- Thick points of 4D critical branching Brownian motion (with Antoine Jégo and Tom Hutchcroft). (pdf).
- Weyl’s law in Liouville quantum gravity (with Mo Dick Wong). (pdf).
- Piecewise Temperleyan dimers and a multiple SLE\(_8\) (with Mingchang Liu). (pdf)
- Near-critical dimers and massive SLE (with Levi Haunschmid-Sibitz). (pdf)
- On the universality of fluctuations for the cover time (with Jonathan Hermon and Lucas Teyssier). (pdf)
- A phase transition in the random transposition random walk (with Rick Durrett). (pdf)
Probab. Theor. Rel. Fields, 136, 203-233 (2006). - The hyperbolic geometry of random transpositions. (pdf)
Ann. Probab. , Vol. 34(2), 429-467 (2006). - Gibbs distribution for random partitions derived from a fragmentation process (with Jim Pitman). (pdf)
J. Stat. Phys., (2), 381-418 (2007). - Beta-coalescents and continuous stable random trees (with Julien Berestycki and Jason Schweinsberg). (pdf)
Ann. Probab. 35, 1835-1887 (2007) - Limiting behavior of the distance of a random walk (with Rick Durrett). (pdf)
Electr. J. Probab. (2008), 13, 374–395. - Small time behavior of Beta-coalescents (with Julien Berestycki and Jason Schweinsberg). (pdf)
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré (B) 44(2), 214-238 (2008). - Kingman’s coalescent and Brownian motion (with Julien Berestycki). (pdf)
Alea , 6, 239-259 (2009). - Survival, extinction and ergodicity in a spatially continuous population model (with Alison Etheridge and Martin Hutzenthaler). (pdf)
Markov Proc. Rel. Fields, 15, 265-288 (2009). Special issue “Inhomogeneous random systems”. - Recent progress in Coalescent theory. (pdf)
Ensaios Matematicos, Vol. 16, 1-193 (2009). - The Λ-coalescent speed of coming down from infinity (with Julien Berestycki and Vlada Limic). (pdf)
Ann. Probab., 38, 207-233 (2010). - Random paths with bounded local time (with Itai Benjamini). (pdf)
J. Eur. Math. Soc., 12(4), 819-854 (2010). - An integral test for the transience of Brownian paths with limited local time (with Itai Benjamini). (pdf)
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré (B), 47, 539-558 (2011). - Mixing times for random k-cycles and coalescence-fragmentation chains (with Oded Schramm and Ofer Zeitouni). (pdf)
Ann. Probab., 39(5), 1815-1843 (2011). Special volume in memory of Oded Schramm. - Emergence of giant cycles and slowdown transition in random transpositions and k-cycles. (pdf)
Electr. J. Probab., 16, 152-173 (2011). - Survival of near-critical branching Brownian motion (with Julien Berestycki and Jason Schweinsberg). (pdf)
J. Stat. Phys., 143( 5), 833-854, (2011). - Global divergence of spatial coalescents (with Omer Angel and Vlada Limic). (pdf)
Probab. Theory Rel. Fields, 152, 625-679 (2012). - Effect of scale on long-range random graphs and chromosomal inversions (with Richard Pymar). (pdf)
Ann. Appl. Prob., 22, 1328-1361 (2012). - The genealogy of branching Brownian motion with absoroption (with Julien Berestycki and Jason Schweinsberg). (pdf)
Ann. Probab., 41(2), 527-618 (2013). - Large-scale behaviour of the spatial Λ-Fleming-Viot process (with Alison Etheridge and Amandine Veber). (pdf)
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré (B), 49(2), 374-401 (2013). - Galton-Watson trees with vanishing martingale limit (with Peter Mörters, Nina Gantert and Nadia Sidorova). (pdf)
J. Stat. Phys., 155, 4, 737–762 (2014). - A small-time coupling between Λ-coalescents and branching processes (with Julien Berestycki and Vlada Limic). (pdf)
Ann. Appl Probab, 24, 2, 449-475 (2014). - Asymptotic sampling formulae for Λ-coalescents (with Julien Berestycki and Vlada Limic). (pdf)
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré, Volume 50, Number 3 (2014), 715-731. - Cycle structure of the interchange process and representation theory (with Gady Kozma). (pdf)
Bull. Soc. Math. France, Tome 143 Fascicule 2, 2015. - Critical branching Brownian motion with absorption: survival probability (with Julien Berestycki and Jason Schweinsberg). (pdf)
Probab. Theor. Related Fields, Volume 160, Issue 3, pp 489-520, December 2014. - Diffusion in planar Liouville quantum gravity. (pdf)
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré, Volume 51, Number 3 (2015), 947-964. - Critical branching Brownian motion with absorption: particle configurations (with Julien Berestycki and Jason Schweinsberg). (pdf)
