P-15642 Photorefraction in centrosymmetric crystals for photonics
Project Publications
Further Activities
Final Report

Further Activities

Further projects related to this topic:
  • "Photonic structures from Polymer-Liquid Crystal composites", (M. Fally, I. Drevenšek Olenik et al.) ÖAD, WTZ Slovenia-Austria 2007-2008
  • "Holographic polymer-dispersed liquid crystals for photonics", (M. Fally) FWF, P-18988-PHY, 2006-2009
  • "Light-induced structures for (ultra)cold neutron optics", (R. A. Rupp) FWF P20265 start: 2008 (duration 3 years)
  • "Photorefractive materials and phenomena for light and neutrons", (M. Fally & L. Kovács et al.) ÖAD, WTZ Hungary-Austria, start: 2004-2006
  • "Holographic recording in photo-polymerizable liquid crystalline media", (M. Fally & I. Drevenšek et al.) ÖAD, WTZ Slovenia-Austria, start: 2004-2006

With support from
FWFDer Wissenschaftsfonds