structure of philosophy

Mapping the Structure of Philosophy

In this jupyter notebook we will investigate the macro-structure of philosophical literature, and at the end we will produce the graphic above. As a base for our investigation I have collected about fifty-thousand records from the Web of Science collection, spanning from the forties to this very day. The question of how philosophy is structured has received quite a lot of attention, albeit usually under more specific formulations, for example when people ask whether there is a divide between "analytic" and "continental" philosophy, or whether philosophy is divided more along the lines of "naturalism" and "anti-naturalism". I think that the toolkit I provide below allows to give answers to these questions. As it is purely data-driven, it is free from most prior assumptions about how philosophy is structured. And because it encompasses a rather large sample of philosophical literature, it should guide us to a point of view, that is cleared from the personal expectations that we have from our own intellectual histories.

Let us begin by loading some libraries that we will need. Here I want to draw attention to the great metaknowledge-package that makes the handling of WOS-Files so much easier.

In [1]:
import metaknowledge as mk
import pandas as pd

import numpy as np
from random import randint
import datetime

%matplotlib inline

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plt.rcParams['figure.dpi']= 130
# from matplotlib.pyplot import figure


# sns.set_context('poster')
# sns.set_style('white')
# #sns.set_color_codes()
# plot_kwds = {'alpha' : 0.25, 's' : 10, 'linewidths':0}

#For Tables:
from IPython.display import display
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)

#For R (ggplot2)
%load_ext rpy2.ipython

The WOS-Files where collected with a threefold snowball-sampling strategy. I started out with eight pretty different journals:

  • Analysis
  • The Papers of the British Society for Phenomenology
  • The Continental Philosophy Review
  • Erkenntnis
  • Ethics
  • The Journal of speculative Philosophy
  • Mind
  • Philosophical Quarterly
  • Philosophy and Social Criticism

These should provide a pretty diverse entry-point into philosophy. Of each journal I collected the 500 most cited papers, and analysed, which journals these papers cited. Of those journals I evaluated the citations of the top 500 papers of the 30 most cited journals (a total of around 15000 papers). Thus I arrived at a list of fifty philosophy journals, that should, by every sensible criterion, be a good aproximation for whatever philosophers have been interested in. I downloaded for each of this journals every record in the WOS-Database, arriving at collection of 54491 records.

Now, without further ado, lets load our raw data, filter out incomplete records and print a little summary of it.

In [2]:
date_string ="%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M")

RC = mk.RecordCollection("datanew")
In [3]:
RC2 = mk.RecordCollection()

for R in RC:
    randnr = randint(0, 4)
    if len(R.getCitations().get("author"))>=3: # and randnr==0 apply condition in order to downsample records
        #Here we kick out every paper that cites less then 3 authors. Why? because they
        #are so dissimilar from the others, that they only produce noise.  
            #R['abstract']  #Add this when working with abstracts. It removes every paper that has none. 
            #This can sometimes remove whole journals, that are archived without abstracts, so handle with care.
        except KeyError:


RC = RC2
drc = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(RC.forNLP(extraColumns=['journal','AU']))
#Build a dataframe of bibliographic data for later use.
RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 16:15:38
54491 Records from files-from-datanew

Top Authors
4 Shelah, S
8 [Anonymous]
10 Nanay, Bence
12 Turri, John
13 Douven, Igor
15 Brueckner, A
16 Brogaard, Berit

Top Journals

Top Cited
1 Lewis David, 1986, PLURALITY WORLDS
2 Quine W. V. O., 1960, WORD OBJECT
3 Rawls J., 1971, THEORY JUSTICE
4 Kripke SA., 1980, NAMING NECESSITY
5 Lewis David, 1973, COUNTERFACTUALS
6 Williamson Timothy, 2000, KNOWLEDGE ITS LIMITS
7 Van Fraassen B. C., 1980, SCI IMAGE
8 Parfit D., 1984, REASONS PERSONS
11 Lewis D., 1986, PHILOS PAPERS, VII
12 Davidson Donald, 1980, ESSAYS ACTIONS EVENT
14 Ryle Gilbert, 1949, CONCEPT MIND
15 Quine W. V., 1969, ONTOLOGICAL RELATIVI, P126
16 Woodward J., 2003, MAKING THINGS HAPPEN
17 Davidson D., 1984, INQUIRIES TRUTH INTE, P183
18 Nozick R., 1974, ANARCHY STATE UTOPIA, P36
19 Hempel C. G., 1965, ASPECTS SCI EXPLANAT
20 Putnam H., 1981, REASON TRUTH HIST
21 Scanlon T., 1998, WHAT WE OWE EACH OTH
RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 16:15:53
49235 Records from Empty

Top Authors
2 Shelah, S
8 Nanay, Bence
8 Turri, John
9 Douven, Igor
12 Carter, J. Adam
12 Brogaard, Berit
13 Machery, Edouard

Top Journals

Top Cited
1 Lewis David, 1986, PLURALITY WORLDS
2 Quine W. V. O., 1960, WORD OBJECT
3 Rawls J., 1971, THEORY JUSTICE
4 Kripke SA., 1980, NAMING NECESSITY
5 Lewis David, 1973, COUNTERFACTUALS
6 Williamson Timothy, 2000, KNOWLEDGE ITS LIMITS
7 Van Fraassen B. C., 1980, SCI IMAGE
8 Parfit D., 1984, REASONS PERSONS
11 Lewis D., 1986, PHILOS PAPERS, VII
12 Davidson Donald, 1980, ESSAYS ACTIONS EVENT
14 Ryle Gilbert, 1949, CONCEPT MIND
15 Quine W. V., 1969, ONTOLOGICAL RELATIVI, P126
16 Woodward J., 2003, MAKING THINGS HAPPEN
17 Hempel C. G., 1965, ASPECTS SCI EXPLANAT
18 Davidson D., 1984, INQUIRIES TRUTH INTE, P183
19 Nozick R., 1974, ANARCHY STATE UTOPIA, P36
20 Scanlon T., 1998, WHAT WE OWE EACH OTH
20 Putnam H., 1981, REASON TRUTH HIST
21 Dretske F.I., 1981, KNOWLEDGE FLOW INFOR

The table above gives us some statistics about the data we are working with. As you can see, we had to remove around 6000 records for reasons of missing data, but that should be fine. The summaries show us the most prolific authors, the journals with the most occurences and the most cited single works. All of this makes sense so far. We have the incredibly popular David Lewis with multiple mentions in the the the top cited works, along with some other very well known recent authors, and of course the most influential of classics, Aristotle, Hume & Kant.

Now we have to decide what structure we are interested in. We have quite a lot of possibilities to work with in the data. Below I have supplied code for three: Clustering by specific cited works, clustering by the names of cited authors, and clustering by the content of the abstracts. Here we will look only at the first: the clusters that are generated through the analysis of the citations of specific works. Formally, we are looking for cocitation communities of papers. In real live, this should translate to something between a tradition, in which people cite the intellectual heroes they have in common, and a thematic grouping, where people that are interested in a subject cite other people that have worked on that subject. This approach has the advantage of a certain granularity, as it allows for example to differentiate between papers that cite Nozick on political theory and those that are interested his work on epistemology.

In [4]:
########### Clustering by Cited Works ############

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer, CountVectorizer
import re

d = []
citedAU = []
citestring =[]
for R in RC:

    d.append(list(set(R.getCitations().get("citeString")))) #To cluster by cited author

drc["citedAU"] = citedAU
drc["citestring"] = citestring

authorslist = ['§'.join(filter(None,x)) for x in list(d)] 

vec = TfidfVectorizer(token_pattern=r'(?<=[^|§])[\s\w,\.:;]+(?=[$|§])')
Xrc = vec.fit_transform(authorslist)

#display(pd.DataFrame(Xrc.toarray(), columns=vec.get_feature_names()).transpose()) #To look into the vectors. Beware, can take a bit of RAM

Now we conduct a dimensionality-reduction of the data, to make what follows faster. Afterwards we make a little plot in R. In our case of the large dataset this is not that interesting, but if we have small data that is very diverse, e. g. a few hundred papers from very different disciplines, the SVD can already make out some structure.

In [5]:
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
SVD = TruncatedSVD(n_components=170, n_iter=7, random_state=42)

XSVD = SVD.fit_transform(Xrc)
dSVD = pd.DataFrame(XSVD)

sSVD = dSVD[[0,1]]
sSVD.columns = ['x','y']
In [68]:
%%R -i sSVD --width 1200 --height 800 -r 140 --bg #F8F4E9

library(showtext) = "Alegreya Sans SC", family = "SC")

p <- ggplot(sSVD, aes(x=sSVD$x, y=sSVD$y)) + geom_point(color="#D65C0F", alpha=0.4,pch=16,cex=2.2)+
labs(x="", y="",
       title="The first two components...",
       subtitle=" determined by SciKit learn's SVD-implementation.",
       caption="by Maximilian Noichl")+
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "lightgrey"),panel.grid.minor = element_blank())



UMAP and Clustering

Now that we have prepared our data, lets find some structure in there: First we will prepare various umap-mappings.

Umap is a pretty young technique for dimensionality reduction that can be used in a fashion similar to t-SNE. You can find out all about it here. The first mapping reduces the result of the SVD to 15 dimensions for the clustering. We do this to keep some more information to make our clusters more informative. But we can not go much higher, as HDBSCAN tends to fall prey to the curse of dimensionality.

Then a two-dimensional embedding, that we will use to look at our clusters in a scatter-plot. And finally a one-dimensional embedding that we will plot against the publication dates so that we have a visualization of the temporal flow of our clusters.

Umap can be tuned a little bit. I was trying here to achieve a quite finegrained embedding that makes the structure very visible.

In [7]:
import umap

    drc = drc.drop('x',axis=1)
    drc = drc.drop('y',axis=1)

except KeyError:

embedding15 = umap.UMAP(n_components=15,
                    n_neighbors=10,#small => local, large => global: 5-50
                      min_dist=0.05, #small => local, large => global: 0.001-0.5
embedding15 = pd.DataFrame(embedding15)
#embedding15.columns = ['x','y']
#plt.scatter(embedding['x'], embedding['y'], color='grey')
In [126]:
import umap

    drc = drc.drop('x',axis=1)
    drc = drc.drop('y',axis=1)

except KeyError:

embedding = umap.UMAP(n_neighbors=14,#small => local, large => global: 5-50
                      min_dist=0.008, #small => local, large => global: 0.001-0.5
embedding = pd.DataFrame(embedding)
embedding.columns = ['x','y']
#plt.scatter(embedding['x'], embedding['y'], color='grey')
In [ ]:
    drc = drc.drop('xI',axis=1)
except KeyError:

embeddingI = umap.UMAP(n_components=1,
                      metric='cosine').fit_transform(dSVD)#pd.concat([dSVD, drc['year']],axis=1)
embeddingI = pd.DataFrame(embeddingI)
embeddingI.columns = ['xI']
embeddingI = pd.concat([embeddingI, drc['year']],axis=1)

#plt.scatter(embeddingI['xI'], drc['year'], color='grey')

To look at the two-dimensional embedding, lets plot it with ggplot:

In [22]:
%%R -i embedding --width 1200 --height 800 -r 140 --bg #F5F5F5
embedding$density <- fields::interp.surface(
  MASS::kde2d(embedding$x, embedding$y), embedding[,c("x","y")])

p <- ggplot(embedding, aes(x=embedding$x, y=embedding$y,alpha = 1/density))+


geom_point(color="#3366cc", pch=16,cex=2.2)+ theme_ipsum_rc()+
labs(x="", y="",
       title="The 2d-reduction by UMAP",
       subtitle="...based on the code by McInnes, Healy (2018)",
       caption="by Maximilian Noichl")+
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "lightgrey"),panel.grid.minor = element_blank()
C:\Users\user\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\rpy2\robjects\ FutureWarning: from_items is deprecated. Please use DataFrame.from_dict(dict(items), ...) instead. DataFrame.from_dict(OrderedDict(items)) may be used to preserve the key order.
  res = PandasDataFrame.from_items(items)

And now for the clustering. I am using h-DBSCAN, a density based clusterer, which seems to pair quite well with the output of UMAP. I will not explain here in detail how it works, but the documentation is very readable. It should be noted that our clustering can be as precise or as holistic as we want. I have chosen a rather high minimal cluster-size so that we can get at the big picture.

In [79]:
    drc = drc.drop('cluster',axis=1)
except KeyError:

import hdbscan

#(min_cluster_size=500, min_samples=30, gen_min_span_tree=True)
#clusterer = hdbscan.HDBSCAN(min_cluster_size=455, min_samples=35, gen_min_span_tree=True)

clusterer = hdbscan.HDBSCAN(min_cluster_size=440, min_samples=30, gen_min_span_tree=True)
XCLUST = clusterer.labels_
clusternum = len(set( clusterer.labels_))-1

dfclust = pd.DataFrame(XCLUST)
dfclust.columns = ['cluster']

#plt.scatter(embedding['x'], embedding['y'], s=10, linewidth=0, c=cluster_colors, alpha=0.25)

Now lets plot everything in ggplot:

In [80]:
%%R -i embedding,dfclust,embeddingI -o myNewColors --width 1200 --height 1800 -r 140 --bg #F8F4E9


options(warn=0)# 0 zum anschalten

#Get the cluster means:
means <- aggregate(embedding[,c("x","y")], list(dfclust$cluster), median)
means <- data.frame(means) 
means <- means[-1,]

#Make the colors: 
mycolors <- c("#c03728",

pal <- colorRampPalette(sample(mycolors))
s <- n-1
myGray <- c('#95a5a6')
myNewColors <- sample(pal(s))
myPal <- append(myGray,myNewColors)

#get temporal means:
tmeans <- aggregate(embeddingI[,c("xI","year")], list(dfclust$cluster), median)
tmeans <- data.frame(tmeans) 
tmeans <- tmeans[-1,]

#get density, to avoid overplotting
embedding$density <- fields::interp.surface(
  MASS::kde2d(embedding$x, embedding$y), embedding[,c("x","y")])

#get temporal density
embeddingI$density <- fields::interp.surface(
  MASS::kde2d(embeddingI$xI, embeddingI$year), embeddingI[,c("xI","year")])

p <- ggplot(embedding, aes(x=embedding$x, y=embedding$y, color= as.factor(dfclust$cluster), alpha = 1/density))+

scale_color_manual(values = myPal) +
 guides(alpha=FALSE, color=FALSE)+
geom_point(data=means, aes(x=means$x, y=means$y), color= myNewColors, alpha = 1,size =7)+
annotate("text", x = means[,c("x")], y = means[,c("y")], label = means[,c("Group.1")], color="white", fontface="bold",  size=4, parse = TRUE, hjust=0.5)+
labs(x="", y="",
       title="The clusters found by hdbscan...",
       subtitle="a density-based clustering algorithm. Embedded with UMAP in two dimensions...")+
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "lightgrey"),panel.grid.minor = element_blank())

t <- ggplot(embeddingI, aes(x=embeddingI$xI, y=embeddingI$year, color= as.factor(dfclust$cluster), alpha = 1/density))+
scale_color_manual(values = myPal) +
guides(alpha=FALSE, color=FALSE)+
geom_point(data=tmeans, aes(x=tmeans$x, y=tmeans$y), color= myNewColors, alpha = 1,size =7)+
annotate("text", x = tmeans[,c("xI")], y = tmeans[,c("year")], label = tmeans[,c("Group.1")], color="white", fontface="bold",  size=4, parse = TRUE, hjust=0.5)+
labs(x="", y="Publication date",
         subtitle="...and one dimension, overlayed with publication dates on the y-axis.",
       caption="by Maximilian Noichl")+
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "lightgrey"),panel.grid.minor = element_blank())

grid.arrange(p,t, ncol = 1,  heights = c(1, 1))

# pdf("ClusteringUMap.pdf", width = 12, height = 12) # Open a new pdf file
# grid.arrange(p,t, ncol = 1,  heights = c(1, 1)) # Write the grid.arrange in the file\n",
C:\Users\user\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\rpy2\robjects\ FutureWarning: from_items is deprecated. Please use DataFrame.from_dict(dict(items), ...) instead. DataFrame.from_dict(OrderedDict(items)) may be used to preserve the key order.
  res = PandasDataFrame.from_items(items)

Thats nice. To have look into the way the clustering algorithm has structured the data, lets look at the condensed tree. We can easily see clusters that could be broken down a bit more, while others are pretty consistent. I messed around a bit in my installation of HDBSCAN, so if you run this on your computer, your tree will propably look quite different.

In [84]:
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [20, 20]

import matplotlib.colors
cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", ["#bfc4c6","#bfc4c6","#bfc4c6"])

clusterer.condensed_tree_.plot(cmap = cmap,select_clusters=True,label_clusters = True, selection_palette=myNewColors, 
                               colorbar = False,max_rectangles_per_icicle=80, alpha=0.7,barwidthfactor=9,linecolor='#bfc4c6',linewidth=2)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x196dc483588>

What does it mean?

