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Doz.Dr.rer.nat. Tanja Rindler-Daller
Theoretical Physicist and Astronomer
University of Vienna

I am a physicist and astronomer. My research interests over the years have been diverse, within fields such as cosmological structure formation, galactic dynamics and celestial mechanics, the nature of dark matter, effects of dark matter on stellar evolution, Bose-Einstein condensates, quantum hydrodynamics, crystal growth.

After my diploma and doctoral studies in Physics and Astronomy at the University of Vienna (A), I worked as a researcher at the University of Cologne (D), the University of Texas at Austin (USA), and the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor (USA), before I returned to my Alma Mater in 2016 via fellowships of the national "Austrian Science Fund FWF". Since then, I have been doing research, teaching and mentoring at the "Institut für Astrophysik" which is located in the beautiful Vienna University Observatory. In 2021, I did my habilitation (venia docendi) in Astronomy, being a Privatdozent at the University of Vienna, see release here. I am also affiliated with the "Wolfgang Pauli Institute Vienna", where I conduct a research project on "Orbits and Vorticity in Quantum Wave Dark Matter" funded by the FWF. For details regarding my vita and a list of lectures for scientific and public audiences, see the CV link below.

Publications: see SAO/NASA ADS

Teaching: see this page

CV: short / long

Requests for expertise or lectures: tanja.rindler-daller_AT_univie.ac.at

Some of our research was highlighted in popular media:

on scalar field dark matter:

article in "New Scientist" in May 2016

article in "Daily Mail Online" in May 2016

on dark stars:

coverstory in "Astronomy Magazine" in October 2018