Minimal Phenomenal Experience

Of Hidden Springs and Endless Oceans

Ronald Sladky 1

1 University of Vienna, Austria

Minimal Phenomenal Experience Of Hidden Springs and Endless Oceans Ronald Sladky 1 1 University of Vienna, Austria Hello, my name is Ronald Sladky, I am a cognitive neuroscientist from Vienna. My day job is neuroimaging and computational modeling, mostly of the amygdala and how it could be involved in fear but also trust learning. At night, I like to think about the bigger and more interesting questions of cognitive science. This means, I am not a philosopher and I have deep respect for your profession. Please excuse, if I misapply some concepts or my reasoning is much too sloppy at times. If you find my ideas interesting, I promise I will work out the kinky edges. You see, I am very pragmatic in my approach. This is also the position, I would like to apply here. We don't know what consciousness is. We don't know how phenomenal experience arises. We don't know about the involved brain processes. However, I think we have some useful tools at hand. The active inference framework, computational modeling, neuroimaging, and phenomenological reports of subjective experiences. Those are different perspectives that we might be able to interface or use to find mutual constraints. Just to clarify: I don't assume that neurons perform computations, that cognition is computation, or that any neuroscientific theory of consciousness is really complete.