Cinematic Dolls

In the last years I developed two research topics in 20th century’s media studies. One concerns the entanglement of politics and aesthetics, as to be shown in the volume “Der Spanische Bürgerkrieg als (Anti)Humanistisches Laboratorium”, which I edited with Birgit Wagner within the series “Broken Narrative”.

The other research focus in media concerns the context of gender, sexuality and aesthetics in cinema. Within this framework I am collecting material for a volume on dolls in Romance films. This investigation is informed by feminist and psychoanalytical theories.

For two related texts see:

Männer, die mit Puppen spielen: fatale Wunscherfüllung im Film Grandeur Nature/Tamaño natural (1974).

In: denkste: puppe / just a bit of: doll (de:do), 3 (1/2)

„Trauma und Tabu im Wien der Nachkriegszeit (Der Nachtportier, Regie: Liliana Cavani)“.

In: Lily Gramatikov/Parfen Laszig (Hg.): Sexualität(en) im Film. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag 2017, S. 17-29;