
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force
IFS - Internal Field Separator
IMEI - International Media Equipment Identity
IMSI - International Mobile Subscriber Identity
IP - Internet Protocol
IPAM - IP Address Management
IPC - Inter Process Communication
IPO - Input, Process, Output
IRQ - Interrupt ReQuest
ISBN - International Standard Book Number
ISA - Industry Standard Architecture
ISE - Independent Security Evaluations
ISN - Initial Sequence Number
ISO - ISOS (International Organization for Standardisation)
ISO - Interface Status Object
ISR - Interrupt Service Routine
IT - Information Technology
ITIL - IT Infrastructure Library
JSON - JavaScript Object Notation
KDC - Key Distribution Center
KDD - Knowledge Discovery of Databawes
KIA - Kings Indian Attack
LACP - Link Aggregation Control Protocol
LAN - Local Area Network
LED - Light Emiting Diode
lilo - linux loader
LISP - LISt Processing
LLDP - Link Layer Discovery Protocol
LLGP - Linux Live Game Project
LML - Log Monitoring Lackey
LTI - Linear Time Invariant
LTM - Local Transfer Manager
LTS - Long Term Support
LUKS - Linux Unified Key Setup
LVM - Logical Volume Manager
MAC - Media Access Control
MCLA - Multi Chassis Link Aggregation
MDA - Mail Delivery Agent
MIB - Management Information Base
MIPS - Million Instructions Per Second
MMU - Memory Management Unit
MRO - Method Resolution Order
MTA - Mail Transfer Agent
MTD - Maximum Transmission Distances
MTU - Maximum Transfer Unit
MUA - Mail User Agent
MVC - Model-View-Controller
NAPALM - Network Administration and Programmability Abstraction Layer with Multivendor support NAS - Network Access Storage
NASM - Netwide ASseMbler
NCPA - Nagios Cross Platform Agent
NFA - Nondeterministic Finite Automata
NFS - Network FileSystem
NFV - Network Functions Virtualization
NHC - Node Health Check
NIC - Network Interface Card
NIST - National Iinstitute of Standards and Technology
NLP - Natural Language Processing
NMAP - Network MAPER
NOC - Network Operations Center
NNTP - Network News Transfer Protocol
NOP - No OPeration
NSE - Nmap Scripting Engine
NTP - Network Time Protocol
NSA - National Security Agency
NUMA - Non Uniform Memory Access
NVRAM - Non Volatitle RAM
OBS - Open Build System
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
OID - Object IDentity
OCR - Optical Character Recognition
OIS - Optical Image Stabilization
OLPC - One Laptop Per Child
OOA - Object Oriented Analysis
OOD - Object Oriented Design
OODA - Observe, Orient, Decide, Act
OOP - Object Oriented Programming
ORM - Object Relational Maps
OSCE - Offensive Security Certified Expert
OSPF - Open Shortest Path First
PAM - Privileged Access Management
PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect
pcre - Perl compatible regular expression
PDA - Personal Digital Assistant
PDF - Probability Density Function
PDU - Protocol Data Unit
PE - Parallel Environment
PEP - Python Enhancement Proposal
PFS - Perfect Forward Secrecy
PGP - Pretty Good Privacy
PKI - Public Key Infrastructure
PMC - Power Meter Capabilities
POSIX - Portable Operating System Iinterface
PPD - PostScript Printer Description
PRAM - Parallel Random Access Machine
printf - print formatted
PIC - Programmable Interrupt Controller
PID - Process ID
PIN - Personal Identification Number
PPA - Personal Package Archive
PPM - Parts Per Million
PRNG - Pseudo RandomNumber Generator
PS1 - Prompt String 1
PSH - PuSH flag
PXE - Preboot EXecution Environment
PYPI - PYthon Package Index
QCOW2 - Quick Copy On Write
QDR - Quad Data Rate
QPI - Quick Path Interconnect
RAD - Rapid Application Development
RAID - Redundant Array on Inexpensive Disks
RAM - Random Access Memory
RANCID - Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ
RBAC - Role-Based Access Control
RCMAC - Recent Change Memory Authorization Center
RDMA - Remote Direct Memoery Access
REPL - Read Eval Print Loop
REST - REpresentational State Transfer
RFC - Request For Comment
RGB - Red Green Blue
RIA - Rich Internet Application
RNA - Realtime Network Awareness
ROI - Return On Investment
ROM - Read Only Memory
RRD - Round Robin Database
RSA - Rivest, Shamir and Adleman
RSO - Radio Symphonie Orchester
RSS - Really Simple Syndication
RST - ReSeT flag
RWD - Responsive Web Design
SA - System Administrator
SAML - Security Assertion Markup Language
SAN - Storage Area Network
SASL - Simple Authentication and Security Layer
SATA - Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
SAX - Simple API for XML
SBL - Spam Blackhole List
SCSI - Small Computer System Interface
SDK - Software Development Kit
SDN - Software Defined Networking
SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
SDN - Software Defined Networking
SEC - Simple Event Correlator
SED - Stream EDitor
SEO - Search Engine Optimization
SGML - Standard Generalized Markup Language
SHA - Secure Hash Algorithm
SIF - Singularity Image Format
SIG - Special Interest Group
SIM - Subscriber Identity Module
SLAs - Service Level Agreements
SMS - Short Message Service
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol
SOA - Start Of Authority
SOC - System On Chip
SOE - Standard Operating Environment
SOF - Start Of Frame
SORP - Sonic Open Kang Project
SOS - Save Our Souls
SOTW - Sig Of The Weak
SPAN - Switched Port ANalyzer
SPEC - Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
SRAM - Static Random Access Memory
SRI - Stanford Research Institute
SRP - Single Responsibility Principle
SSH - Secure SHell
SSL - Secure Socket Layer
SSO - Single Sign-On
SSP - Signaling System Protocol
STP - Spanning Tree Protocol
STR - Suspend To RAM
SUN - Stanford University Network
SUS - Single Unix Specification
SVD - Singular Value Decomposition
SYN - SYNchronized (sequence numbers flag)
TAB - Technical Advisory Board
TAR - Tape ARchiver
TCBS - Tea Club and Barrovean Society
TCL - Tool Command Language
TCO - Total Cost of Ownership
TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
TDD - Test Driven Development
TLD - Top Level Domain
TMSI - Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity
TOS - Type Of Service
TTS - Text-To-Speech
UDP - User Datagram Protocol
UEFI - Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
ULP - Upper Layer Protocol
UML - Unified Modeling Language
UNC - Uniform Naming Convention
UPC - Universal Product Code
UPS - Uninterruptable Power Supply
URG - URGent pointer flag
URI - Uniform Resource Identifier
URL - Uniform Resource Locator
USSD - Unstructured Supplementary Services Data
UUID - Universally Unique IDentifier
VCS - Version Contol System
VDI - Verein Deutscher Ingenieure
VIM - Visual IMproved
VLSM - Variable Length Subnet Mask
VNC - Virtual Network Computing
VPN - Virtual Private Network
VOIP - Voice Over Internet Protocol
WAI - Web Accessibility Initiative
WEP - Wired Equivalent Privacy
widgets - window gadgets
WOL - Wake On Lan
WSGI - WebServer Gateway Interface
XML - eXtensible Markup Language
YAML - YAML Ain't Markup Langugae
YUM - Yellowdog Update Modifier
YOLO - You Only Live Once
ZIP(-Code) - Zone Improvement Plan