
Selected recorded talks

  1. Tom Hutchcroft and Antoine Jégo on our upcoming joint work on Thick points of 4D critical branching Brownian motion, Percolation Today, October 2023 (video).
  2. Weyl law in Liouville quantum gravity. Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, February 2023 (video)
  3. On the cover time of random walks on graphs. Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, February 2023 (video)
  4. Harnack inequality and one-endedness of UST on reversible random graphs. Percolation Today, December 2021.
  5. Gaussian multiplicative chaos: from the GFF to the Brownian loop soup and back. Online Open Probability School, July 2021. Talk 1, Talk 2, and Talk 3
  6. Free boundary dimers: random walk representation and scaling limit, Oxford Discrete Mathematics and Probability Seminar, February 2021. (video).
  7. Dimers and Imaginary geometry, Joint Israeli Probability Seminar December 2020. (video).
  8. Random walks on random planar maps and Liouville Brownian motion, One World Probability Seminar, March 2020. (video).

RECENT and upcoming talks

Seminars: Oxford (Oct 2023), Zürich (Oct 2023), Luxembourg (Nov 2023 – 4.5hrs mini-course).

Conferences (2023-2024):


Conferences organised

Markov chains Mixing Times, with Eyal Lubetzky, Roberto I. Oliveira, and Yuval Peres. Americal Institute of Mathematics, San Jose, CA, 6-10 June 2016.

Dimers Day with Benoit Laslier and Gourab Ray. In Cambridge, 23 May 2016.

Random Geometry: Together with Itai Benjamini, Jean-Francois Le Gall and Scott Sheffield I organised a 6-month long programme at the Newton Institute, Cambridge. This took place between from January to June 2015.

Geometry and Analysis of Random Processes, Cambridge 8-12 April 2013.

The Geometry of Discrete Random Structures took place 18-22 June 2012 in Warwick.