49. Social Functions …

Ger­hard Fouquet/Ferdinand Opll/Sven Rabeler/Martin Scheutz (Hg.),
Social Func­tions of Urban Spaces through the Ages/Soziale Funk­tio­nen städtis­ch­er Räume im Wandel
(= Res­i­den­zen­forschung N. F. Stadt und Hof 5)
Ost­fildern 2018, 272 S.
ISBN: 978–3‑7995–4534‑1
€ 45,00


Urban spaces are con­nect­ed with social func­tions in var­i­ous ways: With­in these spaces indi­vid­u­als and groups encounter each oth­er, they con­sti­tute a frame­work of social organ­i­sa­tion and inter­act with social prac­tices, they are part of the modes of life and habi­tus. Yet, social func­tions also give urban spaces their ori­en­ta­tion, they inscribe com­mu­ni­ca­tion process­es spec­i­fied by sit­u­a­tions or insti­tu­tions, they form ver­ti­cal, hor­i­zon­tal and rela­tion­al struc­tures by con­nect­ing prac­tices, objects and placings.

The con­tri­bu­tions, based on the con­fer­ence of the Inter­na­tion­al Com­mis­sion for the His­to­ry of Towns in 2016, analyse these con­nec­tions between urban spaces and social func­tions in their dif­fer­ent direc­tions (cen­tre and periph­ery – top and bot­tom – inside and out­side) by means of Euro­pean exam­ples from late medieval to mod­ern times.

Ver­lag: https://www.thorbecke.de/social-functions-of-urban-spaces-through-the-ages-soziale-funktionen-staedtischer-raeume-im-wandel-p-2379.html