Austrian government employees and conduct of life: Project blog

Fake News 1919

Fake News 1919

  This is a find from the compilation of the laws, decrees and decisions and legal requirements of the local council, city council, municipal council of the City of Vienna, 1919. Obviously, the media were a trifle less complex then. "Berichtigung unwahrer...

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Busy times

Busy times

This is a project dealing predominantly with the past. Yet, sometimes one has to work for the future, too – e.g. by proposing a session named "Bureaucratic Interactions" for the European Social Science History Conference 2018, as I did yesterday. If the session is...

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What I found in the newspaper today …

What I found in the newspaper today …

To my surprise, I found an advertisement for the presentation of my project I will give at the department of Economic and Social History at the University of Vienna this Wednesday (9.00 a.m., anybody?) in the Vienna weekly newspaper FALTER . Surprise 1: that it is in...

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A living legend, as it were

A living legend, as it were

Yesterday I had the pleasure to meet Karl Megner in person. Being the author of the seminal works "Beamte. Wirtschafts- und sozialgeschichtliche Aspekte des k.k. Beamtentums" (Wien 1985) and  "Beamtenmetropole Wien 1500-1938: Bausteine zu einer Sozialgeschichte...

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Polemic views on government employees

Polemic views on government employees

The alleged tendency of civil servants to avoid work has become a topic of numerous works of fiction and popular jokes (e.g.: “How do civil servants play Mikado?” “The first one to move loses!”). In his lampoon from 1925 titled "The Extermination of the Civil...

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Conduct of life of Austrian government employees in the interwar period is the focus of this research project.

FWF Der Wissenschaftsfonds