Hiring Humans, Not Resources – How to Bring Humanity to Hiring

Have you ever reflected on your hiring processes? Have you ever thought of radically changing your mindset and the way you are hiring new employees? The Ready offers an inspiring way of thinking about these processes; however not only on the “how”, but on the attitude on what it does mean for the whole organization. They suggest a human-centric/humanistic approach to one of the most delicate and important processes of a company. It is not primarily based on skills and roles, but on the purpose and a guiding question: “How can we make hiring more about humans and less about resources?”

https://cms.megaphone.fm/channel/bravenewwork?selected=TR1177548120 (Podcast)

Ending the Tyranny of the Measurable

These days ask for reflecting on many of our dearly held mental models and assumptions. Being confronted with a situation like ours right now, shows us that—besides all numbers irritating our minds—there is a lot more behind these numbers and that the non-measurable, the qualities,  becomes even more important. Today, we invite you to question one key assumption in our organizational lives: “You can’t manage what you can’t measure”


Why strategy under high levels of uncertainty can be thriving

Prediction lies at the heart of every process of planning and strategy. It is essential for any organization. However—as we are experiencing right now—there exist situations where we are far from being able to make predictions even for the next few weeks. This article develops four levels of uncertainty and shows how we might deal with what the authors refer to “residual uncertainty”. Interestingly, level 4 uncertainties (i.e., the highest level of uncertainty) — in many cases — offer higher returns and lower risks for companies seeking to shape the market…


On Futures Literacies

Most academic and business curricula offer a good training in analytical thinking, critical thinking, planning, or making predictions. Although these skills are somehow concerned with “future issues”, they are implicitly or explicitly based on the assumption that the status-quo and/or on extrapolating past experiences or trends into the future can predict the future. However, our current world is highly unpredictable and follows an exponential dynamic leading to a high level of uncertainty (“VUCA world”). It can be shown that these classic tools simply do not work any longer in such an environment. Riel Miller at al. introduces the concept of futures literacy as a discipline of anticipation, which can be trained and refined to establish familiarity with the unfamiliar and with an unknown and uncertain future. This article develops this discipline and shows why it is key for any business and innovation process having the aspiration to shape the future in a thriving manner.


See also R.Millers (open source) book on “Transforming the future” https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000264644