- ....1.1
- Quantities such as and are
often called process variables.
- ... space''.2.1
- The term is
probably due to Paul Ehrenfest who in his classical book
on Statistical Mechanics refers to -space, or ``molecular'' space as opposed to , or ``gas'' space (see
Chapter 3 below).
- ...
- In an MD simulation not only the total energy but
also the total momentum is conserved; this should be kept
in mind when comparing simulation results to theoretical statements.
Actually, the four conditions
and , would define a -dimensional
spherical shell in velocity space. However, for sufficiently numerous
particles () this detail may be neglected, and we can
base the argumentation just on the condition
(with a -dimensional shell).
- ... size3.2
- A particularly powerful formulation of classical
mechanics, known as Hamilton's formalism, makes use of
the variables
(position and momentum)
in place of
(position and velocity.)
In this notation the phase space cells have the size