Now, let us look into the clusters, to find out what they are. First we shall analyze the abstracts of the papers in every cluster according to their most common words and bigrams. In the tables below, every column is a cluster, and every row is a common word:

In [85]:
drc = pd.concat([drc, dfclust],axis=1)
drc = drc.dropna(subset=['cluster'])
drc = pd.concat([drc, embedding],axis=1)
In [86]:
fullstrsl = []
for x in range(0,clusternum):
    abstracts = list(drc.loc[drc['cluster'] == x]['abstract'])
    abstracts = ";".join(str(x) for x in abstracts).replace('|',' ').replace('paper',' ').replace('argue',' ').replace('account',' ').replace('theory',' ') #kick out common abstract words of no importance
vec = CountVectorizer( stop_words='english')#Choose CountVectorizer for the most common words in the cluster, TfidfVectorizer for the words with the greatest differentiation value.
X = vec.fit_transform(fullstrsl)
#print(pd.DataFrame(X.toarray(), columns=vec.get_feature_names())) #To look into the vectors. Beware, can take a bit of RAM

clusterfeatures = pd.DataFrame(X.toarray(), columns=vec.get_feature_names())
fullscore = []
for x in range(0,clusternum):
    scores = zip(vec.get_feature_names(), np.asarray(X[x,:].sum(axis=0)).ravel())
    sorted_scores = sorted(scores, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    myscores = sorted_scores[0:20]
    scorelist = []
    for s in myscores:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
0 kappa model degrees time knowledge philosophy moral argument selection logic properties cognitive view truth mathematical logic quantum properties laws science conditionals causal
1 cardinal theorem set moral epistemic wittgenstein view meaning evolutionary model mental cognition argument logic mathematics logics mechanics view properties scientific conditional explanation
2 set definable sets philosophy belief philosophical argument quines natural models physical mind content paradox argument semantics time objects dispositions theories counterfactuals causation
3 omega prove degree view justification language reasons view species view causal view experience theories logic modal interpretation argument nature probability counterfactual understanding
4 model finite computable argument argument argument action truth biological cognitive problem argument phenomenal argument objects proof problem time argument evidence semantics explanations
5 forcing fields prove does view view reason philosophy evolution different function content semantic true set classical argument problem view problem true scientific
6 lambda countable theorem philosophical beliefs wittgensteins claim theories biology argument supervenience mental perceptual semantic freges rules physical metaphysical causal bayesian indicative explanatory
7 sets class result set evidence way problem quine fitness information argument extended properties logical problem logical theories modal dispositional view view theories
8 class models infinite human problem kants agents semantic causal new causation science way notion view systems spacetime grounding chance models argument problem
9 models field class reason epistemology kant does language population theories realization psychology does language logical propositional common true humean decision truth science
10 cardinals set turing way cases nature normative does concept problem functions language claim sentences frege theorem principle identity principle argument logic model
11 equal theories ce death true understanding way problem view science physicalism states terms view language natural space different analysis new laws argument
12 theorem structures equal given intuitions world good arguments kinds moral view theories arguments paradoxes does model causal parts natural confirmation lewis models
13 zfc closed results history justified problem value philosophical science particular functional processes consciousness predicate number intuitionistic classical way powers model probability unification
14 prove language low problem does sense arguments thesis drift way reduction claim semantics claim indispensability calculus measurement relations problem approach standard cause
15 countable order enumerable question way interpretation agent reference models results explanation representations problem meaning philosophy present physics principle possible philosophy causal different
16 subset complete model work claim transcendental human science model evidence multiple arguments concepts semantics plural prove standard relation intrinsic data theories cases
17 existence group subset natural know work certain second social role biological systems states liar new results does present fundamental different analysis counterfactual
18 results let structure sense reasons claim actions claim organisms use explanations thought knowledge consequence way order possible ontological lewis epistemic case particular
19 exists property function theories truth meaning nature use different approach exclusion philosophy mental deflationism arguments set view world world way thesis case

And now the bigrams:

In [87]:
fullstrsl = []
for x in range(0,clusternum):
    abstracts = list(drc.loc[drc['cluster'] == x]['abstract'])
    abstracts = ";".join(str(x) for x in abstracts).replace('|',' ').replace('paper',' ').replace('reserved',' ').replace('argue',' ').replace('account',' ').replace('theory',' ')
vec = CountVectorizer( stop_words='english', ngram_range=(2, 2))#Choose CountVectorizer for the most common words in the cluster, TfidfVectorizer for the words with the greatest differentiation value.
X = vec.fit_transform(fullstrsl)
#print(pd.DataFrame(X.toarray(), columns=vec.get_feature_names())) #To look into the vectors. Beware, can take a bit of RAM

clusterfeatures = pd.DataFrame(X.toarray(), columns=vec.get_feature_names())
fullscore = []
for x in range(0,clusternum):
    scores = zip(vec.get_feature_names(), np.asarray(X[x,:].sum(axis=0)).ravel())
    sorted_scores = sorted(scores, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    myscores = sorted_scores[0:20]
    scorelist = []
    for s in myscores:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
0 cardinal kappa vertical bar computably enumerable death penalty epistemic justification philosophical investigations moral responsibility metaphysical realism natural selection rights reserved mental causation cognitive science perceptual experience theories truth indispensability argument modal logic quantum mechanics material objects laws nature rights reserved indicative conditionals causal inference
1 boolean algebra boolean algebras turing degrees common sense true belief philosophy science personal identity modeltheoretic argument evolutionary biology elsevier rights multiple realization extended cognition mental states logical consequence mathematical objects classical logic common cause possible worlds principal principle philosophy science subjunctive conditionals elsevier rights
2 subset equal closed fields recursively enumerable nonstandard universe virtue epistemology private language moral judgments indeterminacy translation selection drift mental states exclusion problem mental states phenomenal character truth predicate philosophy mathematics natural deduction time travel temporal parts conditional analysis elsevier rights possible worlds rights reserved
3 measurable cardinal quantifier elimination ce degrees bad cuts justified belief rights reserved morally responsible mental state population genetics cognitive science mental properties extended mind proper names concept truth natural language intuitionistic logic interpretation quantum common sense humean supervenience scientific theories truth conditions scientific explanation
4 inner model real closed ramseys theorem theta theta knowledge attributions central role intentional action philosophy language group selection philosophy science physical properties cognitive processes definite descriptions liar paradox abstraction principles sequent calculus measurement problem states affairs dispositional properties ceteris paribus david lewis causal relations
5 kappa kappa firstorder logic enumerable sets center dot thought experiments mental states practical reasoning philosophy science natural kinds recent work multiple realizability philosophy mind phenomenal concepts classical logic mathematical explanations propositional logic wave function proper parts analysis dispositions dutch book semantics counterfactuals causal structure
6 lambda lambda boolean algebra truthtable degrees dot experience practical reasoning john mcdowell moral judgment analyticsynthetic distinction evolution natural natural selection global supervenience language thought natural kind semantic paradoxes caesar problem tense logic quantum mechanical special relativity david lewis causal decision ramsey test causal explanation
7 classes structures countable models ce degree elsevier rights epistemic value transcendental idealism practical reason indeterminacy thesis levels selection et al emergent properties folk psychology knowledge argument notion truth humes principle modal logics statistical mechanics david lewis categorical properties bayesian confirmation conditional probabilities actual causation
8 kappa lambda expressive power ce sets human beings gettier cases common sense human beings make sense units selection quantum mechanics causal exclusion jerry fodor phenomenal consciousness alethic pluralism existence mathematical firstorder logic hidden variable modal realism natural properties scientific practice counterfactual conditionals causal claims
9 strongly compact value group turing degree imagined species epistemic contextualism moral particularism rights reserved prima facie evolutionary processes empirical evidence philosophy mind causal powers natural language yablos paradox mathematical practice relevance logic classical mechanics ordinary objects possible worlds scientific realism conditional random organic chemistry
10 axiom choice weakly ominimal boolean algebra mind design doxastic justification second nature alternative possibilities semantic stipulation species concept natural language natural selection perceptual experience kind terms nature truth mathematical realism relevant logic common causes composition question objective chance expected utility counterfactual reasoning causal exclusion
11 consistency strength algebraically closed prime model natural objects experimental philosophy shapeless thesis normative reasons analytic philosophy species concepts modal logic downward causation cognitive systems possible worlds strong kleene secondorder logic paraconsistent logics physical theories intrinsic properties causal powers degrees belief ceteris paribus interventionist causation
12 consistent zfc henselian valued subset equal rights reserved generality problem transcendental philosophy reasons action cognitive science philosophy biology evolutionary biology nonreductive physicalism mental representations perceptual experiences truth theories singular terms predicate logic configuration space negative truths finks masks philosophers science conditional probability common cause
13 model zfc morley rank boolean boolean sectional sign prima facie critique pure practical reasons donald davidson evolutionary change social cognition causal powers natural language philosophy mind deflationary truth answer question relevant logics general relativity ontological dependence david lewiss history science conditions counterfactuals counterfactual dependence
14 compact cardinal strongly minimal infinite computable abstractive practices true beliefs death penalty elsevier rights duhems problem inclusive fitness case study quantum mechanics beliefs desires representational content fixed point mathematical entities possible worlds interpretations quantum composition identity fundamental properties van fraassen hypothetical syllogism explanatory power
15 core model subset equal schnorr trivial aesthetic attitude phenomenal conservatism natural science moral realism empirically equivalent multilevel selection answer question mental physical mental representation mental state definition truth plural logic combinatory logic principle common properties relations natural kinds scientific knowledge laws nature scientific understanding
16 easy uniformization valued fields truthtable degree alpha conversion epistemic luck ordinary language recent work hilary putnam evolution altruism scientific theories exclusion argument mind thesis epistemic modals alethic functionalism firstorder logic hybrid logic time reversal perfectly natural objective chances case study random variables causal markov
17 measure zero bar vertical ce set analytic philosophy gettier problem pure reason consequence argument husserls phenomenology genetic drift natural kind mental events representational content direct reference cognitive value mathematical explanation second order quantum field special composition ceteris paribus scientific representation causal decision causal models
18 cardinal invariants model complete enumeration degrees das man perceptual knowledge realist naturalist mental states nonconceptual content philosophers biology university press problem mental cognitive penetration nonconceptual content deflationary theories ontological commitments sound complete copenhagen interpretation metaphysical explanation intrinsic finks book arguments conditional events philosophy science
19 descriptive set ominimal theories greater equal fthere exists external world sein und good reason phenomenal states developmental biology classical logic jaegwon kim hypothesis extended perceptual content truth property abstract objects elimination rules primitive ontology argument vagueness intrinsic properties conditional probability counterfactual analysis causal relation

Now, we can already tell that our work has payed of handsomely: The clusters can easily be identified with discussions in philosophy. But to get an even more exact picture, let us print some citation-reports for every cluster (Oh, and save everything we have done so far, that's always a good idea.).

In [88]:
#Build timestamp to save stuff:
import time, os, fnmatch, shutil
t = time.localtime()
timestamp = time.strftime('%b-%d-%Y_%H%M', t)
BACKUP_NAME = ("Run-" + timestamp)
In [89]:
for x in range(0,clusternum): # INEFFICIENT!
    ID = drc.loc[drc['cluster'] == x]['id']
    ID = pd.DataFrame(ID)
    RCt = mk.RecordCollection()

