Selected recorded talks
- Tom Hutchcroft and Antoine Jégo on our upcoming joint work on Thick points of 4D critical branching Brownian motion, Percolation Today, October 2023 (video).
- Weyl law in Liouville quantum gravity. Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, February 2023 (video)
- On the cover time of random walks on graphs. Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, February 2023 (video)
- Harnack inequality and one-endedness of UST on reversible random graphs. Percolation Today, December 2021.
- Gaussian multiplicative chaos: from the GFF to the Brownian loop soup and back. Online Open Probability School, July 2021. Talk 1, Talk 2, and Talk 3
- Free boundary dimers: random walk representation and scaling limit, Oxford Discrete Mathematics and Probability Seminar, February 2021. (video).
- Dimers and Imaginary geometry, Joint Israeli Probability Seminar December 2020. (video).
- Random walks on random planar maps and Liouville Brownian motion, One World Probability Seminar, March 2020. (video).
RECENT and upcoming talks
Seminars: Oxford (Oct 2023), Zürich (Oct 2023), Luxembourg (Nov 2023 – 4.5hrs mini-course).
Conferences (2023-2024):
- Stochastic Analysis in Interaction summer school (Berlin Sep 2023, mini-course 6.5hrs)
- IPAM programme on Geometry, Statistical Mechanics and Integrability (Los Angeles, March 2024),
- CIRM workshop on Random Walks: Interacting, Branching, and more (April 2024),
- Oberwolfach workshop on Statistical Physics and Random Surfaces (May 2024),
- Probabilistic Field Theories (Helsinki, June 2024),
- International Congress of Mathematical Physics (ICMP) (Strasbourg, July 2024),
- Two-dimensional random geometry (Chicago, July 2024),
- Quantum Fields and Probability II (Mittag-Leffler, July 2024)
- Geometry, occupation fields, and scaling limits, (Newton Institute, Cambridge Oct 2024)
- Probabilistic methods in quantum field theory (Hausdorff Institute, Bonn, May-Aug 2025)
- PIMS Summer school in probability (Vancouver, June 2025)
Conferences organised
Markov chains Mixing Times, with Eyal Lubetzky, Roberto I. Oliveira, and Yuval Peres. Americal Institute of Mathematics, San Jose, CA, 6-10 June 2016.
Dimers Day with Benoit Laslier and Gourab Ray. In Cambridge, 23 May 2016.
Random Geometry: Together with Itai Benjamini, Jean-Francois Le Gall and Scott Sheffield I organised a 6-month long programme at the Newton Institute, Cambridge. This took place between from January to June 2015.
Geometry and Analysis of Random Processes, Cambridge 8-12 April 2013.
The Geometry of Discrete Random Structures took place 18-22 June 2012 in Warwick.