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré, Volume 51, Number 4 (2015), 1215-1250. - Coalescing Brownian flows: a new approach (with Christophe Garban and Arnab Sen). (pdf)
Ann. Probab., Volume 43, Number 6 (2015), 3177-3215. - The shape of multidimensional Brunet-Derrida particle systems (with Lee Zhuo Zhao). (pdf)
Ann. Appl. Probab., Vol. 28, No. 2 (2018), 651–687. - Existence of a self-accelerating front for a nonlocal reaction-diffusion equation. (with Clément Mouhot and Gaël Raoul). (pdf)
- KPZ formula derived from Liouville heat kernel (with Christophe Garban, Rémi Rhodes, and Vincent Vargas). (pdf)
J. Lond. Math. Soc., Vol. 94, 1 (2016), 186-208. - An elementary approach to Gaussian multiplicative chaos. (pdf)
Electr. Comm. Probab., vol. 22 (2017), no.27, 1-12. - Random walks on the random graph (with Eyal Lubetzky, Yuval Peres and Allan Sly). (pdf)
Ann. Probab., Vol. 46, 1 (2018), 456-490. - Critical exponents on Fortuin–Kasteleyn weighted planar maps (with Benoit Laslier and Gourab Ray). (pdf)
Comm. Math. Phys., Vol. 355, 2 (2017), 427-462. - Random Hermitian matrices and Gaussian multiplicative chaos (with Christian Webb and Mo-Dick Wong). (pdf)
Probab. Theor. Rel. Fields, 172, 103-189 (2018). - The Rohde-Schramm theorem, via the Gaussian free field (with Henry Jackson). (pdf)
Israel J. Math. , 228, 973-999 (2018). - Cutoff for conjugacy-invariant random walks on the permutation group (with Bati Sengul). (pdf)
Probab. Theor. Rel. Fields, 173, 1197-1241 (2019). - Condensation of random walks and Wulff crystal (with Ariel Yadin). (pdf)
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré , 55(2): 835-861 (2019). - A characterisation for the Gaussian free field (with Ellen Powell and Gourab Ray). (pdf)
Probab. Theor. Rel. Fields, 176, 1259-1301 (2020). - Dimers and Imaginary Geometry (with Benoit Laslier and Gourab Ray). (pdf)
Ann. Probab., 48(1): 1-52 (2020). - A note on dimers and T-graphs (with Benoit Laslier and Gourab Ray). (pdf)
- The random walk penalised by its range in dimensions d≥3 (with Raphaël Cerf). (pdf)
Ann. Henri Lebesgue, 4, 1-79 (2021). - (1+ε)−moments suffice to characterise the GFF (with Ellen Powell and Gourab Ray). (pdf)
Electr. J. Probab., 26: 1-25 (2021). - Equivalence of Liouville measure and Gaussian free field (with Scott Sheffield and Xin Sun). (pdf)
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré (B). Probab. Statist. 59(2): 795-816 (May 2023). DOI: 10.1214/22-AIHP1280 - Random walks on mated-CRT planar maps and Liouville Brownian motion (with Ewain Gwynne). (online talk) (pdf)
Comm. Math. Phys., 395, 773–857 (2022) - Multiplicative chaos of the Brownian loop soup (with Elie Aïdékon, Antoine Jego and Titus Lupu). (pdf)
Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., Volume 126, Issue 4 (2023), Pages 1063-146. - Explosive growth for a constrained Hastings-Levitov aggregation model (with Vittoria Silvestri). (pdf)
Ark. Mat. , 61 (2023), 41–66. DOI: 10.4310/ARKIV.2023.v61.n1.a3 - Free boundary dimers: random walk representation and scaling limit (with Marcin Lis and Wei Qian). (online survey talk) (pdf)
Probab. Th. Rel. Fields., Volume 186, pages 735–812, (2023) - Harnack inequality and one-endedness of UST on reversible random graphs (with Diederik van Engelenburg). (pdf)
Probab. Th. Rel. Fields, Volume 188, pages 487–548, (2024). - Dimers on Riemann surfaces, I: Temperleyan forests. (with Benoit Laslier and Gourab Ray). (online survey talk) (pdf)
To appear in Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré D (Combinatorics, Physics and their Interactions). - Dimers on Riemann surfaces II: conformal invariance and scaling limit (with Benoit Laslier and Gourab Ray). (pdf)
To appear in Probability and Mathematical Physics.
Webpages of coauthors:
Elie Aïdékon, Omer Angel, Itai Benjamini, Julien Berestycki, Raphaël Cerf, Rick Durrett, Diederik van Engelenburg, Alison Etheridge, Nina Gantert, Christophe Garban, Ewain Gwynne, Jonathan Hermon, Tom Hutchcroft, Martin Hutzenthaler, Henry Jackson, Antoine Jego, Gady Kozma, Benoit Laslier, Vlada Limic, Marcin Lis, Eyal Lubetzky, Titus Lupu, Peter Mörters, Clément Mouhot, Yuval Peres Jim Pitman, Richard Pymar, Wei Qian, Gaël Raoul, Gourab Ray, Rémi Rhodes, Oded Schramm, Jason Schweinsberg, Arnab Sen, Bati Sengul, Scott Sheffield, Nadia Sidorova, Vittoria Silvestri, Allan Sly, Lucas Teyssier, Xin Sun, Vincent Vargas, Amandine Veber, Christian Webb, Mo-Dick Wong, Ariel Yadin, Ofer Zeitouni, Lee Zhuo Zhao.