    for R in RC:
        if ID[ID['id'].str.contains(str(R['id']))].empty == False:
    print("Cluster: " + str(x))
    print(RCt.glimpse(compact=True))#If another Tag should be of interest, just add it as string...
    RCt.writeFile(fname="Cluster Nr. _"+str(x)+"_"+BACKUP_NAME+".txt")
    with open("Clusters_Bibliographic_"+BACKUP_NAME+".txt", "w") as text_file:
        text_file.write("Cluster: " + str(x))
Cluster: 0
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 20:59:18++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|528 Records from Empty++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1                            SHELAH, S|1             JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC|1             JECH TJ, 1978, SET THEORY|
|2                            Shelah, S|2                              SYNTHESE|2 Moschovakis YN, 1980, DESCRIPTIVE SE.|
|3                           MAGIDOR, M|3        JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC|3 Barwise J., 1975, ADMISSIBLE SETS ST.|
|4                            HENLE, JM|4                 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|4 Jensen R. B., 1972, ANN MATH LOGIC, .|
|4                            Hjorth, G|5                 REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS|5 Keisler H. Jerome, 1971, MODEL THEOR.|
|5                      BAUMGARTNER, JE|5 PHILOSOPHY AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESE.|6            Kunen K., 1980, SET THEORY|
|5                        KLEINBERG, EM|5 BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY O.|7 SOLOVAY RM, 1970, ANN MATH, V92, P1,.|
|5                           KNIGHT, JF|6                                ETHICS|8 MILLER AW, 1981, T AM MATH SOC, V266.|
|6                          Zapletal, J|6                 PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES|10SHELAH S, 1982, LECTURE NOTES MATH, .|
|6                              JECH, T|6           PHILOSOPHY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS|10Cohen Paul J., 1966, SET THEORY CONT.|
|6                   Friedman, Sy-David|6                               THEORIA|11SOLOVAY RM, 1971, ANN MATH, V94, P20.|
|6                          GUREVICH, Y|6      AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|12Kanamori A., 1978, LECT NOTES MATH, .|
|6                             BLASS, A|6                            PHILOSOPHY|12FOREMAN M, 1988, ANN MATH, V127, P1,.|
|6                            IHODA, JI|6                                  MIND|13Bartoszynski T., 1995, SET THEORY ST.|
|6                          VAANANEN, J|6 THEORIA-REVISTA DE TEORIA HISTORIA Y.|13 Devlin K. D., 1984, CONSTRUCTIBILITY|
|7                            Apter, AW|-1                                   NA|14Kunen K., 1970, ANN MATH LOGIC, V1, .|
|7                       Roslanowski, A|-1                                   NA|15       Jech T. J., 1973, AXIOM CHOICE|
|7                       PAWLIKOWSKI, J|-1                                   NA|15BARWISE J, 1969, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC, V.|
|7                              Boos, W|-1                                   NA|15SHELAH S, 1984, ISRAEL J MATH, V47, .|
|7                            Neeman, I|-1                                   NA|16Martin Donald A., 1989, J AM MATH SO.|
|7                            Hauser, K|-1                                   NA|16Solovay R. M., 1978, ANN MATH LOGIC,.|
|7                         ELLENTUCK, E|-1                                   NA|16LAVER R, 1978, ISRAEL J MATH, V29, P.|
|7                          Hamkins, JD|-1                                   NA|16Jech T.J., 1973, ANN MATH LOGIC, V5,.|
|7                             KUNEN, K|-1                                   NA|17SHELAH S, 1975, ANN MATH, V102, P379.|
|8                           CUTLAND, N|-1                                   NA|17Mitchell W., 1972, ANN MATH LOGIC, V.|
|8                           ABRAHAM, U|-1                                   NA|17BAUMGARTNER J, 1983, LONDON MATH SOC.|
|8                          Steprans, J|-1                                   NA|17PRIKRY K, 1970, DISSERTATIONES MATH,.|
|8                             Zhang, Y|-1                                   NA|18van Douwen E, 1984, HDB SET THEORETI.|
|8                            HODES, HT|-1                                   NA|18        Kuratowski K., 1966, TOPOLOGY|
|8                Rabinovich, Alexander|-1                                   NA|18  Scott D., 1965, THEORY MODELS, P329|
|8                         Friedman, SD|-1                                   NA|18Mathias A.R.D., 1977, ANN MATH LOGIC.|
|8                            PINCUS, D|-1                                   NA|18Silver J., 1971, ANN MATH LOGIC, V3,.|
|8                            Larson, P|-1                                   NA|19Karp C. R., 1964, LANGUAGES EXPRESSI.|
|8                             GREEN, J|-1                                   NA|19Drake Frank R, 1974, SET THEORY INTR.|
|8                      Shelah, Saharon|-1                                   NA|19Mycielski J, 1964, FUND MATH, V53, P.|
|8                             WELCH, P|-1                                   NA|20HARRINGTON L, 1978, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC.|
|8                          MITCHELL, W|-1                                   NA|20BARTOSZYNSKI T, 1987, FUND MATH, V12.|
|8                             STAVI, J|-1                                   NA|20BAUMGARTNER JE, 1976, J SYMBOLIC LOG.|
|8                         LUBARSKY, RS|-1                                   NA|20Shoenfield J. R., 1967, P S PURE MAT.|
|8                        Schindler, RD|-1                                   NA|20MARTIN DA, 1975, ANN MATH, V102, P36.|
|8                            Koepke, P|-1                                   NA|20   Kanamori A., 1994, HIGHER INFINITE|
|8                           SPECTOR, M|-1                                   NA|20Dodd A. J., 1982, LONDON MATH SOC LE.|
|8                           HOWARD, PE|-1                                   NA|20SCOTT D, 1961, B ACADEMIE POLO SMAP,.|
Cluster: 1
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 21:00:52++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|525 Records from Empty++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1                            SHELAH, S|1             JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC|1          Chang C., 1973, MODEL THEORY|
|2                            PILLAY, A|2                              SYNTHESE|2 Shelah Saharon, 1978, CLASSIFICATION.|
|3                            POIZAT, B|3        JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC|3 LASCAR D, 1979, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC, V4.|
|4                          BALDWIN, JT|4 BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY O.|4 Sacks G. E., 1972, SATURATED MODEL T.|
|4                          BUECHLER, S|5                 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE|5 Pillay Anand, 1983, INTRO STABILITY .|
|5                             DELON, F|5                                MONIST|5 Feferman S., 1959, FUND MATH, V47, P.|
|6                          SCHMERL, JH|5                               THEORIA|5 MAKKAI M, 1984, ISRAEL J MATH, V49, .|
|7                            LASCAR, D|5                 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|6 MORLEY M, 1965, T AM MATH SOC, V114,.|
|7                            Shelah, S|6        CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|7 PILLAY A, 1986, T AM MATH SOC, V295,.|
|7                          KEISLER, HJ|6                                  NOUS|7 Ax J., 1965, AM J MATH, V87, P605, D.|
|7                         GROSSBERG, R|6                 REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS|8 POIZAT B, 1983, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC, V4.|
|8                        LASKOWSKI, MC|6                            ERKENNTNIS|8 Shelah S., 1990, CLASSIFICATION THEOR|
|8                           KUCERA, TG|-1                                   NA|8 BALDWIN JT, 1971, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC, .|
|8                           HENSON, CW|-1                                   NA|9 ZIEGLER M, 1984, ANN PURE APPL LOGIC.|
|9                          BANKSTON, P|-1                                   NA|10[Anonymous], 1971, CYLINDRIC ALGEBRA.|
|9                            TSUBOI, A|-1                                   NA|10Keisler J. H., 1970, ANN MATH LOGIC,.|
|9                         BOUSCAREN, E|-1                                   NA|11    EKLOF P, 1971, ANN MATH LOGIC, V2|
|9                            Pillay, A|-1                                   NA|11[Anonymous], 1985, CYLINDRIC ALGEBRA.|
|9                             Delon, F|-1                                   NA|11MACINTYRE A, 1976, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC,.|
|9                         ROTHMALER, P|-1                                   NA|11 MORLEY M, 1962, MATH SCAND, V11, P37|
|9                            MARKER, D|-1                                   NA|12HRUSHOVSKI E, 1986, THESIS U CALIFOR.|
|9                          KAUFMANN, M|-1                                   NA|12LASCAR D, 1976, ISRAEL J MATH, V23, .|
|9                             NADEL, M|-1                                   NA|12  BARWISE J, 1970, ANN MATH LOGIC, V2|
|9                           MILLER, DE|-1                                   NA|13KNIGHT JF, 1986, T AM MATH SOC, V295.|
|9                              FINE, K|-1                                   NA|14Poizat B., 1985, COURS THEORIE MODELE|
|9                       VANDENDRIES, L|-1                                   NA|14Keisler H. Jerome, 1971, MODEL THEOR.|
|9                      Shelah, Saharon|-1                                   NA|15BARWISE J, 1976, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC, V.|
|10                           Wencel, R|-1                                   NA|15Barwise J., 1975, ADMISSIBLE SETS ST.|
|10                Lopes, Vinicius Cifu|-1                                   NA|15Shelah Saharon, 1971, ANN MATH LOGIC.|
|10                          BYERLY, RE|-1                                   NA|15SHELAH S, 1982, ISRAEL J MATH, V43, .|
|10                         WHEELER, WH|-1                                   NA|16SHELAH S, 1983, ISRAEL J MATH, V46, .|
|10                           HODGES, W|-1                                   NA|16  Poizat Bruno, 1987, GROUPES STABLES|
|10                          ALBERT, MH|-1                                   NA|16Tarski A., 1957, COMPOS MATH, V13, P.|
|10                         CHERLIN, GL|-1                                   NA|16TARSKI A, 1949, B AM MATH SOC, V55, .|
|10                             Marx, M|-1                                   NA|16BAUR W, 1976, ISRAEL J MATH, V25, P6.|
|10                             Hart, B|-1                                   NA|16SHELAH S., 1980, ANN MATH LOGIC, V19.|
|10                          Tanovic, P|-1                                   NA|16Prest M., 1988, LONDON MATH SOC LECT.|
|10                          Wagner, FO|-1                                   NA|16        Hodges W., 1993, MODEL THEORY|
|10                            PREST, M|-1                                   NA|17Fuchs L, 1970, INFINITE ABELIAN GRO,.|
|10                           NEMETI, I|-1                                   NA|17BUECHLER S, 1985, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC, .|
|10                             HART, B|-1                                   NA|17AX J, 1966, ANN MATH, V83, P437, DOI.|
|10                         GUREVICH, Y|-1                                   NA|17  Robinson A., 1966, NONSTANDARD ANAL|
|10                            KALFA, C|-1                                   NA|17Ehrenfeucht A., 1961, FUND MATH, V49.|
Cluster: 2
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 21:02:08++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|508 Records from Empty++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1                           REMMEL, JB|1             JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC|1  Rogers H, 1967, THEORY RECURSIVE FUN|
|1                         JOCKUSCH, CG|2                              SYNTHESE|2 Soare Robert I., 1987, RECURSIVELY E.|
|2                            SOARE, RI|2        JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC|3 LACHLAN AH, 1966, P LOND MATH SOC, V.|
|3                           COOPER, SB|3                 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE|4 MARTIN DA, 1966, Z MATH LOGIK, V12, .|
|3                         ELLENTUCK, E|4                         STUDIA LOGICA|5 JOCKUSCH CG, 1972, T AM MATH SOC, V1.|
|3                            SHORE, RA|4 BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY O.|6 SPECTOR C, 1956, ANN MATH, V64, P581.|
|3                            LERMAN, M|5                               THEORIA|6 LACHLAN AH, 1968, T AM MATH SOC, V13.|
|4                           OWINGS, JC|5                       MIND & LANGUAGE|7 Soare R. I., 1987, PERSPECTIVES MATH.|
|5                       Lempp, Steffen|5                              ANALYSIS|8 BLUM M, 1967, J ACM, V14, P322, DOI .|
|5                          DEKKER, JCE|5                 PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES|8 SACKS GE, 1964, ANN MATH, V80, P300,.|
|5                          LACHLAN, AH|5        SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|8 POSNER DB, 1981, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC, V.|
|6                      Greenberg, Noam|5                                  NOUS|8 Odifreddi Piergiorgio, 1989, CLASSIC.|
|6                               HAY, L|-1                                   NA|8 SACKS GE, 1963, ANN MATH, V77, P211,.|
|6                         OSHERSON, DN|-1                                   NA|9 YATES CEM, 1966, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC, V.|
|6                         WEINSTEIN, S|-1                                   NA|10Friedberg Richard M., 1958, J SYMBOL.|
|6                           SLAMAN, TA|-1                                   NA|10MCEVOY K, 1985, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC, V5.|
|6                        Sorbi, Andrea|-1                                   NA|11Rabin M., 1960, T AM MATH SOC, V95, .|
|6                         Jockusch, CG|-1                                   NA|11Post Emil L., 1944, B AM MATH SOC, V.|
|7                               Li, AS|-1                                   NA|12Lerman M., 1983, DEGREES UNSOLVABILIT|
|7                            KUMMER, M|-1                                   NA|12DEKKER JCE, 1960, U CALIF PUBL MATH,.|
|7              Franklin, Johanna N. Y.|-1                                   NA|13FRIEDBERG RM, 1957, P NATL ACAD SCI .|
|7                             Sorbi, A|-1                                   NA|13Shoenfield J. R., 1971, DEGREES UNSO.|
|7                           Knight, JF|-1                                   NA|14KLEENE SC, 1954, ANN MATH, V59, P379.|
|7                             Lempp, S|-1                                   NA|14ROBINSON RW, 1971, ANN MATH, V93, P2.|
|7                           DOWNEY, RG|-1                                   NA|14JOCKUSCH CG, 1972, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC,.|
|7                            KUMABE, M|-1                                   NA|14AMBOSSPIES K, 1984, T AM MATH SOC, V.|
|7              Harizanov, Valentina S.|-1                                   NA|15SHOENFIELD JR, 1959, ANN MATH, V69, .|
|7                          HERRMANN, E|-1                                   NA|16Kreisel G., 1965, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC, .|
|7                    Csima, Barbara F.|-1                                   NA|16SOARE RI, 1974, ANN MATH, V100, P80,.|
|7               Jockusch, Carl G., Jr.|-1                                   NA|16JOCKUSCH CG, 1968, T AM MATH SOC, V1.|
|7                           Slaman, TA|-1                                   NA|16Myhill J.R., 1955, Z MATH LOGIK GRUN.|
|7                             SORBI, A|-1                                   NA|16COOPER SB, 1984, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC, V.|
|8                    Miller, Joseph S.|-1                                   NA|17Kleene Stephen C., 1952, INTRO METAM.|
|8                      Miller, Russell|-1                                   NA|17Ramsey FP, 1930, P LOND MATH SOC, V3.|
|8                       Stephan, Frank|-1                                   NA|17YATES CEM, 1965, DUKE MATH J, V32, P.|
|8                              Yang, Y|-1                                   NA|17KUCERA A, 1985, LECT NOTES MATH, V11.|
|8                              STOB, M|-1                                   NA|17COOPER SB, 1982, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC, V.|
|8                       Raatikainen, P|-1                                   NA|17COOPER SB, 1990, LECT NOTES MATH, V1.|
|8                           Cooper, SB|-1                                   NA|17DEKKER JCE, 1969, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC, .|
|8                             CLOTE, P|-1                                   NA|17Metakides G., 1977, ANN MATH LOGIC, .|
|8                              Nies, A|-1                                   NA|18SHOENFIELD JR, 1966, J SYMBOLIC LOGI.|
|8                          Terwijn, SA|-1                                   NA|18KLEENE SC, 1952, INTRODUCTION METAMAT|
|8                        APPLEBAUM, CH|-1                                   NA|18MUCHNIK AA, 1956, DOKL AKAD NAUK SSS.|
|8                             MAASS, W|-1                                   NA|18Csima BF, 2004, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC, V6.|
Cluster: 3
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 21:05:24++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|2224 Records from Empty+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1                           NELSON, JO|1                                ETHICS|1 Dworkin R, 1977, TAKING RIGHTS SERIOU|
|1                        HEINEMANN, FH|2                 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|1 Hume David, 1978, TREATISE HUMAN NAT.|
|1                      ROTENSTREICH, N|3                            PHILOSOPHY|2               HEIDEGGER M, BEING TIME|
|2                             LACHS, J|4 PHILOSOPHY AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESE.|3       Hart Herbert, 1961, CONCEPT LAW|
|2                           HANSON, NR|5                 REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS|3            KANT, CRITIQUE PURE REASON|
|3                       SCHLESINGER, G|6                                MONIST|4           Martin Heidegger, SEIN ZEIT|
|3                           RESCHER, N|7                                  MIND|5        Chang C.C., 1990, MODEL THEORY|
|3                           YOLTON, JW|8                 PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES|6 RAWLS J, 1958, PHILOS REV, V67, P164.|
|3                           HARRIS, EE|9        SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|6 BUCHLER J, 1955, NATURE JUDGMENT, P1.|
|3                            LUCAS, JR|10INQUIRY-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL.|7 Kleene S. C., 1959, T AM MATH SOC, V.|
|3                            CHERRY, C|12            JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC|8 FREUD, 1974, STANDARD EDITION COM, V.|
|4                              JIN, RL|13                             ANALYSIS|8 PLINY ELDER, NATURAL HISTORY, V35, P.|
|4                          MARGOLIS, J|14                             SYNTHESE|9   Hume D., 2000, TREATISE HUMAN NATUR|
|4                            MYERS, CM|15                 PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW|9     RAWLS, 1971, THEORY JUSTICE, P554|
|4                    KHATCHADOURIAN, H|16                PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE|10Smith Norman Kemp, 1929, CRITIQUE PU.|
|4                             RECK, AJ|17          PHILOSOPHY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS|10      HUSSERL E, LOGICAL INVESTIGATIO|
|4                           SINGER, MG|18BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY O.|10   NOWELLSMITH PH, 1954, ETHICS, P259|
|4                           NORMANN, D|19              PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|10     Buchler J., 1961, CONCEPT METHOD|
|4                             HARE, RM|20       CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|10Buchler J., 1966, METAPHYSICS NATURAL|
|4                           GOODMAN, N|21                                RATIO|10      1923, SCEPTICISM ANIMAL FA, P67|
|4                           HODGES, DC|22                                 NOUS|10     1940, REALM SPIRIT BOOK 4T, P205|
|4                             GALE, RM|22   AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|10  HARE RM, 1952, LANGUAGE MORALS, P43|
|4                               RAZ, J|23      PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|11  HARE RM, 1963, FREEDOM REASON, P139|
|4                           LECLERC, I|24                              THEORIA|11               HEIDEGGER M, NIETZSCHE|
|4                       SPIEGELBERG, H|25                     RATIO-NEW SERIES|11KLEENE SC, 1963, T AM MATH SOC, V108.|
|4                        MCCLOSKEY, HJ|26                           DIALECTICA|11                      Plato, REPUBLIC|
|4                            GEACH, PT|27       JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC|11           Aristotle, METAPHYSICS, V2|
|5                          OLAFSON, FA|28                PHILOSOPHY AND POETRY|11  HART H.L.A., 1961, CONCEPT LAW, P77|
|5                          WHEATLEY, J|28                        STUDIA LOGICA|11      1927, REALM ESSENCE BOOK 1, P67|
|5                        KUPPERMAN, JJ|29                 PHILOSOPHICAL TOPICS|11KEISLER HJ, 1991, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC, .|
|5                         SHWAYDER, DS|29                 BIOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY|11JIN RL, 1992, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC, V57,.|
|5                            COOPER, N|30             PHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY|11         HUME, PHILOS WORKS, V2, P273|
|5                            QUINE, WV|30    FREE WILL AND MORAL RESPONSIBLITY|12             RYLE, CONCEPT MIND, pCH7|
|5                           ODEGARD, D|30           LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY|12Hume David, 1975, ENQUIRIES HUMAN UN.|
|5                          BROWNING, D|-1                                   NA|12       HUSSERL E, CRISIS EUROPEAN SCI|
|5                        HARTSHORNE, C|-1                                   NA|12LEWIS CI, 1946, ANAL KNOWLEDGE VALUA.|
|5                          HOCHBERG, H|-1                                   NA|12    QUINE WV, 1960, WORD OBJECT, P259|
|5                           KUSPIT, DB|-1                                   NA|12 Hart H. L. A., 1961, CONCEPT LAW, P3|
|5                             LYONS, D|-1                                   NA|12               RYLE, 1953, PHILOS REV|
|5                          [Anonymous]|-1                                   NA|12     RYLE G, 1949, CONCEPT MIND, P246|
Cluster: 4
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 21:09:40++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|2548 Records from Empty+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1                          Turri, John|1                 PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES|1 Williamson Timothy, 2000, KNOWLEDGE .|
|2                    Pritchard, Duncan|2                              SYNTHESE|2  Nozick R., 1981, PHILOS EXPLANATIONS|
|4                      Kelp, Christoph|4                                  NOUS|4 Gettier E. L., 1963, ANALYSIS, V23, .|
|5              Blome-Tillmann, Michael|5      AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|5 Lewis D, 1996, AUSTRALAS J PHILOS, V.|
|6                            Neta, Ram|6    AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|6 Goldman A., 1986, EPISTEMOLOGY COGNI.|
|7                  Williamson, Timothy|7                              ANALYSIS|7 Bonjour Laurence, 1985, STRUCTURE EM.|
|8                             FOLEY, R|8                            ERKENNTNIS|8 GOLDMAN AI, 1976, J PHILOS, V73, P77.|
|8                           ALSTON, WP|9        SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|9 DEROSE K, 1995, PHILOS REV, V104, P1.|
|8                         Douven, Igor|10       CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|10Stanley J., 2005, KNOWLEDGE PRACTICAL|
|9                           Feldman, R|11      PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|11             Harman G., 1973, THOUGHT|
|9                     Lackey, Jennifer|11              PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|12DRETSKE FI, 1970, J PHILOS, V67, P10.|
|9                           ODEGARD, D|12                JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|13Plantinga A., 1993, WARRANT PROPER F.|
|9                       Brown, Jessica|13                                 MIND|14Sosa E., 2007, VIRTUE EPISTEMOLOGY, .|
|10                            Cohen, S|14                               MONIST|15Cohen S., 1988, PHILOS PERSPECTIVES,.|
|10                      Hazlett, Allan|15                           DIALECTICA|15  Sosa E., 1991, KNOWLEDGE PERSPECTIV|
|10               Hetherington, Stephen|16             PHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY|16Goldman A. I., 1979, JUSTIFICATION K.|
|10                    McGrath, Matthew|17INQUIRY-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL.|17Plantinga A., 1993, WARRANT CURRENT .|
|10                             Sosa, E|18                           PHILOSOPHY|18   Pritchard D., 2005, EPISTEMIC LUCK|
|10                        Brueckner, A|19                 PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES|18BURGE T, 1993, PHILOS REV, V102, P45.|
