Maciej Maliborski #
Welcome to my homepage. I am a postdoc (Universitätsassistent) at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna.
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Vita #
Under this link you may find my curriculum vitae.
Contact #
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-51560 F: +43-1-4277-9515
Email: Maciej dot Maliborski at univie dot ac dot at
Research interests #
My current research interests include:
- various aspects of General Relativity (turbulent dynamics of asymptotically AdS spaces and `confined gravity’ models, dynamics of nonlinear waves on bounded domains, critical phenomena in gravitational collapse, singularities, Einstein-Vlasov system),
- numerical relativity,
- numerical methods for partial differential equations,
- numerical analysis.
More specifically, I use numerical methods and analytical techniques to get insight into the structure of solutions to the nonlinear evolution equations (like the Einstein equation).
Publications #
My PhD thesis is posted on arXiv: M. Maliborski, “Dynamics of
Nonlinear Waves on Bounded Domains”, Jagiellonian University,
November 2014
For all of my recent papers see inSPIRE (physics) or arXiv (physics+math).
Preprints #
F. Ficek, M. Maliborski, “Instability of nonlinear scalar field on strongly charged asymptotically AdS black hole background”,
P. Bizoń, J. Jendrej, M. Maliborski, “Multi-soliton solutions for equivariant wave maps on a 2+1 dimensional wormhole”,
F. Ficek, M. Maliborski, “Trees, trunks, and branches – bifurcation structure of time-periodic solutions to \(u_{tt}-u_{xx}\pm u^{3}=0\) ”,
F. Ficek, M. Maliborski, “Periodic Solutions for the 1d Cubic Wave Equation with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions”,
D. Fajman, M. Maliborski, M. Ofner, T. Oliynyk, Z. Wyatt, “Phase transition between shock formation and stability in cosmological fluids”,
P. Bizoń, M. Maliborski, “Comment on a regular black hole with Yang-Mills hair”,
M. Maliborski, A. Rostworowski, “A comment on ‘Boson stars in AdS’”,
Refereed papers #
F. Ficek, M. Maliborski, “Dynamics of nonlinear scalar field with Robin boundary condition on the Schwarzschild–Anti-de Sitter background”, Phys. Rev. D 109, 044015 (2024),
J. Kurzweil, M. Maliborski, “Resonant dynamics and the instability of the box Minkowski model” Phys. Rev. D 106, 124020 (2022),
P. Bizoń, B. Cownden, M. Maliborski, “Characteristic approach to the soliton resolution” Nonlinearity 35, 4585 (2022),
P.T. Chruściel, Sk J. Hoque, M. Maliborski, T. Smołka, “On the canonical energy of weak gravitational fields with a cosmological constant \(\Lambda\in\mathbb{R}\) ” Eur. Phys. J. C 81, 696 (2021),
D. Fajman, G. Heißel, M. Maliborski, “On the oscillations and future asymptotics of locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi type III cosmologies with a massive scalar field”, Class. Quantum Gravity 37, 135009 (2020),
P.T. Chruściel, M. Maliborski, N. Yunes, “Structure of the singular ring in Kerr-like metrics”, Phys. Rev. D 101, 104048 (2020),
P. Bizoń, M. Maliborski, “Dynamics at the threshold for blowup for supercritical wave equations outside a ball”, Nonlinearity 33, 3195 (2020),
P. Bizoń, D. Hunik-Kostyra, M. Maliborski, “AdS Robin solitons and their stability”, Class. Quantum Gravity 37, 105010 (2020),
I. Glogić, M. Maliborski, B. Schörkhuber, “Threshold for blowup for the supercritical cubic wave equation”, Nonlinearity 33, 2143 (2020),
H. Barzegar, P.T. Chruściel, M. Hörzinger, M. Maliborski, L. Nguyen, “Remarks on the energy of asymptotically Horowitz-Myers metrics”, Phys. Rev. D 101, 024007 (2020),
M. Maliborski, O. Rinne, “Critical phenomena in the general spherically symmetric Einstein-Yang-Mills system”, Phys. Rev. D 97, 044053 (2018),
P. Biernat, P. Bizoń, M. Maliborski, “Threshold for blowup for equivariant wave maps in higher dimensions”, Nonlinearity 30, 1513 (2017),
P. Bizoń, B. Craps, O. Evnin, D. Hunik, V. Luyten, M. Maliborski, “Conformal Flow on \(S^3\) and Weak Field Integrability in AdS \(_4\) ”, Commun. Math. Phys. 353, 1179 (2017),
P. Bizoń, M. Maliborski, A. Rostworowski, “Resonant dynamics and the instability of anti-de Sitter spacetime”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 081103 (2015),
M. Maliborski, A. Rostworowski, “What drives AdS spacetime unstable?”, Phys. Rev. D 89, 124006 (2014),
M. Maliborski, A. Rostworowski, “Time-Periodic Solutions in an Einstein AdS–Massless-Scalar-Field System”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 051102 (2013),
M. Maliborski, “Instability of Flat Space Enclosed in a Cavity”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 221101 (2012),
P. Bizoń, T. Chmaj, M. Maliborski, “Equivariant wave maps exterior to a ball”, Nonlinearity 25, 1299 (2012),
Proceedings #
- M. Maliborski, A. Rostworowski, “Turbulent Instability of Anti-de Sitter Space-time”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 28, 1340020 (2013),
Posters #
“Dynamics of nonlinear scalar field with Robin BC in SAdS and RNAdS”, with F. Ficek, Black Holes Inside and Out, Copenhagen 26-30 August, 2024
“On moving mesh method applied to critical collapse”, AEI, 2016
“Instability of anti-de Sitter spacetime–resonant approximation”, AEI, 2016