Boss, P. & D. Christen (2005): Report Grander water: UV absorption / water hardness. Comparison of UV absorption and total hardness of Grander treated and normal water. Berner Fachhochschule, Hochschule für Technik und Informatik Burgdorf, Fachbereich Chemie, 2005-08-25.


In the course of a comparative study of normal and Grander water, we measured UV absorption at 190, 250, and 400 nm. Eleven different water samples of convinced Grander customers and their neighbours were examined, both hot and cold. No statistically significant difference between normal and Grander-water could be found. The only deviation registered was between water stored in PE and glass bottles. Water stored in glass bottles absorbed slightly less UV at 250 nm, which however was not statistically significant.
Additionally, total hardness of the difefrent water samples was examined using Merckoquant-test stripes. Results varyied without a clear trend. The obtained results were randomly distributed.
This study falsifies the statement of Grander company that its water contains more energy and thus absorbs less UV radiation.
The Grander statement that water hardness is reduced using Grander water treatment, is falsified, too.

Download of the report (in German)...


This test was performed at a well-reputed university by certified experts with proper methods. Crucial statements regarding the effects of Grander water treatment were falsified .

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