|10                             AUDI, R|19                 PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW|19Pryor J, 2000, NOUS, V34, P517, DOI .|
|10                       Williamson, T|20                                RATIO|20Chisholm R. M., 1977, THEORY KNOWLED.|
|10                       Smith, Martin|21                               ETHICS|21        Lehrer Keith, 1974, KNOWLEDGE|
|10                      Coffman, E. J.|21STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF.|22DEROSE K, 1992, PHILOS PHENOMEN RES,.|
|10                      Baumann, Peter|22THEORIA-REVISTA DE TEORIA HISTORIA Y.|23Pollock J., 1986, CONT THEORIES KNOW.|
|10                       McHugh, Conor|23BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY O.|23Dretske F., 1971, AUSTRALAS J PHILOS.|
|11                Goldberg, Sanford C.|24                PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE|24ARMSTRONG D. M., 1973, BELIEF TRUTH .|
|11                      Comesana, Juan|24                REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS|25COHEN S, 1999, PHILOS PERSPECTIVES, .|
|11                  Schaffer, Jonathan|25                     RATIO-NEW SERIES|26Alston W., 1989, EPISTEMIC JUSTIFICAT|
|11                  Brueckner, Anthony|26       JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC|27   Williamson T., 2007, PHILOS PHILOS|
|11                       Spectre, Levi|27                      MIND & LANGUAGE|28Fumerton R. A., 1995, METAEPISTEMOLO.|
|11          Steglich-Petersen, Asbjorn|28                              THEORIA|28Goldman A., 1979, JUSTIFICATION KNOW.|
|11                       McCain, Kevin|28                 PHILOSOPHICAL TOPICS|29   Adler J., 2002, BELIEFS OWN ETHICS|
|11                         KVANVIG, JL|29            TRUTH AND ITS DEFORMITIES|29De Rose Keith, 2002, PHILOS REV, V11.|
|11                         Bergmann, M|30          PHILOSOPHY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS|29Greco John, 2010, ACHIEVING KNOWLEDG.|
|12                      McKenna, Robin|31          NEW ATHEISM AND ITS CRITICS|30  Chisholm R., 1989, THEORY KNOWLEDGE|
|12            Ahlstrom-Vij, Kristoffer|31        MIDWEST STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY|30FELDMAN R, 1985, PHILOS STUD, V48, P.|
|12                    Montminy, Martin|31           LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY|30Fantl J, 2002, PHILOS REV, V111, P67.|
|12                         Poston, Ted|32                 BIOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY|31Hawthorne J, 2008, J PHILOS, V105, P.|
|12               Weinberg, Jonathan M.|32                      CONCEPT OF EVIL|32WEINBERG J, 2001, PHILOS TOPICS, V29.|
|12                        Pritchard, D|32         PHILOSOPHY AND THE EMPIRICAL|33Lackey J, 2007, NOUS, V41, P594, DOI.|
|12                     Olsson, Erik J.|33PROCEEDINGS OF THE ARISTOTELIAN SOCI.|34Cohen S, 2002, PHILOS PHENOMEN RES, .|
|12                           LEHRER, K|33                        STUDIA LOGICA|35Kvanvig J., 2003, VALUE KNOWLEDGE PU.|
|12                    Machery, Edouard|-1                                   NA|36Dretske F.I., 1981, KNOWLEDGE FLOW I.|
Cluster: 5
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 21:12:47++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|1661 Records from Empty+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1                        SOKOLOWSKI, R|1                            PHILOSOPHY|1          Kant I, CRITIQUE PURE REASON|
|1                           HINMAN, LM|2        SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|2 Wittgenstein L., PHILOS INVESTIGATION|
|2                          HINTIKKA, J|2                 REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS|3 Wittgenstein L, 1953, PHILOS INVESTI.|
|2                           KITCHER, P|4                              SYNTHESE|5  WITTGENSTEIN L, TRACTATUS LOGICO-PHI|
|2                            MOORE, AW|5 INQUIRY-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL.|6  Rorty R., 1979, PHILOS MIRROR NATURE|
|2                         GOLDSTEIN, L|6                                MONIST|7             WITTGENSTEIN L, CERTAINTY|
|3                             RORTY, R|7               PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|8       Wittgenstein L, 1969, CERTAINTY|
|3                             GUYER, P|8                 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|9                WITTGENSTEIN L, ZETTEL|
|3                          Hacker, PMS|10                PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES|11Wittgenstein Ludwig, 1958, PHILOS IN.|
|3                            Rodych, V|11                                 MIND|12       Heidegger M., 1962, BEING TIME|
|3                            CASEY, ES|12                     RATIO-NEW SERIES|13Dummett M., 1978, TRUTH OTHER ENIGMAS|
|3                          FRIEDMAN, M|13                                 NOUS|14Allison Henry, 1983, KANTS TRANSCEND.|
|3                          SCHMITZ, KL|14                           DIALECTICA|15 Rorty R., 1982, CONSEQUENCES PRAGMAT|
|4                      Whiting, Daniel|15                             ANALYSIS|16 WITTGENSTEIN L, REMARKS F MATHEMATIC|
|4                           STENIUS, E|16                 PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW|16EVANS G, 1982, VARIETIES REFERENCE, .|
|4                           Gillett, G|17       CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|16DAVIDSON D, 1984, INQUIRIES TRUTH IN.|
|4                          ALLISON, HE|17   AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|16 BOGHOSSIAN PA, 1989, MIND, V98, P507|
|4                          Friedman, M|18STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF.|17   Strawson P. F., 1966, BOUNDS SENSE|
|4                         JACQUETTE, D|19      PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|18        Wittgenstein L., 1967, ZETTEL|
|4                           MALCOLM, N|20             PHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY|18       WITTGENSTEIN L, PHILOS GRAMMAR|
|4                           NIELSEN, K|21                PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE|19        McDowell J., 1994, MIND WORLD|
|5                         CHURCHILL, J|22                               ETHICS|20    Quine W. V. O., 1960, WORD OBJECT|
|5                            WRIGHT, C|23                 PHILOSOPHICAL TOPICS|20Wittgenstein L., 1958, BLUE BROWN BO.|
|5                            STROLL, A|23                           ERKENNTNIS|20 Wittgenstein L, 1975, PHILOS REMARKS|
|5                         SCHATZKI, TR|24THEORIA-REVISTA DE TEORIA HISTORIA Y.|20MerleauPonty M., 1962, PHENOMENOLOGY.|
|5                          MARGOLIS, J|25                                RATIO|21         Kenny A., 1973, WITTGENSTEIN|
|5                      Johnston, Colin|26                              THEORIA|21MCDOWELL J, 1984, SYNTHESE, V58, P32.|
|5                           Kitcher, P|27        MIDWEST STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY|21McGinn Colin, 1984, WITTGENSTEIN MEA.|
|5                         CHISHOLM, RM|28BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY O.|21     Bennett J., 1966, KANTS ANALYTIC|
|5                          McDowell, J|28           LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY|22       WITTGENSTEIN L, PHILOS REMARKS|
|5                           EDWARDS, P|28                      MIND & LANGUAGE|22        LOCKE J, ESSAY HUMAN UNDERSTA|
|5                          THOMPSON, M|29       JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC|23 Black M., 1964, COMPANION WITTGENSTE|
|5                              LEAR, J|30                 BIOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY|23Quine W. V., 1969, ONTOLOGICAL RELAT.|
|5                            Miller, A|31          PHILOSOPHY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS|23  Guyer P, 1987, KANT CLAIMS KNOWLEDG|
|5                           RESCHER, N|32            JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC|24   Kripke SA., 1980, NAMING NECESSITY|
|5                             Gert, HJ|32PROCEEDINGS OF THE ARISTOTELIAN SOCI.|25     Ryle Gilbert, 1949, CONCEPT MIND|
|5                             PEARS, D|32                 PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES|25Wittgenstein L., 1974, PHILOS GRAMMAR|
|5                         PHILLIPS, DZ|33EARLY MODERN PHILOSOPHY RECONSIDERED.|26 Wittgenstein L., 1980, CULTURE VALUE|
|5                          ALDRICH, VC|-1                                   NA|26              HEIDEGGER M, BEING TIME|
|5                           AMERIKS, K|-1                                   NA|26McDowell J., 1998, MIND VALUE REALITY|
|5                             Harre, R|-1                                   NA|26Davidson Donald, 1980, ESSAYS ACTION.|
|5                         Goldstein, L|-1                                   NA|26    Friedman M., 1992, KANT EXACT SCI|
Cluster: 6
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 21:30:42++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|10304 Records from Empty++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1                             MELE, AR|1                 PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES|1    RAWLS J, 1971, THEORY JUSTICE, P50|
|2                           GEWIRTH, A|2                                ETHICS|2      Parfit D., 1984, REASONS PERSONS|
|3                            RORTY, AO|3        SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|3         Aristotle, NICOMACHEAN ETHICS|
|5                             Mele, AR|5                            PHILOSOPHY|5 Scanlon T., 1998, WHAT WE OWE EACH O.|
|5                             KEKES, J|6        CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|6    Smith Michael, 1994, MORAL PROBLEM|
|6                          FISCHER, JM|7                                MONIST|7                Aristotle, METAPHYSICS|
|6                           NIELSEN, K|9                 REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS|9         Hume D., TREATISE HUMAN NATUR|
|7                              AUDI, R|10          PHILOSOPHY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS|10                      Plato, REPUBLIC|
|7                           STOCKER, M|11                                 NOUS|11Gibbard A, 1990, WISE CHOICES APT FEE|
|7                             HARE, RM|12                JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|12        Williams B., 1981, MORAL LUCK|
|8                           CLARK, SRL|12INQUIRY-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL.|13         Nagel T., 1986, VIEW NOWHERE|
|8                     McKenna, Michael|13      PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|14Davidson Donald, 1980, ESSAYS ACTION.|
|8                      Schroeder, Mark|14              PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|14van Inwagen Peter, 1983, ESSAY FREE .|
|8                           BRANDT, RB|15                             ANALYSIS|15     Hare R.M., 1952, LANGUAGE MORALS|
|8                           SINGER, MG|16   AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|16            Ross WD, 1930, RIGHT GOOD|
|8                          Shabo, Seth|17                 PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW|17  Nagel T, 1970, POSSIBILITY ALTRUISM|
|9                         Dorsey, Dale|18                                 MIND|17Nagel Thomas, 1979, MORTAL QUESTIONS.|
|9                              Gert, J|19                             SYNTHESE|18        LOCKE J, ESSAY HUMAN UNDERSTA|
|9                             Ridge, M|20                     RATIO-NEW SERIES|19Williams B., 1985, ETHICS LIMITS PHI.|
|9                        CASTANEDA, HN|21             PHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY|20FRANKFURT HG, 1969, J PHILOS, V66, P.|
|9                           Levy, Neil|22                                RATIO|21Frankfurt H. G., 1971, J PHILOS, V68.|
|10                            RECK, AJ|23                              THEORIA|22Goldman A.I., 1970, THEORY HUMAN ACT.|
|10                           PETTIT, P|24STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF.|23     Moore GE, 1903, PRINCIPIA ETHICA|
|10                     Mele, Alfred R.|25                           DIALECTICA|24Fischer J. M, 1998, RESPONSIBILITY C.|
|10                            HILL, TE|26                           ERKENNTNIS|25Korsgaard C., 1996, SOURCES NORMATIV.|
|10                             FLEW, A|27                PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE|26   Brandt R., 1979, THEORY GOOD RIGHT|
|10                           KAVKA, GS|28                      MIND & LANGUAGE|27   Gauthier D, 1986, MORALS AGREEMENT|
|10                            DAVIS, M|29                 BIOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY|27Kane Robert, 1996, SIGNIFICANCE FREE.|
|10          Franklin, Christopher Evan|30                 PHILOSOPHICAL TOPICS|28   Blackburn S., 1984, SPREADING WORD|
|10                       ZIMMERMAN, MJ|30                 PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES|29Rawls John, 1971, THEORY JUSTICE, P1.|
|10                         ARNESON, RJ|31       JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC|30      Hare R. M, 1963, FREEDOM REASON|
|10                           SINGER, P|31BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY O.|31   Raz Joseph, 1986, MORALITY FREEDOM|
|10                            YOUNG, R|32        MIDWEST STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY|32Bratman M, 1987, INTENTION PLANS PRAC|
|10                           MARTIN, R|32           LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY|33                   Aristotle, PHYSICS|
|11                          TANNSJO, T|33    FREE WILL AND MORAL RESPONSIBLITY|34     Hare R. M., 1981, MORAL THINKING|
|11                Fischer, John Martin|34FORWARD-LOOKING COLLECTIVE RESPONSIB.|35     Aquinas Thomas, SUMMA THEOLOGICA|
|11                         DARWALL, SL|35     ETHICS AND GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE|36   Foot P., 1978, VIRTUES VICES, P110|
|11                          BECKER, LC|36PROCEEDINGS OF THE ARISTOTELIAN SOCI.|37  Pereboom D., 2001, LIVING FREE WILL|
|11                          MURPHY, JG|37EARLY MODERN PHILOSOPHY RECONSIDERED.|38DAVIDSON D, 1963, J PHILOS, V60, P68.|
|11                         MARGOLIS, J|37         PHILOSOPHY AND THE EMPIRICAL|39              Hett W. S., 1936, ANIMA|
|11                             SHER, G|38THEORIA-REVISTA DE TEORIA HISTORIA Y.|40SIDGWICK H, 1907, METHODS ETHICS, P1.|
|11                          WALDRON, J|39                      CONCEPT OF EVIL|40RAILTON P, 1986, PHILOS REV, V95, P1.|
Cluster: 7
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 21:40:50++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|723 Records from Empty++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1                         Brueckner, A|1                              SYNTHESE|1 Quine W. V., 1969, ONTOLOGICAL RELAT.|
|1                            SIEGEL, H|2                 PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES|2 Davidson D, 1984, INQUIRIES TRUTH IN.|
|2                             ROTH, PA|3                            DIALECTICA|3    Putnam H., 1981, REASON TRUTH HIST|
|3                         BRUECKNER, A|4        SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|4     Quine W. V. O., 1960, WORD OBJECT|
|3                            ELDER, CL|5                 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|5     Quine W. V, 1981, THEORIES THINGS|
|3                            PUTNAM, H|6 PHILOSOPHY AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESE.|6 Quine W. V. O., 1953, LOGICAL POINT .|
|4                             BURGE, T|7                              ANALYSIS|7    Putnam H., 1978, MEANING MORAL SCI|
|4                            Wright, C|8                                  NOUS|8 Davidson Donald, 1980, ESSAYS ACTION.|
|4                             LEWIS, D|8                                  MIND|9 LEWIS D, 1984, AUSTRALAS J PHILOS, V.|
|4                         PETERSON, PL|9                                MONIST|9 QUINE WV, 1970, J PHILOS, V67, P178,.|
|4                   Glock, Hans-Johann|10                           PHILOSOPHY|10Quine W. V. O., 1974, ROOTS REFERENCE|
|4                               Cox, D|11                PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE|10DAVIDSON D, 1990, J PHILOS, V87, P27.|
|4                          SCHWARTZ, R|12     AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|11 Rorty R., 1979, PHILOS MIRROR NATURE|
|4                             BARON, D|12                           ERKENNTNIS|12 Quine Willard V., 1970, PHILOS LOGIC|
|4                            DEVITT, M|13   AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|12Davidson D., 1986, TRUTH INTERPRETAT.|
|4                          Cappelen, H|14       CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|13   Kripke SA., 1980, NAMING NECESSITY|
|4                            Lepore, E|14INQUIRY-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL.|13PUTNAM H, 1980, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC, V4.|
|4                          CHERNIAK, C|15      PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|14  Kuhn T., 1970, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU|
|4                           NIELSEN, K|16                     RATIO-NEW SERIES|15  Quine W. V. O., 1992, PURSUIT TRUTH|
|4                            QUINE, WV|16                 PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW|15   Goodman N., 1978, WAYS WORLDMAKING|
|4                             HAACK, S|17                      MIND & LANGUAGE|15Quine Willard Van Orman, 1990, PURSU.|
|4                          DAVIDSON, D|18              PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|16       Quine W.V.O., 1975, ERKENNTNIS|
|5                       Raatikainen, P|19           LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY|17  Devitt Michael, 1984, REALISM TRUTH|
|5                            SANKEY, H|20        MIDWEST STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY|17Kripke S., 1982, WITTGENSTEIN RULES P|
|5                            MOSER, PK|21       JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC|18   Putnam H, 1983, REALISM AND REASON|
|5                          Zangwill, N|22             PHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY|18  DENNETT D, 1987, INTENTIONAL STANCE|
|5                          WILLIAMS, M|22                REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS|19Putnam Hilary, 1990, REALISM HUMAN F.|
|5                              Saka, P|22                              THEORIA|19         QUINE WV, 1966, WAYS PARADOX|
|5                          Chambers, T|22                               ETHICS|19         Nagel T., 1986, VIEW NOWHERE|
|5                             HILL, CS|23                                RATIO|20      Quine W., 1973, ROOTS REFERENCE|
|5                      Whiting, Daniel|23STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF.|21  Field H., 1972, J PHILOS, V64, P347|
|5                            YOUNG, JO|24                 PHILOSOPHICAL TOPICS|21  GRANDY R, 1973, J PHILOS, V70, P439|
|5                           SEARLE, JR|24THEORIA-REVISTA DE TEORIA HISTORIA Y.|21  Lewis David, 1986, PLURALITY WORLDS|
|5                             MELIA, J|25                 BIOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY|21Quine W. V. O, 1980, LOGICAL POINT V.|
|5                          McGowan, MK|26          PHILOSOPHY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS|22    Strawson P. F., 1959, INDIVIDUALS|
|5                         Stainton, RJ|27PROCEEDINGS OF THE ARISTOTELIAN SOCI.|22Putnam Hilary, 1987, MANY FACES REAL.|
|5                           PARSONS, C|27                        STUDIA LOGICA|23PUTNAM H, 1975, MIND LANGUAGE REALIT.|
|5                              AUNE, B|27          NEW ATHEISM AND ITS CRITICS|23PUTNAM H, 1982, SYNTHESE, V51, P141,.|
|5                            Ludwig, K|-1                                   NA|23  STICH S, 1990, FRAGMENTATION REASON|
|5                           RESNIK, MD|-1                                   NA|23Tarski A., 1983, LOGIC SEMANTICS META|
|5                     Liebesman, David|-1                                   NA|24 Fodor J., 1992, HOLISM SHOPPERS GUID|
|5                             TRIGG, R|-1                                   NA|24      Quine W. V., 1995, STIMULUS SCI|
Cluster: 8
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 21:42:16++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|742 Records from Empty++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1                            Okasha, S|1                  BIOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY|1       Sober E, 1984, NATURE SELECTION|
|2                             SOBER, E|2                 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE|1         Dawkins R, 1976, SELFISH GENE|
|3                        Okasha, Samir|3 BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY O.|2 Williams G. C., 1966, ADAPTATION NAT.|
|3                     Abrams, Marshall|4                              SYNTHESE|3 HULL DL, 1978, PHILOS SCI, V45, P335.|
|4                        Ramsey, Grant|5 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF.|4 GHISELIN MT, 1974, SYST ZOOL, V23, P.|
|4                         Nanay, Bence|6                            PHILOSOPHY|5 HULL DL, 1976, SYST ZOOL, V25, P174,.|
|4                     Godfrey-Smith, P|6                 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|6      Brandon R., 1990, ADAPTATION ENV|
|4                    Gildenhuys, Peter|7                                MONIST|6   Mayr E., 1963, ANIMAL SPECIES EVOLU|
|5                             Ariew, A|8                 PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES|7 KITCHER P, 1984, PHILOS SCI, V51, P3.|
|5                        Ereshefsky, M|9        SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|7 Matthen M, 2002, J PHILOS, V99, P55,.|
|5                        ERESHEFSKY, M|10                           ERKENNTNIS|8 Lewontin R. C., 1970, ANNU REV ECOL .|
|5                           Wilson, RA|10                               ETHICS|9     Mayr E, 1982, GROWTH BIOL THOUGHT|
|5                     Ereshefsky, Marc|11PHILOSOPHY AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESE.|10Fisher RA, 1930, GENETICAL THEORY NAT|
|5                       Sober, Elliott|11THEORIA-REVISTA DE TEORIA HISTORIA Y.|11HAMILTON WD, 1964, J THEOR BIOL, V7,.|
|5                      Forber, Patrick|12INQUIRY-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL.|12  Dawkins R, 1982, EXTENDED PHENOTYPE|
|6                    Huneman, Philippe|13   AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|13STERELNY K, 1988, J PHILOS, V85, P33.|
|6                 Godfrey-Smith, Peter|13          PHILOSOPHY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS|14Walsh DM, 2002, PHILOS SCI, V69, P45.|
|6                              RUSE, M|13     AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|14GOULD SJ, 1979, PROC R SOC SER B-BIO.|
|6                    Haber, Matthew H.|14                                RATIO|14      Darwin C., 1859, ORIGIN SPECIES|
|6                        Griffiths, PE|14                             ANALYSIS|15HULL DL, 1980, ANNU REV ECOL SYST, V.|
|6                           Gannett, L|14              PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|16 Hennig W, 1966, PHYLOGENETIC SYSTEMA|
|6                        Millstein, RL|14                                 NOUS|17MILLS SK, 1979, PHILOS SCI, V46, P26.|
|6                  Clatterbuck, Hayley|14             PHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY|18SOBER E, 1980, PHILOS SCI, V47, P350.|
|6                    Pence, Charles H.|15                                 MIND|19HULL DL, 1965, BRIT J PHILOS SCI, V1.|
|6                          Morrison, M|16                      MIND & LANGUAGE|19Dennett D. C., 1995, DARWINS DANGERO.|
|6                        Andreasen, RO|16                     RATIO-NEW SERIES|20SOBER E, 1982, PHILOS SCI, V49, P157.|
|6                   Slater, Matthew H.|17       CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|20Stephens C, 2004, PHILOS SCI, V71, P.|
|7                          Sterelny, K|17        MIDWEST STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY|21Simpson GG, 1961, PRINCIPLES ANIMAL .|
|7                          Lewens, Tim|17      PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|22 Sober E., 1998, OTHERS EVOLUTION PSY|
|7                            Walsh, DM|17                REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS|23 Okasha S, 2006, EVOLUTION LEVELS SEL|
|7                   Brandon, Robert N.|17                           DIALECTICA|23          Sober E., 1993, PHILOS BIOL|
|7                       Matthen, Mohan|18     ETHICS AND GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE|24Godfrey-Smith P, 2009, DARWINIAN POP.|
|7                         Ariew, Andre|18                              THEORIA|24Matthen M, 2009, PHILOS SCI, V76, P2.|
|7                        Clarke, Ellen|18                FILM AND THE EMOTIONS|24 Sober E., 1984, NATURE SELECTION EVO|
|7                        GOLDSTEIN, LJ|18          NEW ATHEISM AND ITS CRITICS|24Woodward J., 2003, MAKING THINGS HAP.|
|7                           Kitcher, P|18           LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY|25Millstein RL, 2006, BRIT J PHILOS SC.|
|7                         Beatty, John|-1                                   NA|25Millstein RL, 2002, BIOL PHILOS, V17.|
|7                           KITCHER, P|-1                                   NA|25Maynard Smith J, 1995, MAJOR TRANSIT.|
|7                            Lloyd, EA|-1                                   NA|26Walsh DM, 2007, PHILOS SCI, V74, P28.|
|7                          STERELNY, K|-1                                   NA|26PRICE GR, 1972, ANN HUM GENET, V35, .|
