Molecular Biology 2005

These are the hands-out for a 4-days introduction to crystallography I gave in November 2005 for the MSc/PhD Program of the University of Göttingen and the Max-Planck-Institue for Biochemistry and Experimental Medicine.

Compared to last year they were a little bit modified - in the hope of achieving improvement.

An introduction to the reciprocal lattice was completely omitted, and the part about "Processing and Scaling of Data", albeit still on the slides of day 2, was left out due to time shortage.

Print-outs for the talks

The original PDF-file contains one page per sheet, while the second form contains four pages per sheet.
Day original file size 4 pages/sheet size
Day 1 day1.pdf 3.3 MB day1_4on1.pdf 0.4 MB
Day 2 day2.pdf 1.5 MB day2_4on1.pdf 0.6 MB
Day 3 day3.pdf 2.1 MB day3_4on1.pdf 0.5 MB
Day 4 day4.pdf 2.4 MB day4_4on1.pdf 0.9 MB

Questions and their answers

These are the questions for the tutorials following each lecture. On day 4 there was a general discussion rather than questions.
Day questions size answers size
Day 1 questions_day1.pdf 39 kB answers_day1.pdf 62 kB
Day 2 questions_day2.pdf 49 kB answers_day2.pdf 54 kB
Day 3 questions_day3.pdf 39 kB answers_day3.pdf 51 kB

The files were created with pdflatex from the teTeX distribution, xfig for the drawings, and ImageMagick and the GIMP for pictures.
Tim Grüne

Last modified: Mar 25, 2020 22:29