My scope of interest and expertise cover:
– African Linguistics (African language structures and situations)
– African diasporas/Africa – China relations/Global African studies
– Documentation and revitalization of African languages and literatures
– Health Humanities
Teaching activities at the Universities of Hong Kong & Vienna
* Advances in Theoretical African Linguistics
* Advances in African Linguistic and Literary Studies
* African Poetry Workshop
* Languages and Literatures in the Social Contexts
* Fundamentals of Grammatical Analysis
* Dagaare and the Mabia Languages
* Interdisciplinary Research Methods in the Humanities
* Foundations in African Studies
* Education field trip to an African country
* African studies workshop
* Proficiency Course in an African Language
* Introduction to African linguistics
* Africa-China Relations
* Globalization: African Experiences
* Introduction to Linguistics (co-teaching with other staff members)
* Language in the Contemporary World (co-teaching with other staff members)
* Language and Literacy in the Information Age
* Lexical-Functional Grammar
* Language and IT
* Grammatical Description
* French Syntax and Universal Grammar
* Swahili Structure and Universal Grammar
* Syntactic Theory
* Field Trip (co-teaching with other staff members)
* Research Methods in Linguistics (co-teaching with other staff members)
Computational Lexicography
* Readings in the Syntax of Language Acquisition
* Grammar: Theories and Applications
* Introduction to Cognitive Science (Linguistics component)
* Beginners Course in Dagaare
* Basic Swahili Sentence Structures
* The Structure of West African Languages