|7                              MAYR, E|-1                                   NA|26PRICE GR, 1970, NATURE, V227, P520, .|
|7                         Rosenberg, A|-1                                   NA|26Lewontin R., 1974, GENETIC BASIS EVO.|
|7                           Robert, JS|-1                                   NA|26Ghiselin MT, 1969, TRIUMPH DARWINIAN.|
|7                     Schulz, Armin W.|-1                                   NA|26BEATTY J, 1984, PHILOS SCI, V51, P18.|
Cluster: 9
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 21:47:44++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|4759 Records from Empty+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1                     Machery, Edouard|1             JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC|1 Dretske F.I., 1981, KNOWLEDGE FLOW I.|
|2                   Friedman, Sy-David|2                              SYNTHESE|2       Fodor J., 1983, MODULARITY MIND|
|3                     Floridi, Luciano|3                 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE|3   Van Fraassen B. C., 1980, SCI IMAGE|
|3                   Spaulding, Shannon|4                  BIOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY|4 WIMMER H, 1983, COGNITION, V13, P103.|
|3                            Shelah, S|5              PHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY|4    Kripke SA., 1980, NAMING NECESSITY|
|4                    Werndl, Charlotte|6 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF.|5   Lewis David, 1986, PLURALITY WORLDS|
|4                     Knuuttila, Tarja|7                 PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES|6 Millikan R., 1984, LANGUAGE THOUGHT .|
|4                       Shea, Nicholas|8                       MIND & LANGUAGE|6 GOULD SJ, 1979, PROC R SOC SER B-BIO.|
|4                  Barrett, Jeffrey A.|9                         STUDIA LOGICA|7   Kuhn T., 1970, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU|
|4                         Klein, Colin|10                           ERKENNTNIS|8 Woodward J., 2003, MAKING THINGS HAP.|
|5                  Driscoll, Catherine|11BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY O.|9 Kuhn Thomas, 1962, STRUCTURE SCI REV.|
|5                   Montalban, Antonio|12       JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC|10Gibson J. J., 1979, ECOLOGICAL APPRO.|
|5                 O'Malley, Maureen A.|13           LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY|11Haidt J, 2001, PSYCHOL REV, V108, P8.|
|5                       Calcott, Brett|14                               MONIST|11Dennett D. C., 1991, CONSCIOUSNESS E.|
|5                     Ben Yaacov, Itai|15   AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|12   Lewis David, 1973, COUNTERFACTUALS|
|5                     Montagna, Franco|16                               ETHICS|13ROSCH E, 1975, COGNITIVE PSYCHOL, V7.|
|5             de Vignemont, Frederique|17                             ANALYSIS|14Godfrey-Smith P, 2009, DARWINIAN POP.|
|5                         Frigg, Roman|17                JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|15SHANNON CE, 1948, AT&T TECH J, V27, .|
|5                      Schurz, Gerhard|18PHILOSOPHY AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESE.|16Onishi KH, 2005, SCIENCE, V308, P255.|
|6                     Bortolotti, Lisa|19INQUIRY-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL.|17  Burge T., 2010, ORIGINS OBJECTIVITY|
|6                    Wansing, Heinrich|20       CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|17                Marr D., 1982, VISION|
|6                         Nanay, Bence|21              PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|17  Fagin R., 1995, REASONING KNOWLEDGE|
|6                Isaac, Alistair M. C.|22                                 NOUS|17Dennett D., 1987, INTENTIONAL STANCE.|
|6                   Hieronymi, Philipp|23THEORIA-REVISTA DE TEORIA HISTORIA Y.|18Goldman A. I., 2006, SIMULATING MIND.|
|6                        Michael, John|24      PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|18      Blackburn P., 2001, MODAL LOGIC|
|6                      Powell, Russell|25                           DIALECTICA|18  Evans G., 1982, VARIETIES REFERENCE|
|6                       Currie, Adrian|26                                RATIO|18     Fodor JA, 1975, LANGUAGE THOUGHT|
|6                           Egre, Paul|26       SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|19Williamson Timothy, 2000, KNOWLEDGE .|
|6                       De Cruz, Helen|27     AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|19Dennett D. C., 1995, DARWINS DANGERO.|
|6                       Nichols, Shaun|28                                 MIND|19Skyrms B., 2010, SIGNALS EVOLUTION LE|
|6                      List, Christian|29                           PHILOSOPHY|20Godfrey-Smith P, 2000, PHILOS SCI, V.|
|6                            Apter, AW|30          PHILOSOPHY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS|20    LEVINS R, 1966, AM SCI, V54, P421|
|6                   Kuorikoski, Jaakko|31                 PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW|20    Quine W. V. O., 1960, WORD OBJECT|
|7                         Earman, John|31                REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS|20Hacking I., 1983, REPRESENTING INTER.|
|7                      Wintein, Stefan|32                              THEORIA|21   Boyd R, 1985, CULTURE EVOLUTIONARY|
|7                  van Ditmarsch, Hans|32                 PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES|21Apperly IA, 2009, PSYCHOL REV, V116,.|
|7                 Krupinski, Krzysztof|33     ETHICS AND GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE|21Pylyshyn ZW, 1984, COMPUTATION COGNI.|
|7                       MacLeod, Miles|34                     RATIO-NEW SERIES|21BARONCOHEN S, 1985, COGNITION, V21, .|
|7                        Lehtinen, Aki|34       PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE FICTION|21Humphreys P, 2004, EXTENDING OURSELV.|
|7                   O'Callaghan, Casey|34        MIDWEST STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY|22Street S, 2006, PHILOS STUD, V127, P.|
|7                          Rose, David|35                PHILOSOPHY AND POETRY|22   Marr D, 1982, VISION COMPUTATIONAL|
|7                   Fumagalli, Roberto|35         PHILOSOPHY AND THE EMPIRICAL|22Shannon CE., 1949, MATH THEORY COMMU.|
|7                      Miller, Kristie|35          NEW ATHEISM AND ITS CRITICS|22PERNER J., 1991, UNDERSTANDING REPRES|
|7                       Placek, Tomasz|35                 PHILOSOPHICAL TOPICS|23NAGEL T, 1974, PHILOS REV, V83, P435.|
Cluster: 10
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 21:49:23++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|813 Records from Empty++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1                           Gillett, C|1                 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE|1 CUMMINS R, 1975, J PHILOS, V72, P741.|
|1                      Wilson, Jessica|2                              SYNTHESE|2    NAGEL E, 1961, STRUCTURE SCI, pCH7|
|1                     Haug, Matthew C.|3                 PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES|3 YABLO S, 1992, PHILOS REV, V101, P24.|
|1                        Morris, Kevin|4                 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|4 WRIGHT L, 1973, PHILOS REV, V82, P13.|
|1                           Witmer, DG|5 PHILOSOPHY AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESE.|5 KIM J, 1984, PHILOS PHENOMEN RES, V4.|
|1                            Melnyk, A|6                  BIOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY|6         Kim J., 1998, MIND PHYS WORLD|
|1                            Houkes, W|6                            ERKENNTNIS|7 Fodor J., 1974, SYNTHESE, V28, P97, .|
|1                         Nanay, Bence|7                              ANALYSIS|8 Millikan R., 1984, LANGUAGE THOUGHT .|
|1                           Zhong, Lei|8 BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY O.|9 NEANDER K, 1991, PHILOS SCI, V58, P1.|
|1                           NEANDER, K|9        SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|10      Kim J, 1993, SUPERVENIENCE MIND|
|1                            WRIGHT, L|10   AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|11 Kim J, 2005, PRINC MONOGR PHILOS, P1|
|2                               KIM, J|11                               MONIST|12MILLIKAN RG, 1989, PHILOS SCI, V56, .|
|2                        Gillett, Carl|11                                 NOUS|13 Wright L, 1976, TELEOLOGICAL EXPLANA|
|2                            HORGAN, T|12              PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|14BIGELOW J, 1987, J PHILOS, V84, P181.|
|2                          Bauer, Mark|13STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF.|15NEANDER K, 1991, AUSTRALAS J PHILOS,.|
|2                          Vermaas, PE|15      PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|17Davidson Donald, 1980, ESSAYS ACTION.|
|2                        Moore, Dwayne|16       CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|18GODFREYSMITH P, 1994, NOUS, V28, P34.|
|2                         HONDERICH, T|17                           DIALECTICA|19Kim J, 1999, PHILOS STUD, V95, P3, D.|
|2                    Polger, Thomas W.|18             PHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY|19BOORSE C, 1976, PHILOS REV, V85, P70.|
|2                       Moreno, Alvaro|19                           PHILOSOPHY|20KIM JW, 1992, PHILOS PHENOMEN RES, V.|
|2                         Walter, Sven|19INQUIRY-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL.|21Broad C. D., 1925, MIND ITS PLACE NA.|
|2                         Rosenberg, A|19                                 MIND|22 Shoemaker S., 2007, PHYS REALIZATION|
|2                        Shagrir, Oron|20                 PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW|22Kim J., 1989, P ADDRESSES AM PHILO, .|
|2                       Garson, Justin|21                      MIND & LANGUAGE|23HELLMAN GP, 1975, J PHILOS, V72, P55.|
|2                       Tiehen, Justin|22                                RATIO|24    HORGAN T., 1993, MIND, V102, P555|
|3                            Rueger, A|23                     RATIO-NEW SERIES|25SCHAFFNER KF, 1967, PHILOS SCI, V34,.|
|3                      Gibb, Sophie C.|23                REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS|25LEWIS D, 1983, AUSTRALAS J PHILOS, V.|
|3                           Audi, Paul|24THEORIA-REVISTA DE TEORIA HISTORIA Y.|25  LEPORE E, 1987, J PHILOS, V84, P630|
|3                              Heil, J|25                               ETHICS|26Shapiro LA, 2000, J PHILOS, V97, P63.|
|3                          de Jong, HL|26                 PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES|26KIM J, 1978, AM PHILOS QUART, V15, P.|
|3                   Griffiths, Paul E.|26                 PHILOSOPHICAL TOPICS|26Kim J., 1989, PHILOS PERSPECTIVES, V.|
|3                     Engelhardt, Jeff|26                              THEORIA|26Millikan RG, 1993, WHITE QUEEN PSYCH.|
|3                            PETTIT, P|27          PHILOSOPHY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS|27GRIFFITHS PE, 1993, BRIT J PHILOS SC.|
|3                             NAGEL, E|27       JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC|28Clapp L, 2001, J PHILOS, V98, P111, .|
|3                            Ehring, D|-1                                   NA|28JACKSON F, 1990, ANALYSIS, V50, P107.|
|3                         ENDICOTT, RP|-1                                   NA|29Bennett K, 2003, NOUS, V37, P471, DO.|
|3                             CRANE, T|-1                                   NA|29 Papineau D., 1993, PHILOS NATURALISM|
|3                            TELLER, P|-1                                   NA|30 Block N., 1980, READINGS PHILOS PSYC|
|3                            Walsh, DM|-1                                   NA|30       Kim J., 1993, MENTAL CAUSATION|
|3                             Yablo, S|-1                                   NA|30Putnam H., 1975, MIND LANGUAGE REALI.|
|3                        ACHINSTEIN, P|-1                                   NA|31KITCHER P, 1984, PHILOS REV, V93, P3.|
|3                           Preston, B|-1                                   NA|32Bechtel W, 1999, PHILOS SCI, V66, P1.|
|3                           Shagrir, O|-1                                   NA|32   NAGEL E, 1977, J PHILOS, V84, P261|
Cluster: 11
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 21:51:38++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|1205 Records from Empty+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1                          MALONEY, JC|1              PHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY|1      Fodor JA, 1975, LANGUAGE THOUGHT|
|1                          Clark, Andy|2                              SYNTHESE|2       Fodor J., 1987, PSYCHOSEMANTICS|
|2                           Rupert, RD|3                 PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES|3       Fodor J., 1983, MODULARITY MIND|
|2                             Clark, A|4                       MIND & LANGUAGE|4 Stich Stephen P, 1983, FOLK PSYCHOL .|
|2                            FODOR, JA|5                 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE|5 Millikan R., 1984, LANGUAGE THOUGHT .|
|2                           RUSSOW, LM|6 PHILOSOPHY AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESE.|6 Fodor J. A., 1990, THEORY CONTENT OT.|
|2                       CHURCHLAND, PM|7                 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|7         Dennett D., 1978, BRAINSTORMS|
|3                            LEPORE, E|8                              ANALYSIS|8 Clark A, 1998, ANALYSIS, V58, P7, DO.|
|3                       CHURCHLAND, PS|9                                  NOUS|9 Dretske F.I., 1981, KNOWLEDGE FLOW I.|
|3                              HEIL, J|10INQUIRY-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL.|10Churchland P. M., 1979, SCI REALISM .|
|3                            LYCAN, WG|11                                 MIND|11  DENNETT D, 1987, INTENTIONAL STANCE|
|3                            Aizawa, K|11       SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|12Burge T, 1979, MIDWEST STUD PHILOS, .|
|3                               CAM, P|12BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY O.|12   BURGE T, 1986, PHILOS REV, V93, P3|
|3                          Papineau, D|13                               MONIST|13Pylyshyn ZW, 1984, COMPUTATION COGNI.|
|3                            STICH, SP|14     AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|14CHURCHLAND PM, 1981, J PHILOS, V78, .|
|3                             SOBER, E|14                 BIOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY|14                Marr D., 1982, VISION|
|4                           Knowles, J|14   AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|15FODOR JA, 1980, BEHAV BRAIN SCI, V3,.|
|4                            BAKER, LR|15                           DIALECTICA|16 Fodor J., 1987, PSYCHOSEMANTICS PROB|
|4                           Collins, J|16              PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|17FODOR JA, 1988, COGNITION, V28, P3, .|
|4                  Weiskopf, Daniel A.|17       CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|18   Clark A, 1997, BEING THERE PUTTING|
|4                          Shapiro, LA|17      PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|19SEARLE JR, 1980, BEHAV BRAIN SCI, V3.|
|4                Kirchhoff, Michael D.|17                 PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW|20Rupert RD, 2004, J PHILOS, V101, P38.|
|4                             CLARK, A|18STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF.|21Gibson J. J., 1979, ECOLOGICAL APPRO.|
|4                         Artiga, Marc|19                           PHILOSOPHY|22Millikan RG, 1993, WHITE QUEEN PSYCH.|
|4                   Orlandi, Nicoletta|19                           ERKENNTNIS|23       Fodor J, 1981, REPRESENTATIONS|
|4                             Adams, F|20                 PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES|24  Clark A, 2008, SUPERSIZING MIND EMB|
|4                           Keeley, BL|21           LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY|25    Hutchins E., 1995, COGNITION WILD|
|4                           Cummins, R|21THEORIA-REVISTA DE TEORIA HISTORIA Y.|25Churchland P. M., 1989, NEUROCOMPUTA.|
|4                       Churchland, PM|22                REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS|26Adams F, 2001, PHILOS PSYCHOL, V14, .|
|4                         MCCAULEY, RN|23                 PHILOSOPHICAL TOPICS|26      Noe A., 2004, ACTION PERCEPTION|
|4                          STERELNY, K|23                     RATIO-NEW SERIES|26PUTNAM Hilary, 1975, MIND LANGUAGE R.|
|4                        Shagrir, Oron|24                               ETHICS|27     Adams F., 2008, BOUNDS COGNITION|
|4                 Piccinini, Gualtiero|25        MIDWEST STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY|28Cummins R. C., 1989, MEANING MENTAL .|
|4                            GRAHAM, G|25       JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC|29MILLIKAN RG, 1989, J PHILOS, V86, P2.|
|5                          Mallon, Ron|26                                RATIO|29           Fodor J., 1994, ELM EXPERT|
|5                         ROSENBERG, A|-1                                   NA|30 Fodor J., 1992, HOLISM SHOPPERS GUID|
|5                            HORGAN, T|-1                                   NA|30 Menary R., 2010, EXTENDED MIND, P227|
|5                            BUTLER, K|-1                                   NA|31 Searle J. R., 1992, REDISCOVERY MIND|
|5                            DOUBLE, R|-1                                   NA|32Dennett D. C, 1969, CONTENT CONSCIOU.|
|5                             KUKLA, A|-1                                   NA|33Chomsky N., 1965, ASPECTS THEORY SYN.|
|5                    Carruthers, Peter|-1                                   NA|33    Quine W. V. O., 1960, WORD OBJECT|
|5                     Schneider, Susan|-1                                   NA|33FODOR J, 1984, PHILOS SCI, V51, P23,.|
|5                        Keijzer, Fred|-1                                   NA|33SMOLENSKY P, 1988, BEHAV BRAIN SCI, .|
|5                              EGAN, F|-1                                   NA|34 DRETSKE F, 1988, EXPLAINING BEHAVIOR|
Cluster: 12
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 21:57:21++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|4114 Records from Empty+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1                    Predelli, Stefano|1                 PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES|1    Kripke SA., 1980, NAMING NECESSITY|
|1                          Predelli, S|2            LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY|2   Evans G., 1982, VARIETIES REFERENCE|
|1                        CASTANEDA, HN|3                              SYNTHESE|3 Kripke S., 1972, SEMANTICS NATURAL L.|
|2                      Brogaard, Berit|4 PHILOSOPHY AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESE.|4    Tye M., 1995, 10 PROBLEMS CONSCIOU|
|2                         Speaks, Jeff|5                                  NOUS|5 Kaplan David, 1989, THEMES KAPLAN, P.|
|3                          MCKINSEY, M|6                              ANALYSIS|6 Dretske F.I., 1995, NATURALIZING MIND|
|3                      Cohen, Jonathan|7                 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|7 PERRY J, 1979, NOUS, V13, P3, DOI 10.|
|4                         Tye, Michael|9                                  MIND|9     Tye M., 2000, CONSCIOUSNESS COLOR|
|5                              BACH, K|10                      MIND & LANGUAGE|10NAGEL T, 1974, PHILOS REV, V83, P435.|
|5                            Reimer, M|11     AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|11    Salmon N. U., 1986, FREGES PUZZLE|
|6                Schellenberg, Susanna|12       CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|12 Kaplan D., 1989, THEMES KAPLAN, P565|
|6                               Tye, M|13              PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|13    Chalmers D., 1996, CONSCIOUS MIND|
|6                      Stokke, Andreas|14                 PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW|14Harman G., 1990, PHILOS PERSPECTIVES.|
|6                            FITCH, GW|15INQUIRY-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL.|15JACKSON F, 1982, PHILOS QUART, V32, .|
|7                         Braun, David|16      PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|16        McDowell J., 1994, MIND WORLD|
|7                          Recanati, F|17                           ERKENNTNIS|17Lycan William, 1996, CONSCIOUSNESS E.|
|7                      Schroer, Robert|18             PHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY|18LEWIS D, 1979, PHILOS REV, V88, P513.|
|7                         PARGETTER, R|19                               MONIST|19    Peacocke C., 1992, STUDY CONCEPTS|
|7                        PENDLEBURY, M|20       SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|20Armstrong D. M, 1968, MATERIALIST TH.|
|7                            MCGINN, C|21                           DIALECTICA|21         Kripke S., 1979, MEANING USE|
|7                            FORBES, G|22       JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC|21Dennett D. C., 1991, CONSCIOUSNESS E.|
|7                         Nanay, Bence|23                           PHILOSOPHY|22    Neale Stephen, 1990, DESCRIPTIONS|
|8                             BOER, SE|24                REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS|22PERRY J, 1977, PHILOS REV, V86, P474.|
|8                            SALMON, N|24                PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE|22    Quine W. V. O., 1960, WORD OBJECT|
|8                         Textor, Mark|25THEORIA-REVISTA DE TEORIA HISTORIA Y.|23Campbell J., 2002, REFERENCE CONSCIO.|
|8                             Byrne, A|26                                RATIO|24Chalmers D, 1996, CONSCIOUS MIND SEA.|
|8                               TYE, M|27                     RATIO-NEW SERIES|25      Searle J., 1983, INTENTIONALITY|
|8                          HINTIKKA, J|28                               ETHICS|26Barwise J., 1983, SITUATIONS ATTITUD.|
|8                       Kriegel, Uriah|29BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY O.|27         Searle J., 1969, SPEECH ACTS|
|8                             Braun, D|30                              THEORIA|28   Recanati F., 2004, LITERAL MEANING|
|8                             KATZ, JJ|31STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF.|29Richard M., 1990, PROPOSITIONAL ATTI.|
|8                           Stanley, J|32        MIDWEST STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY|30    Kripke S., 1972, NAMING NECESSITY|
|8                    Howell, Robert J.|33                 BIOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY|31GRICE HP, 1957, PHILOS REV, V66, P37.|
|8                          Byrne, Alex|34            JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC|32BARWISE J, 1981, LINGUIST PHILOS, V4.|
|8                           Kriegel, U|35                 PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES|32Burge T, 1979, MIDWEST STUD PHILOS, .|
|8                          Pautz, Adam|36                 PHILOSOPHICAL TOPICS|33Armstrong D. M., 1968, MAT THEORY MI.|
|9                             Saul, JM|36PROCEEDINGS OF THE ARISTOTELIAN SOCI.|33BLOCK N, 1995, BEHAV BRAIN SCI, V18,.|
|9                         Goff, Philip|37          PHILOSOPHY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS|34LEWIS D, 1979, J PHILOS LOGIC, V8, P.|
|9                           JACKSON, F|37                        STUDIA LOGICA|35Byrne A, 2001, PHILOS REV, V110, P19.|
|9                            Lycan, WG|38       PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE FICTION|36Russell Bertrand, 1905, MIND, V14, P.|
|9                        Carruthers, P|38         PHILOSOPHY AND THE EMPIRICAL|37 Peacocke C., 1983, SENSE AND CONTENT|
|9                      Hawthorne, John|39            TRUTH AND ITS DEFORMITIES|38Recanati F, 1993, DIRECT REFERENCE L.|
|9                       Thompson, Brad|-1                                   NA|38Carston R., 2002, THOUGHTS UTTERANCES|
Cluster: 13
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 21:59:04++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|919 Records from Empty++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1                            Beall, JC|1                              SYNTHESE|1 KRIPKE S, 1975, J PHILOS, V72, P690,.|
|2                           Ketland, J|2        JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC|2 Dummett M., 1978, TRUTH OTHER ENIGMAS|
|2                           Halbach, V|3                              ANALYSIS|3 Wright Crispin, 1992, TRUTH OBJECTIV.|
|2                       Armour-Garb, B|4                 PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES|4  Quine Willard V., 1970, PHILOS LOGIC|
|3                     Edwards, Douglas|5                                  MIND|5               Horwich P., 1990, TRUTH|
|3                         GOLDSTEIN, L|6             JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC|6               Horwich P., 1998, TRUTH|
|3                 Armour-Garb, Bradley|6                 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|7 Tarski A., 1983, LOGIC SEMANTICS META|
|3                              HAND, M|7               PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|8 Belnap N., 1993, REVISION THEORY TRUT|
|3                   Cieslinski, Cezary|8                                  NOUS|9 FIELD H, 1994, MIND, V103, P249, DOI.|
|4                          Asay, Jamin|9    AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|10Tarski Alfred, 1944, PHILOS PHENOMEN.|
