

  • F. Foutel–Rodier, E. Schertzer, J. Tourniaire 
    Convergence of spatial branching processes to α-stable CSBPs: Genealogy of semi-pushed fronts
    arXiv:2402.05096 (2024)
  • G. Achaz, E. Schertzer
    Weak genetic draft and the Lewontin’s paradox
  • E. Schertzer, A. Wences
    Relative vs absolute fitness in a population genetics model. How stronger selection may promote genetic diversity
    arXiv:2301.07762 (2023)


  • A. Gonzales Casanova, V. Miro Pina, E. Schertzer, A. Siri-Jigousse.
    The stochastic speed of coming down from infinity for general Dirichlet Xi-coalescents.
    Electronic Journal of Probability (2024)
  • F. Boenkost, F. Foutel-Rodier, E. Schertzer.
    The genealogy of a nearly critical branching processes in varying environment.
    Annales of IHP (2024)
  • JJ Duschamps, F. Foutel-Rodier, E. Schertzer.
    General epidemiological models: Law of large numbers and contact tracing.
    Electronic Journal of Probability (2024)
  • E. Schertzer, F. Simatos
    Height and contour processes of Crump-Mode-Jagers forests (III): The binary, homogeneous universality class.
    Annales of IHP (2024) 
  • E. Schertzer, J. Tourniaire
    Spectral analysis and k-spine decomposition of inhomogeneous branching Brownian motions. Genealogies in fully pushed fronts
    Annals of Probability (2024)
  • E. Couvert et al.
    Opening the species box: What microscopic parsimonious models of speciation have to say about macroevolution
    Journal of Evolutionary Biology (2024)
  • F. Foutel-Rodier. E. Schertzer.
    Convergence of genealogies through spinal decomposition with an application to population genetics.
    Probability Theory and related Fields (2023)
  • P. Czuppon, E. Schertzer, F. Blanquart, F. Debarre. The stochastic dynamics of early epidemics: probability of establishment, initial growth rate, and infection cluster size at first detection. J. Royal Society Interface (2021).
  • F. Foutel-Rodier et al. From individual-based epidemic models to McKendrick-von Foerster PDEs: A guide to modeling and inferring COVID-19 dynamics. Accepted in Journal of Mathematical Biology. Available at arXiv:2007.09622 (2020)
  • F. Foutel–Rodier. A. Lambert, E. Schertzer.
    Kingman’s coalescent with erosion.
    Electronic Journal of Probability 25 (2020).
  • F. Cordero, S. Hummel, E. Schertzer.
    General selection models: Bernstein duality and minimal ancestral structures.
    Accepted in Annals of Applied Probability (2021).
  • V. Miro Pina, A. Lambert, E. Schertzer.
    Chromosome painting.
    Annals of Applied Probability 31.2 (2021)
  • F. Foutel–Rodier, A. Lambert, E. Schertzer.
    Exchangeable coalescents, ultrametric spaces, nested interval-partitions: A unifying approach.
    Accepted in Annals of Applied Probability (2021).
  • A. Lambert, E. Schertzer.
    Coagulation-transport equations and the nested coalescents. 
    Probability Theory and Related Fields. p. 1-71. 2018
  • E. Schertzer, F. Simatos.
    Height and contour processes of Crump-Mode-Jagers forests (II): The Bellman-Harris universality class.
    Electronic Journal of Probability. 24, 2019.
  • E. Schertzer, R. Sun.
    Perturbations of supercritical oriented percolation and sticky Brownian webs. To appear in the Festschrift in honor of Prof. Charles M. Newman’s 70th birthday.
  • E. Schertzer, C.A. Staver.
    Fire spread and the issue of community- level selection in the evolution of flammability.
    J R Soc Interface. 15, 2018.
  • V. Miro Pina, E. Schertzer.
    How does geographic distance translate into genetic distance.
    Stochastic Processes and Applications. 10, p. 3893-3921, 2019.
  • G. Achaz, A. Lambert, E. Schertzer.
    The sequential loss of allelic diversity.
    Festschrift in the honor of Peter Jagers. Advances in Applied Probability. 50, p. 13-29, 2018.
  • E. Schertzer, F. Simatos.
    Height and contour processes of Crump-Mode-Jagers forests (I): general distribution and scaling limits in the case of short edges.
    Electronic  Journal of Probability, 2018.
  • A. Lambert, E. Schertzer.
    Recovering the Brownian Coalescent Point Process from the Kingman Coalescent by Conditional Sampling.
    Bernoulli.  1, p. 148-173, 2018.
  • E. Schertzer.
    Renewal Structure of the Brownian Taut String. 
    Stoch. Proc. and their Appl. 128, p 487-504, 2018.
  • C. Newman,  K. Ravishankar, E. Schertzer.
    Perturbations of the Voter Model in One-Dimension.
    Electronic Journal of Probability. 22,  2017.
  • E. Schertzer, R. Sun,  J. Swart.
    The Brownian web, the Brownian net, and their universality.
    Advances in Disordered. Systems, Random Processes and Some Applications. Cambridge University Press. p 27-368, 2017.
  • A. Hartnett, E. Schertzer, I. Couzin, S.A. Levin.
    Heterogeneous Preference and Local Nonlinearity in Consensus Decision-Making.
    Phys. Rev. Let. 116, 2016.
  • A. Berdahl, C.J. Torney, E. Schertzer, S.A. Levin.
    On the evolutionary interplay between dispersal and local adaptation in heterogeneous environments.
    Evolution, 69 (6), p. 1390-1405, 2015
  • E. Schertzer
    Trimming a Tree and the Two-Sided Skorohod Reflection.
    Alea. 12, p 8111-834, 2015
  • C. Newman,  K. Ravishankar, E. Schertzer.
    The Brownian Net with Killing.
    Stoch. Proc. and their Appl., 125, p. 1148-1194,  2015.
  • E. Schertzer, C.A. Staver, S.A.  Levin
    Implications of the spatial dynamics of fire spread for the bistability of savanna and forest.
    J Math Biol. 70, p 329-34, 2015.
  • E. Schertzer, R. Sun, J. Swart.
    Stochastic flows in the Brownian web and net.
    A.M.S. Memoirs. 227, 2014.
  • C.M. Newman, K. Ravishankar, E. Schertzer.
    Marking the (1,2) points of the Brownian web and applications.
    Ann. Inst. H. Poincar\’e. Probab. Stat. 46, 537-574, 2010.
  • E. Schertzer, R. Sun, J.Swart.
    Special points of the brownian net.
    Electronic Journal of Probability. 14, 805-864, 2009.
  • L.R.G. Fontes, C.M. Newman, K. Ravishankar, E. Schertzer
    Exceptional times for the dynamical discrete web.
    Stoch. Processes and their Application. 119, 2832–2858, 2009.