Archive: detailed course information for the summer semester 2017


Information for 040057 Macroeconometrics


·         On Monday, March 6, we fixed the date for the midterm test at Monday, April 24. Material for the test will be everything taught in class until and including (t.o.m.) April 3 (note the Easter break). This means that the material for the midterm test will correspond to the first slide section (univariate time series).

·         The first section of slides (univariate time series) has already been sent to participants, and the second section of slides (multivariate time series) is sent around during week 14. If you are interested in these slides, kindly contact me by e-mail.

·         Three files have been sent to participants that contain explained Stata code (simulating ARMA models, unit-root tests, simulating ARCH models). If you are interested in these text files, kindly contact me by e-mail.

·         The empirical project is to be reported in words by June 30, 2017. Participants are expected to use their own data (of course, this could be from sources such as Eurostat or IMF), no data are provided. The topic must be related to course contents. Particularly, static regressions will not be accepted, even if macro-economic data have been used. Remember that projects can be done in groups of up to three persons.

·         For the midterm test on April 24, a role-model test from last year is downloadable here.

·         19 students participated in the midterm test on April 24. Results have been mailed to the participants.

·         On May 5, we convened June 9 as the date for the final test.

·         The tables of significance points compiled by Phillips and Ouliaris (1990, Econometrica) can be accessed here.

·         Last year, we had this final test. It has served as a role-model test for the test on June 9.

·         In the unit of June 2, we convened that participants should receive a chance for presenting their empirical projects. We convened June 23 as the best date for such presentations. Presentations are not mandatory, but presenters will receive additional bonus points of up to 5% of the course score (yes, you could achieve more than 100% this way, but I predict very few will do so).

·         19 students participated in the test on June 9. Results have been mailed to participants.

·         In the remaining units, I will be at the usual locations from 3:00 (Monday) and from 11:30 (Friday) for consulting, primarily in connection with empirical projects by participants. In order to facilitate coordination, please inform me as soon as you know about whether you wish to present on June 23. Whether you present or not, I would also appreciate information on topics of projects and on members of project groups.

·         Here, a summary of the rules for empirical projects:

(1)   projects should be related to the course theme of macro-econometrics and should demonstrate the skills that you have acquired in this course (univariate and/or multivariate time series modeling, ARMA models as well as ARCH or cointegration, dynamic panels; static regressions receive no points, even if time-series models have been fitted to their residuals);

(2)   data are not provided: you are free to use any univariate or multivariate datasets of aggregate macroeconomic (such as GDP) or financial data (such as a stock market index) that is available to you;

(3)   the project focuses on the data and econometric aspects: economic interpretations are welcome but not required. Non-economic data may be used;

(4)   you are invited to work on your project in groups of one to three persons;

(5)   there is no restriction regarding the utilized software. It may be Stata as well as R or EViews. General-purpose statistical software may lack flexibility and required time-series commands, however, and may thus be inappropriate;

(6)   final project reports not exceeding ten pages should be submitted not later than June 30, 2017. Reports must be written in English prose, they should inform what you have been doing and why. Pure summary printouts and programming commands are not acceptable.

·         This course has now been closed. All students have been graded and the grades will show up in the relevant system soon. Students have been informed on the scores achieved by their project reports and on total scores.



Information for 040216 Macroeconomics


·         The first reasonable exam date for this course appears to be June 27, 16:45. The next exam date after that will be on October 3, 9:45.

·         Seven sections of slides for this course—on the demand side of the economy, on the supply side of the economy, on the 3-equation model, on monetary policy, on banking crises, and two sections on the open economy—have been sent to those who are registered for this course and those who have indicated their interest. In case you are interested and you are not on my list, just contact me by e-mail.

·         Note that this is a lecture course without any continuous assessment. The assessment in such courses is based on a single exam, for which you must register in advance. Registration for the course is possible but has no further consequences, except that you receive instruction material. Please do not register for exams where you do not wish to be examined. The rule is that a no-show at an exam excludes you automatically from the following exam date.

·         As a role-model exam, you can access the exam on this course from past January here. Please take into account that emphasis and course material may change over time.

·         This course has now been closed. All students have been graded and the grades are already showing in the relevant system. Students have been informed on scores and marks on their most recent exam, and further exam dates will be opened, starting from October 2017.