|4                             Field, H|10PHILOSOPHY AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESE.|11GUPTA A, 1982, J PHILOS LOGIC, V11, .|
|4                       Nicolai, Carlo|11     AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|11Soames Scott, 1999, UNDERSTANDING TR.|
|4                         Glanzberg, M|11                           ERKENNTNIS|12YABLO S, 1993, ANALYSIS, V53, P251, .|
|4                         Cook, Roy T.|12                               MONIST|13BURGE T, 1979, J PHILOS, V76, P169, .|
|4                            Miller, A|12      PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|14 McGee V., 1991, TRUTH VAGUENESS PARA|
|4                    Lynch, Michael P.|13                           DIALECTICA|15 Dummett M., 1976, TRUTH MEANING, P67|
|5                           Leitgeb, H|14INQUIRY-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL.|16Dummett M., 1991, LOGICAL BASIS META.|
|5                      Halbach, Volker|15       SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|17GROVER DL, 1975, PHILOS STUD, V27, P.|
|5                              Sher, G|16THEORIA-REVISTA DE TEORIA HISTORIA Y.|18 Field H., 2008, SAVING TRUTH PARADOX|
|5                          Bave, Arvid|17                        STUDIA LOGICA|18PARSONS C, 1974, J PHILOS LOGIC, V3,.|
|5                             Sandu, G|17           LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY|19    FIELD H, 1972, J PHILOS, V69, P13|
|5                             BURGE, T|18                 PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW|19Ketland J, 1999, MIND, V108, P69, DO.|
|5                           Colyvan, M|19                     RATIO-NEW SERIES|20Shapiro S, 1998, J PHILOS, V95, P493.|
|5                              WEIR, A|19                REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS|20Gupta Anil, 1993, PHILOS TOPICS, V21.|
|5                      Wintein, Stefan|19BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY O.|21   Putnam H., 1981, REASON TRUTH HIST|
|5                     Rosenkranz, Sven|20                           PHILOSOPHY|21HERZBERGER HG, 1982, J PHILOS LOGIC,.|
|5                        Rosenkranz, S|21                              THEORIA|22FEFERMAN S, 1991, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC, .|
|6                           Rumfitt, I|22                PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE|22Field H., 1986, FACT SCI MORALITY, P.|
|6                           Hanson, WH|22       CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|23Dummett M. A. E, 1977, ELEMENTS INTU.|
|6                       Kremer, Philip|23            TRUTH AND ITS DEFORMITIES|23    Quine W. V. O., 1960, WORD OBJECT|
|6                    Gomez-Torrente, M|24        MIDWEST STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY|24MONTAGUE R, 1963, ACTA PHILOS FENN, .|
|6                            WRIGHT, C|25                               ETHICS|25Tarski A., 1936, STUDIA PHILOS, V1, .|
|6                       Raatikainen, P|26          PHILOSOPHY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS|25 LEEDS S, 1978, ERKENNTNIS, V13, P111|
|6                            Beall, Jc|26                      MIND & LANGUAGE|26FEFERMAN S, 1984, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC, .|
|6                        Murzi, Julien|27PROCEEDINGS OF THE ARISTOTELIAN SOCI.|26Priest G, 1997, ANALYSIS, V57, P236,.|
|6                           BONEVAC, D|27             PHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY|26DAVIDSON D, 1996, J PHILOS, V93, P26.|
|6                        Tennant, Neil|27                 PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES|26            Horwich P., 1998, MEANING|
|6                               Ray, G|27                 PHILOSOPHICAL TOPICS|27Dummett Michael, 1973, FREGE PHILOS .|
|6                            Pettit, P|27                                RATIO|27      Dummett M., 1993, SEAS LANGUAGE|
|6                        ETCHEMENDY, J|27STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF.|27Martin R. L., 1984, RECENT ESSAYS TR.|
|6                            Wright, C|-1                                   NA|28Sorensen RA, 1998, MIND, V107, P137,.|
|6                            GEORGE, A|-1                                   NA|28PRIEST G, 1979, J PHILOS LOGIC, V8, .|
|6                          Hyttinen, T|-1                                   NA|29  David M., 1994, CORRES DISQUOTATION|
|6                            Lynch, MP|-1                                   NA|29TAPPOLET C, 1997, ANALYSIS, V47, P209|
Cluster: 14
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 22:01:21++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|998 Records from Empty++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1                       Liggins, David|1                              SYNTHESE|1 Dummett Michael, 1973, FREGE PHILOS .|
|1                     Linnebo, Oystein|2                 PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES|2 Wright Crispin, 1983, FREGES CONCEPT.|
|2                          Baker, Alan|3                                  MIND|3   Field H, 1989, REALISM MATH MODALIT|
|2                         Kim, Joongol|3        JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC|4 BOOLOS G, 1984, J PHILOS, V81, P430,.|
|3                          Daly, Chris|4                              ANALYSIS|5 Benacerraf P, 1973, J PHILOS, V70, P.|
|3                             MADDY, P|5                                  NOUS|6  Frege G., 1884, GRUNDLAGEN ARITHMETI|
|3                           RESNIK, MD|6               PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|7 Russell Bertrand, 1903, PRINCIPLES M.|
|3                           Baron, Sam|7                            DIALECTICA|7 Frege G., 1893, GRUNDGESETZE ARITHME.|
|4                          HINTIKKA, J|8                 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|8 BENACERRAF P, 1965, PHILOS REV, V74,.|
|4                            CURRIE, G|9             JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC|9 BOOLOS G, 1985, PHILOS REV, V94, P32.|
|5                            Zalta, EN|10                           ERKENNTNIS|10  Dummett M., 1991, FREGE PHILOS MATH|
|5                         Saatsi, Juha|11PHILOSOPHY AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESE.|11  Hale B., 2001, REASONS PROPER STUDY|
|5                             LOWE, EJ|12BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY O.|12Colyvan M, 2001, INDISPENSABILITY MAT|
|5                         Textor, Mark|13                               MONIST|13Frege Gottlob, 1979, POSTHUMOUS WRIT.|
|5                          MacBride, F|13                 PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW|14Baker A, 2005, MIND, V114, P223, DOI.|
|5                        Colyvan, Mark|14   AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|15         Maddy P., 1990, REALISM MATH|
|5                        Bueno, Otavio|14       CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|16Dummett Michael, 1981, INTERPRETATIO.|
|5                          Lange, Marc|15                PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE|17   FIELD H, 1980, SCI WITHOUT NUMBERS|
|5                             Heck, RG|16                           PHILOSOPHY|18        Lewis D., 1991, PARTS CLASSES|
|5                        Rayo, Agustin|16       SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|19Melia J, 2000, MIND, V109, P455, DOI.|
|5                            Oliver, A|16      PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|20    Quine W. V. O., 1960, WORD OBJECT|
|5                           TIESZEN, R|17THEORIA-REVISTA DE TEORIA HISTORIA Y.|21           Field H, 1980, SCI NUMBERS|
|5                           Shapiro, S|18                        STUDIA LOGICA|22MADDY P, 1992, J PHILOS, V89, P275, .|
|5                              Kemp, G|18STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF.|23Maddy Penelope, 1997, NATURALISM MATH|
|5                           Colyvan, M|18INQUIRY-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL.|24Shapiro Stewart, 1997, PHILOS MATH S.|
|5                          GOTTLIEB, D|18                REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS|25Boolos George, 1998, LOGIC LOGIC LOG.|
|5                            Levine, J|19     AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|25   Resnik M., 1997, MATH SCI PATTERNS|
|5                              Rayo, A|20           LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY|25Dummett M., 1981, FREGE PHILOS LANGU.|
|6                             BURGE, T|21                     RATIO-NEW SERIES|25   Russell B, 1919, INTRO MATH PHILOS|
|6                           PARSONS, C|22                                RATIO|26   Frege G., 1980, PHILOS MATH CORRES|
|6                        Azzouni, Jody|23                      MIND & LANGUAGE|26Colyvan M, 2002, MIND, V111, P69, DO.|
|6                           BONEVAC, D|23                              THEORIA|27       Frege G., 1884, FDN ARITHMETIC|
|6                           MARTIN, RM|24PROCEEDINGS OF THE ARISTOTELIAN SOCI.|27Lyon A, 2008, PHILOS MATH, V16, P227.|
|6                        Demopoulos, W|24                               ETHICS|28         Putnam H, 1971, PHILOS LOGIC|
|6                          [Anonymous]|24             PHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY|28Baker A, 2009, BRIT J PHILOS SCI, V6.|
|6                             FIELD, H|25                 PHILOSOPHICAL TOPICS|28Balaguer Mark, 1998, PLATONISM ANTIP.|
|6                     Hintikka, Jaakko|25                 BIOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY|28      Melia J., 2002, MIND, V111, P75|
|6                               Yi, BU|25                 PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES|29Frege Gottlob, 1879, BEGRIFFSSCHRIFT.|
|6                            HODES, HT|-1                                   NA|29Frege G., 1892, Z PHILOS PHILOS KRIT.|
|6                            Salmon, N|-1                                   NA|30  Lewis David, 1986, PLURALITY WORLDS|
|6                           Tennant, N|-1                                   NA|30SOBER E, 1993, PHILOS REV, V102, P35.|
|6                      Incurvati, Luca|-1                                   NA|31    Russell B., 1912, PROBLEMS PHILOS|
|6                             HAZEN, A|-1                                   NA|32    Russell B., 1956, LOGIC KNOWLEDGE|
|6                        Eklund, Matti|-1                                   NA|32RESNIK MD, 1988, J PHILOS, V85, P75,.|
Cluster: 15
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 22:03:28++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|1295 Records from Empty+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1                            MEYER, RK|1             JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC|1 Anderson A. R., 1975, ENTAILMENT LOG.|
|2                           GABBAY, DM|2        JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC|2    PRIOR A, 1967, PAST PRESENT FUTURE|
|3                            Priest, G|3                              SYNTHESE|3 Kleene Stephen C., 1952, INTRO METAM.|
|3                            BOOLOS, G|4                         STUDIA LOGICA|4         Prior A., 1957, TIME MODALITY|
|4                        CRESSWELL, MJ|5                               THEORIA|5 Dummett M., 1991, LOGICAL BASIS META.|
|5                              FINE, K|6                 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|6 Kripke S. A, 1959, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC,.|
|6                             DUNN, JM|7                 PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES|7 Prawitz Dag, 1965, NATURAL DEDUCTION.|
|6                            PRIEST, G|8                              ANALYSIS|8    Gentzen Gerhard, 1934, MATH Z, V39|
|6                       Priest, Graham|8                                  MIND|8 Kripke S., 1963, Z MATH LOGIK GRUNDL.|
|6                           LEBLANC, H|9    AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|9 PRIEST G, 1979, J PHILOS LOGIC, V8, .|
|7                            Beall, Jc|10                REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS|10Curry H., 1958, COMBINATORY LOGIC, VI|
|7                         THOMASON, SK|10                               MONIST|10Segerberg K., 1971, ESSAY CLASSICAL .|
|7                            FITCH, FB|11     AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|11Routley R., 1973, TRUTH SYNTAX MODAL.|
|8                          GOODMAN, ND|12                PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE|12Gentzen G, 1935, MATH Z, V39, P405, .|
|8                             AVRON, A|13                 PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW|12Kripke S., 1963, ACTA PHILOS FENN, V.|
|8                         SEGERBERG, K|14                           ERKENNTNIS|12SOLOVAY RM, 1976, ISRAEL J MATH, V25.|
|9                    LOPEZESCOBAR, EGK|14                                 NOUS|12ROUTLEY R, 1972, J PHILOS LOGIC, V1,.|
|9                           LEIVANT, D|15       CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|12Hughes G. E., 1968, INTRO MODAL LOGIC|
|9                           ROUTLEY, R|15           LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY|13  Priest Graham., 1987, CONTRADICTION|
|9                             BACON, J|15                           DIALECTICA|13  PRAWITZ D., 1965, NATURAL DEDUCTION|
|9                            Brady, RT|17              PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|14Boolos G., 1979, UNPROVABILITY CONSIS|
|9                         ANDERSON, AR|18      PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|15Kripke S, 1965, FORMAL SYSTEMS RECUR.|
|9                             DOSEN, K|19BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY O.|15    Lewis C. I., 1932, SYMBOLIC LOGIC|
|9                            ZEMAN, JJ|19                           PHILOSOPHY|16ANDERSON Alan R., 1992, ENTAILMENT L.|
|9                           FITTING, M|19       SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|17Anderson A., 1975, ENTAILMENT LOGIC .|
|9                           BELNAP, ND|20PHILOSOPHY AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESE.|17Dummett M. A. E, 1977, ELEMENTS INTU.|
|9                          FRIEDMAN, H|20                               ETHICS|17DUNN JM, 1976, PHILOS STUD, V29, P14.|
|9                            BRADY, RT|21STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF.|18      Blackburn P., 2001, MODAL LOGIC|
|9                      Mendez, Jose M.|21                     RATIO-NEW SERIES|18     Smullyan R., 1968, 1 ORDER LOGIC|
|9                        Robles, Gemma|22PROCEEDINGS OF THE ARISTOTELIAN SOCI.|18Routley Richard, 1982, RELEVANT LOGI.|
|9                        Restall, Greg|23                                RATIO|19Chellas B. F., 1980, MODAL LOGIC INT.|
|10                          TENNANT, N|-1                                   NA|19THOMASON SK, 1972, J SYMBOLIC LOGIC,.|
|10                          LAMBERT, K|-1                                   NA|19    Church A., 1956, INTRO MATH LOGIC|
|10                Steinberger, Florian|-1                                   NA|20      Kneale William, 1962, DEV LOGIC|
|10                          PRAWITZ, D|-1                                   NA|20Tarski A., 1983, LOGIC SEMANTICS META|
|10                          SELDIN, JP|-1                                   NA|21THOMASON RH, 1970, THEORIA, V36, P26.|
|10                     Francez, Nissim|-1                                   NA|22Belnap Nuel D., 1962, ANALYSIS, V22,.|
|10                            Mints, G|-1                                   NA|22DUNN JM, 1986, HDB PHILOS LOGIC, V3,.|
|10                           PRIOR, AN|-1                                   NA|22Godel K, 1931, MONATSHEFTE MATH PHY,.|
|10                           MCCALL, S|-1                                   NA|22Troelstra A. S., 1988, CONSTRUCTIVIS.|
|10                             BYRD, M|-1                                   NA|22Priest G., 1989, PARACONSISTENT LOGIC|
|10                          RESCHER, N|-1                                   NA|22      FINE K, 1974, THEORIA, V40, P23|
Cluster: 16
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 22:05:12++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|778 Records from Empty++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1                          GRUNBAUM, A|1                 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE|1 BOHM D, 1952, PHYS REV, V85, P166, D.|
|2                           NERLICH, G|2 BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY O.|2  Reichenbach H., 1956, DIRECTION TIME|
|3                            EARMAN, J|3                              SYNTHESE|3    Bell J.S., 1964, Physics, V1, P195|
|4                             MUNDY, B|4                 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|4 Einstein A, 1935, PHYS REV, V47, P07.|
|4                          Barrett, JA|5 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF.|5 KOCHEN S, 1967, J MATH MECH, V17, P59|
|4                      Esfeld, Michael|6        JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC|6 EVERETT H, 1957, REV MOD PHYS, V29, .|
|5                           HELLMAN, G|7                              ANALYSIS|6 Bell J. S., 1987, SPEAKABLE UNSPEAKA.|
|5                            TELLER, P|8                 PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES|7 ASPECT A, 1982, PHYS REV LETT, V49, .|
|5                             SACHS, M|9                                  NOUS|8   Earman J., 1986, PRIMER DETERMINISM|
|6                           Clifton, R|10                               MONIST|9 GHIRARDI GC, 1986, PHYS REV D, V34, .|
|6                            STAIRS, A|11                           ERKENNTNIS|9 LEWIS D, 1976, AM PHILOS QUART, V13,.|
|6                            SUPPES, P|11                           DIALECTICA|9   Price H, 1996, TIMES ARROW ARCHIMED|
|6                           SALMON, WC|12                REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS|10GRUNBAUM A, 1963, PHILOSOPHICAL PROB.|
|6                              FINE, A|12PHILOSOPHY AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESE.|11Birkhoff G, 1936, ANN MATH, V37, P82.|
|6                         Weinstein, S|13                           PHILOSOPHY|11CLAUSER JF, 1974, PHYS REV D, V10, P.|
|6                          WEINGARD, R|14   AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|11Albert D.Z, 1992, QUANTUM MECH EXPER.|
|6                  Barrett, Jeffrey A.|15              PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|12VANFRAASSEN BC, 1982, SYNTHESE, V52,.|
|6                            Lewis, PJ|15     AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|12Schrodinger E, 1935, NATURWISSENSCHA.|
|6                    Tumulka, Roderich|15THEORIA-REVISTA DE TEORIA HISTORIA Y.|12BELL JS, 1966, REV MOD PHYS, V38, P4.|
|6                           WESSELS, L|16            JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC|13        Bohm D., 1951, QUANTUM THEORY|
|6                              Dowe, P|17       CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|14FINE A, 1982, PHYS REV LETT, V48, P2.|
|6                             SOBER, E|17                                 MIND|15JARRETT JP, 1984, NOUS, V18, P569, D.|
|7                          Winsberg, E|17      PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|16GLEASON AM, 1957, J MATH MECH, V6, P.|
|7                         Curiel, Erik|18                 PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW|16Earman J., 1989, WORLD ENOUGH SPACE T|
|7                           SHIMONY, A|18                     RATIO-NEW SERIES|17 Maudlin T, 1994, QUANTUM NONLOCALITY|
|7                       Sober, Elliott|18       SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|17Redhead M., 1987, INCOMPLETENESS NON.|
|7                             LANDE, A|19                              THEORIA|17REICHENBACH H, 1958, PHILOSOPHY SPAC.|
|7                  Manchak, John Byron|19                        STUDIA LOGICA|17CLAUSER JF, 1978, REP PROG PHYS, V41.|
|7                    Roberts, Bryan W.|20                      MIND & LANGUAGE|18      Albert David, 2000, TIME CHANCE|
|7                            ALBERT, D|21          PHILOSOPHY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS|18WINNIE JA, 1970, PHILOS SCI, V37, P8.|
|7                            LOEWER, B|21                                RATIO|18GRUNBAUM A, 1973, PHILOSOPHICAL PROB.|
|7                            SHANKS, N|21       PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE FICTION|19Salmon Wesley C., 1984, SCI EXPLANAT.|
|7                      MITTELSTAEDT, P|21                 BIOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY|20DeWitt BS, 1973, MANY WORLDS INTERPRE|
|7                            JANIS, AI|21        MIDWEST STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY|21Cushing J., 1989, PHILOS CONSEQUENCES|
|7                          Hausman, DM|21EARLY MODERN PHILOSOPHY RECONSIDERED.|21   Lewis D., 1986, PHILOS PAPERS, VII|
|7                           HOOKER, CA|-1                                   NA|21Bohr N, 1935, PHYS REV, V48, P696, D.|
|7                        FREUNDLICH, Y|-1                                   NA|21Holland P. R., 1993, QUANTUM THEORY .|
|7                               BUB, J|-1                                   NA|22FRIEDMAN M, 1983, F SPACE TIME THEOR.|
|7                            Monton, B|-1                                   NA|22WIGNER EP, 1970, AM J PHYS, V38, P10.|
|7                             Sober, E|-1                                   NA|22Hawking S.W., 1973, LARGE SCALE STRU.|
|7                            DINGLE, H|-1                                   NA|22ALBERT D, 1988, SYNTHESE, V77, P195,.|
|7                          STACHOW, EW|-1                                   NA|23       Misner C.W., 1973, GRAVITATION|
|7                             KRIPS, H|-1                                   NA|23   Horwich P., 1987, ASYMMETRIES TIME|
Cluster: 17
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 22:07:38++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|1598 Records from Empty+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1                    Tallant, Jonathan|1                 PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES|1   Lewis David, 1986, PLURALITY WORLDS|
|2                             Sider, T|2                              ANALYSIS|2 Armstrong D.M., 1997, WORLD STATES A.|
|2                      Miller, Kristie|3    AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|3         Lewis D., 1991, PARTS CLASSES|
|3                       McDaniel, Kris|4                                  NOUS|4 LEWIS D, 1983, AUSTRALAS J PHILOS, V.|
|3                             Lowe, EJ|5 PHILOSOPHY AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESE.|5  Wiggins D., 1980, SAMENESS SUBSTANCE|
|4                     Cameron, Ross P.|6                              SYNTHESE|6 Simons P., 1987, PARTS STUDY ONTOLOGY|
|4                           Jago, Mark|7                                MONIST|7       van Inwagen P, 1990, MAT BEINGS|
|4                         Cowling, Sam|8                 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|8 Sider Theodore, 2001, 4 DIMENSIONALI.|
|4                      Sider, Theodore|9                            DIALECTICA|9      Sider T., 2001, 4 DIMENSIONALISM|
|5                              Rea, MC|10     AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|10 Rosen G., 2010, MODALITY METAPHYSICS|
|5                   Schaffer, Jonathan|10              PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|11Fine K., 1994, PHILOS PERSPECTIVES, .|
|5                           Baron, Sam|10                           ERKENNTNIS|12Armstrong D.M., 1989, UNIVERSALS OPI.|
|6                      Effingham, Nikk|11                                 MIND|13Fine K, 2012, METAPHYSICAL GROUNDING.|
|6                     Giberman, Daniel|12      PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|13Armstrong David M., 1989, COMBINATOR.|
|6                            Varzi, AC|13                REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS|14Armstrong D., 2004, TRUTH TRUTHMAKERS|
|6                           NOONAN, HW|14                           PHILOSOPHY|15   Merricks T., 2001, OBJECTS PERSONS|
|6                          Merricks, T|15       SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|16Fine K., 2001, PHILOS IMPRINT, V1, P1|
|6                           CARTER, WR|16       JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC|16Sider Theodore, 2011, WRITING BOOK W.|
|7                            Ehring, D|17                                RATIO|17Schaffer Jonathan, 2009, METAMETAPHY.|
|7                             LOWE, EJ|18       CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|18Campbell K., 1990, ABSTRACT PARTICUL.|
|7                             Lewis, D|19INQUIRY-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL.|18WIGGINS D, 1968, PHILOS REV, V77, P9.|
|7                     Correia, Fabrice|20BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY O.|18THOMSON JJ, 1983, J PHILOS, V80, P20.|
|7                 Rodriguez-Pereyra, G|21                PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE|19    Quine W. V. O., 1960, WORD OBJECT|
|7                            Craig, WL|22                 PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW|20VANINWAGEN P, 1981, PAC PHILOS QUART.|
|7                    Raven, Michael J.|22                     RATIO-NEW SERIES|21Schaffer J, 2010, PHILOS REV, V119, .|
|8                            Fine, Kit|23                 PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES|22GIBBARD A, 1975, J PHILOS LOGIC, V4,.|
|8                       Bennett, Karen|24STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF.|23VANINWAGEN P, 1990, NOUS, V24, P245,.|
|8                    Noonan, Harold W.|24           LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY|23        Mellor D. H., 1981, REAL TIME|
