Thomas Paul Gehrig
Recommendations for Master Thesis Proposals
- The master thesis is one of the few occasions in the curriculum, where students can select a research topic according to their own interests and preferences. The thesis signals personal interests and abilities to potential future employers and the outside world. Therefore, the choice of thesis topic needs to be carefully prepared. The first step consists in finding the right supervisor who is not willing to provide an administrative job but actually interested and willing to provide guidance on interesting topics. Accordingly, having fulfilled the first challenge in identifying a proper topic the second challenge is in trying to arise the supervisor's interest in the chosen research topic. In order to prepare a master thesis it is highly recommended to attend relevant advanced courses and/or seminars prior to applying for supervision. Seminars are usually offered on topical issues alternating between the areas of banking/financial institutions and asset pricing/market microstructure. Participation in advanced courses, however, is neither a guarantee nor a requirement for acceptance of a particular thesis proposal. The proposal itself should consist of the research question and the methodological approach envisioned to produce answers. For empirical work some prior acquaintance with the data intended for analysis is recommended. The faculty offers access to a wide range of data about asset prices, accounting and management data, macroeconomic statistics and market microstructure data (LOBSTER). Check Vienna Data Center - VDC for availability and data support. (Updated: February 2024)
SS 2026
- Master Banking and Finance:
- 040176 Asset Pricing 1 (complete markets - common posteriors)
- 040181 Advanced Finance (Research Master)/Asset Pricing II (Banking & Finance): Asset Pricing in Incomplete Markets - asymmetric information, liquidity, security design and financial innovation
- PhD Finance:
- 390047 PhD-VGSF: Advanced Market Microstructure
- 390015 SE PhD-VGSF: PhD-Research Seminar
- 390064 SE PhD-VGSF: Finance Research Seminar
WS 2025/26
- Bachelor BW / IWB:
- 040096 Special Topics in Banking and Finance: Financial Markets
- Master Banking and Finance:
- 040109 Asset Pricing 1 (complete markets - common posteriors)
- 040018 Behavioral Finance (tbc)
- 040071 SE: tba
- PhD Finance:
- 390004 SE PhD-VGSF: Finance Research Seminar
SS 2025
- Master Banking and Finance:
- 040176 Asset Pricing 1 (complete markets - common posteriors)
- 040181 Advanced Finance (Research Master)/Asset Pricing II (Banking & Finance): Asset Pricing in Incomplete Markets - asymmetric information, liquidity, security design and financial innovation
- 040321 SE: Master's Thesis Seminar
- PhD Finance:
- 390015 SE PhD-VGSF: Paper Reading - Common Ownership
- 390064 SE PhD-VGSF: Finance Research Seminar
WS 2024/25
- Bachelor BW / IWB:
- 040096 Special Topics in Banking and Finance: Financial Markets
- Master Banking and Finance:
- 040109 Asset Pricing 1 (complete markets - common posteriors)
- 040071 SE: Intermediary Asset Pricing
- PhD Finance:
- 390004 SE PhD-VGSF: Finance Research Seminar
SS 2024
- Master Banking and Finance:
- 040176 Asset Pricing 1 (complete markets - common posteriors)
- 040181 Advanced Finance (Research Master)/Asset Pricing II (Banking & Finance): Asset Pricing in Incomplete Markets - asymmetric information, liquidity, security design and financial innovation
- 040442 Advanced Market Microstructure
- PhD Finance:
- 390064 SE PhD-VGSF: Finance Research Seminar
- 390052 SE PhD-VGSF: PhD-Research Seminar
WS 2023/24
- Master Banking and Finance:
- 040176 Asset Pricing 1 (complete markets - common posteriors)
- 040029 SE: Large Investors
- 040321 SE: Master's Thesis Seminar
- PhD Finance:
- 390004 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
SS 2023
- Bachelor BW / IWB:
- 040014 Special Topics in Banking and Finance: Financial Markets
- Master Banking and Finance:
- 040176 Asset Pricing 1 (complete markets - common posteriors)
- 040181 Advanced Finance (Research Master)/Asset Pricing II (Banking & Finance): Asset Pricing in Incomplete Markets - asymmetric information, liquidity, security design and financial innovation
- 040029 SE: Resilient Business Models
- PhD Finance:
- 390064 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
WS 2022/23
- There will be no teaching this semester due to a sabbatical leave of absence.
