EWASS 2019: Star-formation in the time domain

We are excited to announce the “Star formation in the time domain” meeting which will be in the form of a special session during the 2019 European  Week of Astronomy and Space Science (24-28 June, 2019 in Lyon, France, https://eas.unige.ch/EWASS2019/. As hinted in the title this meeting focuses on time-variable phenomena during the star formation process. The goal is to bring together experts in theory and observations to discuss new results and possible overlaps and synergies that could help understanding star-formation variability through diverse pathways (mechanical, radiative, chemical etc). We intend to have a mix of invited and contributed talks presenting both overviews and new exciting results. The webpage of our special session can be found here: https://eas.unige.ch/EWASS2019/session.jsp?id=SS2. Beyond our session, star-formation is a central theme in EWASS this year represented with more than 4 meetings.