|8                      Spencer, Joshua|25             PHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY|23Van Inwagen P., 1990, MATERIAL BEINGS|
|8                          Balashov, Y|25THEORIA-REVISTA DE TEORIA HISTORIA Y.|24Markosian N, 1998, PHILOS STUD, V92,.|
|8                            Olson, ET|25        MIDWEST STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY|25Tooley M., 1997, TIME TENSE CAUSATION|
|8                        Zimmerman, DW|26                        STUDIA LOGICA|26Armstrong D. M., 1978, UNIVERSALS SC.|
|8                    Varzi, Achille C.|26            JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC|26Lowe E. J., 1998, POSSIBILITY METAPH.|
|8                            Divers, J|26          PHILOSOPHY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS|27ZIMMERMAN DW, 1995, PHILOS REV, V104.|
|8                 Leuenberger, Stephan|27                               ETHICS|28LEWIS D, 1986, AUSTRALAS J PHILOS, V.|
|8                          MacBride, F|28                              THEORIA|29HASLANGER S, 1989, ANALYSIS, V49, P1.|
|8                            HELLER, M|28                 BIOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY|29LEWIS DK, 1968, J PHILOS, V65, P113,.|
|8                          Lowe, E. J.|28EARLY MODERN PHILOSOPHY RECONSIDERED.|30Langton R, 1998, PHILOS PHENOMEN RES.|
|8                           Parsons, J|29                      CONCEPT OF EVIL|31LEWIS D, 1983, PHILOS PAPERS, V1, P55|
|8                            BURKE, MB|29            TRUTH AND ITS DEFORMITIES|32BURKE MB, 1992, ANALYSIS, V52, P12, .|
|8                    Skiles, Alexander|29PROCEEDINGS OF THE ARISTOTELIAN SOCI.|33BURKE MB, 1994, PHILOS PHENOMEN RES,.|
|8                        Stoneham, Tom|-1                                   NA|33Lewis D, 2001, NOUS, V35, P602, DOI .|
|8                       Benovsky, Jiri|-1                                   NA|34SIMONS P, 1994, PHILOS PHENOMEN RES,.|
|8                       Trogdon, Kelly|-1                                   NA|34PUTNAM H, 1967, J PHILOS, V64, P240,.|
Cluster: 18
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 22:08:53++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|472 Records from Empty++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1                              Bird, A|1                              SYNTHESE|1 Armstrong D., 1983, WHAT IS LAW NATU.|
|2                      Dumsday, Travis|2                 PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES|2    Lewis D., 1986, PHILOS PAPERS, VII|
|2                         Choi, Sungho|3    AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|3 LEWIS D, 1994, MIND, V103, P473, DOI.|
|3                          Lange, Marc|4 BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY O.|4 MARTIN CB, 1994, PHILOS QUART, V44, .|
|3                           Mumford, S|5                 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE|5 DRETSKE FI, 1977, PHILOS SCI, V44, P.|
|4                       Tugby, Matthew|6                                  NOUS|6 TOOLEY M, 1977, CAN J PHILOS, V7, P6.|
|4                      Handfield, Toby|7               PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|7 Lewis D, 1997, PHILOS QUART, V47, P1.|
|4                      Bird, Alexander|8                            ERKENNTNIS|8    Lewis David, 1973, COUNTERFACTUALS|
|5                             Lange, M|9 PHILOSOPHY AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESE.|9 Bird Alexander, 2007, NATURES METAPH.|
|5                   Oderberg, David S.|9                              ANALYSIS|10     Ellis B., 2001, SCI ESSENTIALISM|
|5                   Contessa, Gabriele|10                                 MIND|11Bird A, 1998, PHILOS QUART, V48, P22.|
|5                   Schaffer, Jonathan|11      PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|12Armstrong D.M., 1997, WORLD STATES A.|
|6                        Manley, David|12                JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|13       Mumford S., 1998, DISPOSITIONS|
|6                      Briggs, Rachael|13                           DIALECTICA|14LEWIS D, 1983, AUSTRALAS J PHILOS, V.|
|6                    Rupert, Robert D.|14                               MONIST|15JOHNSTON M, 1992, PHILOS STUD, V68, .|
|6                           BIGELOW, J|15                                RATIO|16  Lewis David, 1986, PLURALITY WORLDS|
|6                              Choi, S|16       CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|17   Mumford Stephen, 2004, LAWS NATURE|
|6                         Hoefer, Carl|17       SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|18Van Fraassen B. C., 1989, LAWS SYMME.|
|6                      Vetter, Barbara|17                 PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW|19PRIOR EW, 1982, AM PHILOS QUART, V19.|
|6                              Ward, B|17STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF.|20Molnar G., 2003, POWERS STUDY METAPHY|
|6                      Schroer, Robert|17     AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|21Armstrong D. M., 1978, UNIVERSALS SC.|
|6                        Yudell, Zanja|17THEORIA-REVISTA DE TEORIA HISTORIA Y.|22ELLIS B, 1994, AUSTRALAS J PHILOS, V.|
|6                      Barker, Stephen|18       JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC|22Shoemaker Sydney, 1980, TIME CAUSE, .|
|6                        Taylor, Henry|18        MIDWEST STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY|23   Carroll John, 1994, LAWS OF NATURE|
|6                     Roberts, John T.|19                           PHILOSOPHY|23  Heil J., 2003, ONTOLOGICAL POINT VI|
|6                           Halpin, JF|19                     RATIO-NEW SERIES|24HALL N, 1994, MIND, V103, P505, DOI .|
|6                          Hauska, Jan|19INQUIRY-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL.|25SWOYER C, 1982, AUSTRALAS J PHILOS, .|
|6                         Yates, David|19                REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS|26      PRIOR E, 1985, DISPOSITIONS, P8|
|6                    Williams, Neil E.|20                 PHILOSOPHICAL TOPICS|27MCKITRICK J, 2003, AUSTRALAS J PHILO.|
|7                      Wasserman, Ryan|21                               ETHICS|28MELLOR DH, 1974, PHILOS REV, V83, P1.|
|7                      Schrenk, Markus|21           LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY|29Fara M, 2005, NOUS, V39, P43, DOI 10.|
|7                            Suarez, M|21          NEW ATHEISM AND ITS CRITICS|30Shoemaker S, 1998, PAC PHILOS QUART,.|
|7                        Darby, George|21            JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC|30Tooley M., 1987, CAUSATION REALIST AP|
|7                             ELLIS, B|-1                                   NA|31THAU M, 1994, MIND, V103, P491, DOI .|
|7                            LIERSE, C|-1                                   NA|32Lowe E Jonathan, 2006, 4 CATEGORY ON.|
|7                              Hall, N|-1                                   NA|32Hoefer C, 2007, MIND, V116, P549, DO.|
|7                  Jacobs, Jonathan D.|-1                                   NA|32   Kripke SA., 1980, NAMING NECESSITY|
|7               Williams, J. Robert G.|-1                                   NA|32  Lewis D, 1999, PAPERS METAPHYSICS E|
|7                          Roberts, JT|-1                                   NA|33   Maudlin T., 2007, METAPHYSICS PHYS|
|7                               Liu, C|-1                                   NA|33      SMITH AD, 1977, MIND, V86, P440|
|7                      Cohen, Jonathan|-1                                   NA|33Gundersen L, 2002, SYNTHESE, V130, P.|
|7                     Callender, Craig|-1                                   NA|33Loewer B., 1997, PHILOS TOPICS, V24,.|
|7                   Swinburne, Richard|-1                                   NA|33Armstrong D. M., 1996, DISPOSITIONS .|
|7                             MUNDY, B|-1                                   NA|33Manley D, 2008, MIND, V117, P59, DOI.|
Cluster: 19
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 22:13:13++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|2731 Records from Empty+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1                              LEVI, I|1                 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE|1   Van Fraassen B. C., 1980, SCI IMAGE|
|2                           KYBURG, HE|2                              SYNTHESE|2  Popper KR, 1959, LOGIC SCI DISCOVERY|
|3                           HACKING, I|3 BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY O.|3 Hacking I., 1983, REPRESENTING INTER.|
|3                          Fitelson, B|4 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF.|4     Glymour C., 1980, THEORY EVIDENCE|
|3                        Howson, Colin|5                 PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES|5   Jeffrey R. C., 1983, LOGIC DECISION|
|3                           SALMON, WC|6                 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|6 Popper K. R., 1963, CONJECTURES REFU.|
|4                Rowbottom, Darrell P.|7                            ERKENNTNIS|6 Kuhn Thomas, 1962, STRUCTURE SCI REV.|
|4                            SOBEL, JH|8                                MONIST|7  Popper K., 1972, OBJECTIVE KNOWLEDGE|
|5                      Crupi, Vincenzo|9                              ANALYSIS|8   Kuhn T., 1970, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU|
|5                            BROWN, HI|10     AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|9 Keynes J. M., 1921, TREATISE PROBABI.|
|5                           MAXWELL, N|11       JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC|10  Jeffrey R. C., 1965, LOGIC DECISION|
|5                            LEHRER, K|14                                 MIND|13Joyce J. M., 1999, FDN CAUSAL DECISI.|
|6                          GRUNBAUM, A|15                                 NOUS|13 CARNAP R, 1950, LOGICAL F PROBABILIT|
|6                            URBACH, P|16   AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|13Goodman N., 1955, FACT FICTION FOREC.|
|6                          SPIELMAN, S|17                 BIOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY|14LEWIS D, 1981, AUSTRALAS J PHILOS, V.|
|6                      Easwaran, Kenny|18                           DIALECTICA|15          Savage L.J., 1954, FDN STAT|
|6                      VANFRAASSEN, BC|19                           PHILOSOPHY|15   Cartwright N., 1983, LAWS PHYS LIE|
|6                        Sprenger, Jan|20       CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|16Laudan Larry, 1977, PROGR ITS PROBLE.|
|6                             EELLS, E|21                REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS|16Kyburg H. E., 1961, PROBABILITY LOGI.|
|6                             Mayo, DG|22                     RATIO-NEW SERIES|17 Carnap R., 1952, CONTINUUM INDUCTIVE|
|6                           GLYMOUR, C|23                 PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW|17Mayo D. G., 1996, ERROR GROWTH EXPT .|
|6                        ACHINSTEIN, P|24                               ETHICS|18Lakatos I., 1970, CRITICISM GROWTH K.|
|6                             Maher, P|24       SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|19     Skyrms B, 1980, CAUSAL NECESSITY|
|6                    Fitelson, Branden|25THEORIA-REVISTA DE TEORIA HISTORIA Y.|20 Earman J., 1992, BAYES BUST CRITICAL|
|6                           RESCHER, N|26              PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|21  Maher P., 1993, BETTING ON THEORIES|
|7                          Ahmed, Arif|26      PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|21MILLER D, 1974, BRIT J PHILOS SCI, V.|
|7                          POLLOCK, JL|27                              THEORIA|22Giere R. N., 1988, EXPLAINING SCI CO.|
|7                         Huber, Franz|28             PHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY|22Howson C., 1993, SCI REASONING BAYESI|
|7                   Weisberg, Jonathan|29          PHILOSOPHY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS|22Lakatos Imre, 1970, CRITICISM GROWTH.|
|7                       Tentori, Katya|30            JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC|23Hanson N. R., 1958, PATTERNS DISCOVE.|
|7                         WEINTRAUB, R|30                                RATIO|23        SAVAGE LJ, 1954, F STATISTICS|
|7                            HOWSON, C|31                        STUDIA LOGICA|24 Eells E., 1982, RATIONAL DECISION CA|
|7                    Cevolani, Gustavo|32        MIDWEST STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY|24Carnap R., 1950, LOGICAL FDN PROBABIL|
|7                            LEPLIN, J|33                 PHILOSOPHICAL TOPICS|24CARTWRIGHT N, 1983, HOW LAWS PHYSICS.|
|7                         PARGETTER, R|34PROCEEDINGS OF THE ARISTOTELIAN SOCI.|25Horwich Paul, 1982, PROBABILITY EVID.|
|7                            SKYRMS, B|34                 PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES|26Reichenbach H., 1949, THEORY PROBABI.|
|8                       Christensen, D|34          NEW ATHEISM AND ITS CRITICS|26   Levi I., 1974, J PHILOS, V71, P391|
|8                            COHEN, LJ|34           LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY|27        Levi I., 1967, GAMBLING TRUTH|
|8                             BUNGE, M|-1                                   NA|28ZAHAR E, 1973, BRIT J PHILOS SCI, V2.|
|8                           WEIRICH, P|-1                                   NA|29Carnap R., 1962, LOGICAL FDN PROBABIL|
|8                             Hajek, A|-1                                   NA|29Cartwright N., 1989, NATURES CAPACIT.|
|8                           SMOKLER, H|-1                                   NA|29Reichenbach H., 1938, EXPERIENCE PRE.|
Cluster: 20
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 22:14:46++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|524 Records from Empty++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1                            ADAMS, EW|1        JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC|1    Lewis David, 1973, COUNTERFACTUALS|
|2                           DUDMAN, VH|2                              SYNTHESE|2 Stalnaker R, 1968, STUDIES LOGICAL T.|
|2                             LEWIS, D|3                 PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES|3 Adams E. W., 1975, LOGIC CONDITIONALS|
|2                           JACKSON, F|4                              ANALYSIS|4 LEWIS D, 1979, NOUS, V13, P455, DOI .|
|3                         Douven, Igor|5                                  MIND|5 LEWIS D, 1976, PHILOS REV, V85, P297.|
|3                    Cross, Charles B.|5                                  NOUS|6 EDGINGTON D, 1995, MIND, V104, P235,.|
|4                            Barker, S|6                 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|7 LEWIS D, 1986, PHILOS PAPERS, V2, P1.|
|4                           Bradley, R|6    AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|7 BENNETT J., 2003, PHILOS GUIDE CONDI.|
|4                              NUTE, D|7       PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|8         FINE K, 1975, MIND, V84, P451|
|4                            APPIAH, A|7                  PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW|9 Pollock John, 1976, SUBJUNCTIVE REAS.|
|5                        TOMBERLIN, JE|8                 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE|10    Jackson Frank, 1987, CONDITIONALS|
|5                       Cantwell, John|9 PHILOSOPHY AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESE.|11    Adams E., 1965, INQUIRY, V8, P166|
|5                           HALPIN, JF|9            LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY|12STALNAKER R, 1975, PHILOSOPHIA, V5, .|
|5                             Lange, M|10                           ERKENNTNIS|13Bennett J., 1974, CANADIAN J PHILOS,.|
|5                             TICHY, P|11              PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|14JACKSON F, 1979, PHILOS REV, V88, P5.|
|5                          WARMBROD, K|12BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY O.|15MCGEE V, 1985, J PHILOS, V82, P462, .|
|5                          POLLOCK, JL|13       CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|15          Stalnaker R., 1984, INQUIRY|
|6                             LOWE, EJ|14                        STUDIA LOGICA|15JACKSON F, 1977, AUSTRALAS J PHILOS,.|
|6                            LOEWER, B|14                              THEORIA|15   LEWIS D, 1973, J PHILOS, V70, P566|
|6                         Edgington, D|14                      MIND & LANGUAGE|16Stalnaker R. C., 1968, AM PHILOS Q M.|
|6                           SLATER, BH|15     AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|16BENNETT J, 1984, PHILOS REV, V93, P5.|
|6                         Rieger, Adam|16                           DIALECTICA|17STALNAKE.RC, 1970, PHILOS SCI, V37, .|
|6                         Kment, Boris|17                           PHILOSOPHY|18Stalnaker R., 1970, THEORIA-SPAIN, V.|
|6               Williams, J. Robert G.|17       SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|19  Nute D., 1980, TOPICS CONDITIONAL L|
|6                  Stefansson, H. Orri|18            JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC|20              Harper W. L., 1981, IFS|
|6                            Adams, EW|18                               ETHICS|20Goodman Nelson, 1947, J PHILOS, V44,.|
|6                            SOBEL, JH|18        MIDWEST STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY|20       Gibbard A. F., 1981, IFS, P211|
|6                           BARKER, SJ|18                REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS|20SLOTE MA, 1978, PHILOS REV, V87, P3,.|
|6                       Barnett, David|19                                RATIO|21MCGEE V, 1989, PHILOS REV, V98, P485.|
|6                      HUMBERSTONE, IL|19                     RATIO-NEW SERIES|22 Lycan W. G., 2001, REAL CONDITIONALS|
|6                         Khoo, Justin|19STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF.|23Lewis D., 1973, J PHILOS LOGIC, V4, .|
|6                         Huber, Franz|19                 PHILOSOPHICAL TOPICS|24ADAMS EW, 1970, FDN LANGUAGE, V6, P89|
|6                     Bradley, Richard|19                               MONIST|24LEWIS D, 1979, J PHILOS LOGIC, V8, P.|
|6                             ELLIS, B|-1                                   NA|25         Stalnaker R., 1981, IFS, P87|
|6                          Dodd, Dylan|-1                                   NA|25  Jeffrey R. C., 1983, LOGIC DECISION|
|6                            DAVIS, WA|-1                                   NA|26KRATZER A, 1977, LINGUIST PHILOS, V1.|
|7                     Kaufmann, Stefan|-1                                   NA|26 DUDMAN VH, 1984, ANALYSIS, V84, P145|
|7                           FORREST, P|-1                                   NA|27LEWIS D, 1986, PHILOS REV, V95, P581.|
|7                             GOBLE, L|-1                                   NA|27TICHY P, 1976, PHILOS STUD, V29, P27.|
|7                             Baker, A|-1                                   NA|27 Kvart I., 1986, THEORY COUNTERFACTUA|
|7                      VANFRAASSEN, BC|-1                                   NA|28ADAMS EW, 1966, ASPECTS INDUCTIVE LO.|
|7                           KRATZER, A|-1                                   NA|28    Jackson Frank, 1991, CONDITIONALS|
|7                         Yalcin, Seth|-1                                   NA|28LOEWER B, 1976, J PHILOS, V73, P531,.|
|7                           GABBAY, DM|-1                                   NA|28     LEWIS D, 1971, THEORIA, V37, P74|
Cluster: 21
+RecordCollection glimpse made at: 2018-08-02 22:16:09++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|648 Records from Empty++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|Columns are ranked by num. of occurrences and are independent of one another++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|-------------Top Authors--------------+-------------Top Journals--------------+---------------Top Cited---------------|
|1               Hitchcock, Christopher|1                 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE|1 Hempel C. G., 1965, ASPECTS SCI EXPL.|
|2                 Baumgartner, Michael|2                              SYNTHESE|2 Woodward J., 2003, MAKING THINGS HAP.|
|2                      Woodward, James|3 BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY O.|3 Salmon Wesley C., 1984, SCI EXPLANAT.|
|3                          Zhang, Jiji|4                 PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES|4 Lewis D., 1973, J PHILOS, V70, P556,.|
|4                 Eberhardt, Frederick|5 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF.|5   Van Fraassen B. C., 1980, SCI IMAGE|
|4                         Hitchcock, C|6                 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|6  Pearl J., 2000, CAUSALITY MODELS REA|
|5                          Schaffer, J|7                            ERKENNTNIS|7 Spirtes P, 2000, CAUSATION PREDICTION|
|5                      Khalifa, Kareem|8                                  NOUS|7 Lewis D., 1986, PHILOS PAPERS, V2, P.|
|5                       Sober, Elliott|9                              ANALYSIS|8 FRIEDMAN M, 1974, J PHILOS, V71, P5,.|
|6                    Northcott, Robert|10   AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|9 Lewis D, 2000, J PHILOS, V97, P182, .|
|6                       Glymour, Clark|11PHILOSOPHY AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESE.|9 KITCHER P, 1981, PHILOS SCI, V48, P5.|
|6                         Danks, David|12                               MONIST|10     Lewis David, 1986, PHILOS PAPERS|
|6                       Skow, Bradford|13              PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|11        Dowe P., 2000, PHYS CAUSATION|
|6                             SOBER, E|13                                 MIND|12Hitchcock C, 2001, J PHILOS, V98, P2.|
|6                          WOODWARD, J|13     AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|13LEWIS D, 1979, NOUS, V13, P455, DOI .|
|6                          Woodward, J|14                           DIALECTICA|13Hempel C. G., 1948, PHILOS SCI, V15,.|
|6                          Hintikka, J|15INQUIRY-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL.|14    Kitcher P., 1989, SCI EXPLANATION|
|6                           Halonen, I|15       SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|15McDermott M, 1995, BRIT J PHILOS SCI.|
|6                          HAUSMAN, DM|16                 BIOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY|16   Lewis David, 1973, COUNTERFACTUALS|
|7                     Statham, Georgie|16THEORIA-REVISTA DE TEORIA HISTORIA Y.|17Halpern JY, 2005, BRIT J PHILOS SCI,.|
|7                          Noordhof, P|17                 PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW|18Achinstein P., 1983, NATURE EXPLANAT.|
|7                            EHRING, D|17                           PHILOSOPHY|19Hall N., 2004, CAUSATION COUNTERFAC,.|
|7                             Weber, E|17      PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY|20KITCHER P, 1989, MINN STUD PHILOS SC.|
|7                      Schurz, Gerhard|17       CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY|21       RAILTON P, 1981, SYNTHESE, V48|
|7                     Gijsbers, Victor|18                                RATIO|21Salmon W., 1998, CAUSALITY EXPLANATIO|
|7                Wilkenfeld, Daniel A.|18                REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS|22        Nagel E., 1961, STRUCTURE SCI|
|7                    Scheines, Richard|18                               ETHICS|22Woodward J, 2003, NOUS, V37, P1, DOI.|
|7                       Spirtes, Peter|19                      MIND & LANGUAGE|23Hitchcock C, 2007, PHILOS REV, V116,.|
|7                             Steel, D|19                              THEORIA|23Collins J., 2004, CAUSATION COUNTERF.|
|7                 Shapiro, Lawrence A.|20                     RATIO-NEW SERIES|23     Mackie J., 1974, CEMENT UNIVERSE|
|7                              Hall, N|21       JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC|23Humphreys Paul, 1989, CHANCES EXPLAN.|
|7                     Goodwin, William|21             PHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY|24Suppes P., 1970, PROBABILISTIC THEORY|
|7                             Sober, E|22        MIDWEST STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY|25Hausman D. M., 1998, CAUSAL ASYMMETR.|
|7                          Weber, Erik|22         PHILOSOPHY AND THE EMPIRICAL|25   Cartwright N., 1983, LAWS PHYS LIE|
|7                          SANFORD, DH|23          PHILOSOPHY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS|25    Kim J., 1973, J PHILOS, V70, P217|
|7                      McDonnell, Neil|-1                                   NA|25SALMON WC, 1994, PHILOS SCI, V61, P2.|
|7                    Strevens, Michael|-1                                   NA|26Strevens M., 2008, DEPTH ACCOUNT SCI.|
|7                          PAPINEAU, D|-1                                   NA|26De Regt HW, 2005, SYNTHESE, V144, P1.|
|7                          Glynn, Luke|-1                                   NA|27Hall N, 2007, PHILOS STUD, V132, P10.|
|7                     de Regt, Henk W.|-1                                   NA|27Hitchcock CR, 1996, SYNTHESE, V107, .|
|7                       Leuridan, Bert|-1                                   NA|28GOOD IJ, 1961, BRIT J PHILOS SCI, V1.|
|7                        Reiss, Julian|-1                                   NA|28Salmon W., 1971, STAT EXPLANATION STA|
|7                             Kvart, I|-1                                   NA|28Machamer P, 2000, PHILOS SCI, V67, P.|
|7                        Knobe, Joshua|-1                                   NA|28RAILTON P, 1978, PHILOS SCI, V45, P2.|
In [ ]:

Now, for the final fun part, let us put everything we have been dooing so far together into one informative graphic with ggplot. I have choosen, based on everything above, labels for the clusters, that I think are fitting, but reasonable people can disagree about the correct labeling. If you do, please drop me a note.

In [ ]:
%%R -i embedding,dfclust,myNewColors,head -h 1600 -w 1600 --bg #fbf8f1

# Some imports:
# library(ggrepel)

options(warn=0)# 0 zum anschalten

#Get the cluster means:
means <- aggregate(embedding[,c("x","y")], list(dfclust$cluster), mean)
means <- data.frame(means)
#And Variance, for the labels:
test <- aggregate(embedding[,c("x")], list(dfclust$cluster), var)
test <- test[-1,]

means <- means[-1,]
# #Make the colors: 
# mycolors <- c("#dd593c",
# "#ead96c",
# "#df4467",
# "#8d2315",
# "#675d69",
# "#70897b",
# "#131541") 

# pal <- colorRampPalette(sample(mycolors))
# s <- n-1
myGray <- c('#95a5a6')
# myNewColors <- sample(pal(s))
myPal <- append(myGray,myNewColors)

library(showtext) = "Alegreya Sans SC", family = "SC")

#labels, copied from above:

labels <- c("Logic & Set-Theory", "Logic & Model-Theory","Metamathematics","Continental Philosophy","Epistemology",
          "Reactions to Wittgenstein","Practical Philosophy","Metaphysics","Biology & Evolution","Cognitive Science",
          "Metaphysics of Mind", "Faculties of the Mind", "Reference & Names", "Truth", "Mathematical Logic","Logical Inference",
          "(Quantum) Physics", "Metaphysics", "Theory of Science: Laws of Nature","Theory of Science: Bayesianism & Probabilism",
          "Counterfactuals", "Theory of Science: Causality")
labelsb <- c("","","","here the WOS data is strange","","","Rawls, Parfit, Nozick,Scanlon","Quine & Davidson","","pretty interdisciplinary",
            "","Fodor, Stich, Millikan","Kripke, Evans,...","","Frege, Russel, Boolos","","","Lewis, Armstrong, Sider","","","","")

#circular markers:  

circle <- polygon_regular(100)
pointy_points <- function(x, y, size){, mapply(function(x,y,size,id) 
    data.frame(x=size*circle[,1]+x, y=size*circle[,2]+y, id=id),
         x=x,y=y, size=size, id=seq_along(x), SIMPLIFY=FALSE))

#get density, to avoid overplotting
embedding$density <- fields::interp.surface(
  MASS::kde2d(embedding$x, embedding$y), embedding[,c("x","y")])

# get for every label, wether it is in the + or - part of the x-axis:                        
xpol <-abs(means[,c("x")])/means[,c("x")]
ypol <-abs(means[,c("y")])/means[,c("y")]

polfact <- 1.5
# build a circle for the labels:
r <- 17.5
sequence <- seq(from = 1, to = s, by = 1)
angles <- 360/s*sequence
angle <-(angles*(pi/180))
xlabl <- cos(angle)*r
ylabl <- sin(angle)*r
circlecord <- cbind(xlabl,ylabl)
meanscord <-  data.frame(means$x,means$y)

#Append every label to its best fit on that circle, using the hungarian algorithm:

distances <- rdist(circlecord,meanscord)
sol <- solve_LSAP(t(distances))
solo <- data.frame(cbind(mx=(meanscord[,1]), my=(meanscord[,2]), cx=(circlecord[sol, 1]), cy=(circlecord[sol, 2])))
xcpol <-abs(solo$cx)/solo$cx

# install.packages("stringr")
# library(stringr)


# define circular markers:
circular_annotations <- pointy_points(means$x, means$y, size=test$x*0.25+1)

#Let's plot!
p <- ggplot()+
geom_point(data=embedding, aes(x=embedding$x, y=embedding$y, color= as.factor(dfclust$cluster), alpha = 0/density), pch=16,cex=0.7)+ 
scale_color_manual(values = myPal) +
geom_polygon(data=circular_annotations, aes(x,y,group=factor(id), fill = factor(id)),alpha=0.15)+
scale_fill_manual(values = myNewColors) +     
geom_point(data=solo, aes(x=cx, y=cy), color= myNewColors, alpha = 1,pch=16,size=3, stroke = 1)+

annotate("segment", x = solo$mx+(test$x*0.25+1)*xcpol, y = solo$my, xend = (solo$mx+(test$x*0.25+1)*xcpol)+xcpol*0.3, yend = solo$my, color= myNewColors, alpha = 0.25, size = 0.7)+
annotate("segment", x = (solo$mx+(test$x*0.25+1)*xcpol)+xcpol*0.3, y = solo$my, xend = solo$cx, yend = solo$cy, color= myNewColors, alpha = 0.25, size = 0.7)+

annotate("text", x = solo$cx+xcpol*0.3, y = solo$cy+0.3, parse = FALSE, label = labels, color="black", fontface="bold", family = "sans", size=3, hjust=abs((xcpol+1)/2-1),vjust=1)+
annotate("text", x = solo$cx+xcpol*0.3, y = solo$cy+0.3-0.5, parse = FALSE, label = labelsb, color="black", fontface="italic", family = "sans", size=3, hjust=abs((xcpol+1)/2-1),vjust=1)+

guides(alpha=FALSE, color=FALSE, fill=FALSE)+

labs(x="UMAP-x", y="UMAP-y",
       title="The structure of recent Philosophy",
A umap & hdbscan-cluster-analysis of ~ 50000 papers in philosophy, that brings out the major groupings of the discipline.",
    caption="by Maximilian Noichl, 2018")+
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "lightgrey", linetype=3),panel.grid.minor = element_blank())+
theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#fbf8f1"))+
expand_limits(x = c(r+5,0-r-5),y = c(r+5,0-r-5))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(size=27, family="SC", face="plain"))+

# pdf("structure_of_philosophy.pdf",width=15,height=15) # Open a new pdf file
# grid.arrange(p) # Write the grid.arrange in the file\n",

structure of philosophy

And here we have the graphic from the beginning.