- PhD Finance:
- 390065 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
SS 2022
- Master Banking and Finance:
- 040176 Asset Pricing 1 (complete markets - common posteriors)
- 040181 Advanced Finance (Research Master)/Asset Pricing II (Banking & Finance): Asset Pricing in Incomplete Markets - asymmetric information, liquidity, security design and financial innovation
- 040442 Advanced Market Microstructure
- 040029 SE: Big Data and Fast Securities Markets
- PhD Finance:
- 390047 PhD-VGSF: Advanced Market Microstructure
- 390015 SE PhD-VGSF: Paper Reading - Big Data and Fast Securities Markets
- 390064 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
WS 2021/22
- Bachelor BW / IWB:
- 040090 Special Topics in Banking and Finance: Financial Markets
- Master Banking and Finance:
- 040176 Asset Pricing 1 (complete markets - common posteriors)
- 040029 SE: Ownership and Asset Pricing (together with Prof. Dr. Andreas Grünbichler)
- PhD Finance:
- 390052 SE PhD-VGSF: PhD-Research Seminar
- 390004 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
SS 2021
- Master Banking and Finance:
- 040176 Asset Pricing 1 (complete markets - common posteriors)
- 040181 Asset Pricing 2 (incomplete markets - information, market participation, liquidity)
- 040018 Behavioral Finance
- 040029 SE: Economic and Financial Resiliency
- 040321 SE: Master's Thesis Seminar (formerly: Conversatorium)
- PhD Finance:
- 390064 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
WS 2020/21
- Bachelor BW / IWB:
- 040090 Special Topics in Banking and Finance: Financial Markets
- Master Banking and Finance:
- 040007 Asset Pricing 1 (complete markets - common posteriors)
- 040029 SE: Seminar Climate Risk
- PhD Finance:
- 390065 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
SS 2020
- Master Banking and Finance:
- 040442 Market Microstructure
- 040029 SE: Basel Regulation and Bank Resiliency (together with Victoria Pagowski, ÖGV)
- PhD Finance:
- 390052 SE PhD-VGSF: PhD-Research Seminar
- 390062 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
WS 2019/20
- Bachelor BW / IWB:
- 040090 Special Topics in Banking and Finance: Financial Markets
- Master Banking and Finance:
- 040007 Asset Pricing 1 (complete markets - common posteriors)
- 040007 Asset Pricing 2 (incomplete markets - information, market participation, liquidity)
- 040321 SE: Master's Thesis Seminar (formerly: Conversatorium)
- PhD Finance:
- 390015 PhD-VGSF: Paper Reading - Market Design
- 390065 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
SS 2019
- Master Banking and Finance:
- 040442 Market Microstructure I
- 040018 Behavioural Finance
- 040019 SE KFK FM FI: Special Topics in Asset Pricing
- PhD Finance:
- 390047 PhD-VGSF: Market Microstructure II
- 390065 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
WS 2018/19
- Bachelor BW / IWB:
- 040090 UK Special Topics in Banking and Finance
- Master Banking and Finance:
- 040007 Asset Pricing 1 (complete markets - common posteriors)
- 040007 Asset Pricing 2 (incomplete markets - information, market participation, liquidity)
- 040074 SE: Financial Crises and Macroprudential Supervision (in cooperation with Dr. Stefan Kerbl, Österreichische Nationalbank)
- 040321 KO: Master Conversatorium
- PhD Finance:
- 390052 SE PhD-VGSF: PhD-Research Seminar
- 390065 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
SS 2018
- No lectures because of sabbatical leave of absence.
