jdx2jdx Norbert Haider, University of Vienna, 2003 norbert.haider@univie.ac.at This program converts JCAMP-DX data files from one format into another, using different compression methods (FIX; PAC, SQZ, DUP, DIF, DIFDUP); it is implemented as a filter (i.e., it reads from standard input and writes to standard output). Compile with fpc (Free Pascal, see http://www.freepascal.org). Usage: jdx2jdx [options] < infile > outfile where options can be: --encoding=fix|pac|sqz|dup|dif|difdup (default: fix) --columns=n (n between 2 and 16, default: 8) --xdecimals=n (n between 0 and 10, default: automatic adjustment) --ymaxinteger=n (n between 10 and 99999, default: original value) --hz2ppm (for NMR: converts spectra from Hz to ppm scale) --msrelint (for MS: prints Y values as % relative to base peak = 100%) --help (shows this page)