45. Urban Spaces …

Jean-Luc Fray/Michel Pauly/Magda Pinheiro/Martin Scheutz (Hg.):
Urban Spaces and the Com­plex­i­ty of Cities
(= Städte­forschung A/97)
Mün­ster 2018, 330 S.
ISBN: 978–3‑412–50759‑6
€ 45.00 [D]  |   € 47.00 [A]


For some time the “Com­mis­sion Inter­na­tionale pour l’Histoire des Villes“ has been work­ing active­ly on the com­pre­hen­sive top­ic of urban space which is also the aim of this book – result of con­fer­ences in Lis­bon (2013) and in Cler­mont-Fer­rand (2014). Two the­mat­ic pri­or­i­ties are pre­sent­ed in this com­bined Eng­lish and French speak­ing vol­ume: on the one hand cul­tur­al-sym­bol­ic spaces, on the oth­er hand com­plex­i­ty of urban dis­tricts which formed in spite of all diver­si­ties col­lec­tive cities (such as Cler­mont-Fer­rand). Con­tin­u­ous trans­for­ma­tion of urban space and dichoto­my shaped cities: Cities can be under­stood as space of town rulers, but also as space of a grow­ing “bohème”, but you will find also neigh­bour­hood of Jew­ish and Mus­lim quarters.

Ver­lag: http://www.boehlau-verlag.com/978–3‑412–50759‑6.html

Ver­lag: https://www.vandenhoeck-ruprecht-verlage.com/themen-entdecken/geschichte/geschichte-der-fruehen-neuzeit/41589/urban-spaces-and-the-complexity-of-cities