- PhD Finance:
- 390065 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
WS 2017/18
- Bachelor BW / IWB:
- 040090 UK Special Topics in Banking and Finance
- Master Banking and Finance:
- 040007 Asset Pricing 1
- 040074 SE: MiFID II and the Structure of European Trading Places
- 040321 KO: Master Conversatorium
- PhD Finance:
- 390047 PhD-VGSF: Market Microstructure
- 390052 SE PhD-VGSF: PhD-Research Seminar
- 390065 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
SS 2017
- Master BW / IWB:
- 040638 EK KFK CF/FD/FM: Principles of Finance (4 SWS)
- 040019 SE KFK FM FI: Systemic Risk Measures (in cooperation with Dr. Martin Summer, Österreichische Nationalbank)
- PhD Finance:
- 390047 PhD-VGSF: Capital Market Theory
- 390052 SE PhD-VGSF: PhD-Research Seminar (with Leopold Sögner)
- 390065 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
WS 2016/17
- Bachelor BW / IWB:
- 040090 UK Special Topics in Banking and Finance
- Master BW / IWB:
- 040007 EK KFK FM: Financial Intermediation II
- 040074 SE KFK FM FI: Socially Responsible Investments (in cooperation with Mag. Markus Stadlmann MBA (Chicago), Lloyds Banking Group, plc., London)
- 040321 KO-QEMF: Master Conversatorium
- PhD Finance:
- 390065 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
SS 2016
- Master BW / IWB:
- 040638 EK KFK CF/FD/FM: Principles of Finance (4 SWS)
- 040019 SE KFK FM FI: High Frequency Trading in Foreign Exchange Markets (joint with Thomson Reuters Austria)
- 040075 KO QEMF: Master Conversatorium
- PhD Finance:
- 390052 SE PhD-VGSF: PhD-Research Seminar (with Leopold Sögner)
- 390047 PhD-VGSF: Market Microstructure
- 390066 SE PhD-VGSF: Paper Reading Course on Intermediation (with Klaus Ritzberger)
- 390065 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
WS 2015/16
- Bachelor BW / IWB:
- 040090 UK Special Topics in Banking and Finance
- 040017 SE Bachelorseminar (inkl. Bachelorarbeit)
- Master BW / IWB:
- 040007 EK KFK FM: Financial Intermediation (with Jörg Borrmann)
- 040074 SE KFK FM FI: Seminar Challenges for Asset Management in the Insurance Industry - Low Interest Rates and Solvency II (in cooperation with the Vienna Insurance Group)
- 040075 KO QEMF: Master Conversatorium
- PhD Finance:
- 390065 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
SS 2015
- Master BW / IWB:
- 040638 EK KFK CF/FD/FM: Principles of Finance (4 SWS)
- 040019 SE KFK FM FI: Netzwerke und systemische Risiken im Finanzsektor
- 040075 KO QEMF: Master Conversatorium
- PhD Finance:
- 390052 SE PhD-VGSF: PhD-Research Seminar (with Christian Laux)
- 390047 PhD-VGSF: Financial Crises and Financial Architecture
- 390065 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
WS 2014/15
- Master BW / IWB:
- 040442 EK KFK FM: Financial Intermediation (with Jörg Borrmann)
- 040444 SE KFK FM: Seminar High Frequency Trading
- 040075 KO QEMF: Master Conversatorium
- PhD Finance:
- 390065 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
SS 2014
- Bachelor BW / IBW:
- finanzwirtschaftliche Einheiten in der LV
040686 EK StEOP: Grundzüge der ABWL
- Master BW / IWB:
- 040019 SE KFK FM: Financial Architecture
- 040075 KO QEMF: Master Conversatorium
- PhD Finance:
- 390052 SE PhD-VGSF: PhD-Research Seminar (with Rainer Jankowitsch)
- 390047 PhD-VGSF: High Frequency Trading (with Nikolaus Hautsch)
- 390065 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
WS 2013/14
- Bachelor BW / IBW:
- finanzwirtschaftliche Einheiten in der LV
040686 EK StEOP: Grundzüge der ABWL
- Master BW / IWB:
- 040442 EK KFK FM: Financial Intermediation (with Jörg Borrmann)
- 040444 SE KFK FM: Seminar Behavioral Finance
- PhD Finance:
- 390047 PhD-VGSF: Market Microstructure
- 390065 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
SS 2013
- Bachelor BW / IBW:
- finanzwirtschaftliche Einheiten in der LV
040686 EK StEOP: Grundzüge der ABWL
- Master BW / IWB:
- 040638 EK KFK CF/FD/FM: Principles of Finance (4 SWS)
- 040019 SE KFK FM: Trading Systems
- PhD Finance:
- 390052 SE PhD-VGSF: PhD-Research Seminar (with Rainer Jankowitsch)
SS 2012
- Bachelor BW / IBW:
- finanzwirtschaftliche Einheiten in der LV
040686 EK StEOP: Grundzüge der ABWL
- Master BW / IWB:
- 040638 EK KFK CF/FD/FM: Principles of Finance (4 SWS)
- 040019 SE KFK FM: Financial Intermediation
- PhD Finance/Management:
- 390052 SE PhD-VGSF: PhD-Research Seminar (with Gyongyi Loranth and Rainer Jankowitsch)
- 390062 SE PhD-VGSF: Finance Paper Reading (with Engelbert Dockner)
- 390072 DK PhD-M: Information and Incentives (with Gyongyi Loranth)
- 390065 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
WS 2011/12
- Bachelor BW / IBW:
- finanzwirtschaftliche Einheiten in der LV
040686 EK StEOP: Grundzüge der ABWL
- Master BW / IWB:
- 040442 EK KFK FM: Market Microstructure
- 040444 SE KFK FM: Seminar
- PhD Finance:
- 390047 PhD-VGSF: Market Microstructure
- 390065 SE PhD-VGSF: Research Seminar
SS 2011
WS 2010/11