Teaching | |||||||
Gravitational Physics, Fakultät für Physik University of Vienna Boltzmanngasse 5 A 1090 Vienna, Austria phone: (+43 for Austria) (0 when calling from Austria) 1 4277 51556 email: Piotr.Chrusciel - at - univie.ac.at |
Selected (old) work:
Recent results in
mathematical relativity
plenary lecture at GR17, Dublin, July 2004 |
Strong cosmic censorship: dynamics of Gowdy space-times
research in collaboration with Myeongjou Chae
and Kayll Lake
Poor man, rich man: positive energy theorems
work in collaboration with Greg
Galloway, and Robert Bartnik
Initial data engineering: existence
asymptotically simple vacuum space-times, "many
black hole space-times", and all that research in collaboration with Robert Beig, Erwann Delay, Jim Isenberg, Daniel Pollack, Rafe Mazzeo and Richard Schoen |
Black holes: naive, quasi-local, and otherwise |
Regularity of Horizons, the Area Theorem,
and related work
research in collaboration with Erwann Delay, Joe Fu, Greg
Galloway, and Ralph Howard
vacuum spacetimes with negative cosmological
work in collaboration with Michael Anderson,
Erwann Delay and Walter Simon
Polyhomogeneous solutions of wave
equations in the radiation regime
work in collaboration with Olivier Lengard and Szymon Leski
A Hamiltonian framework for field theories
in the radiating regime written in collaboration with Jacek Jezierski and Jerzy Kijowski |
Je ne suis plus responsable à Tours de la seconde année du Master de Mathématiques Orléans-Tours "Analyse Mathématique et Applications", cette fonction a été reprise par Guy Barles