“Sin writes histories,
goodness is silent.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Galleria della Verità” (Gallery of Truth)
Giuseppe Alberti, 1688

Casuistry is a time-tested tool to examine conscience …

Casuistry and Early Modern Spanish literature

(funded by the Austrian Science Funds, FWF P 32297, until Sept. 2023)

This funded project pursues the hypothesis that juridical, theological and medical debates on contested (honor) cases in the Early Modern period bring forth a veritable mindset that entails a fictional boost, hence, it is a considerable prerequisite for the success story of the modern novel.

On the other hand, the boom of narrative casuistry elaborating on knowledge and social regimes retroacts on their very epistemological basis. In this context the project shall allow for new insights regarding the social relevance and embeddedness of the so-called Querelle des Femmes.

Staff members

Carmen Arenas Cuenca

Her PhD project Casuística literaria del matrimonio en el Siglo de Oro español is dedicated to the question of the mutual influence between Spanish casuistic treatises and the subject of marriage in Golden Age literature.

Tamara Bartl

Her PhD project Casuistry in Spanish and Latin American Literature of The Early Colonial Period deals with the question of how the ethical and philosophical discussions of the Spanish casuists on the status of human beings as legal persons and their dignity were processed in factual and fictional Spanish and Latin American texts of the early colonial period.

New Releases

Marlen Bidwell-Steiner, Teresa Hiergeist (eds.):

Hogar, metrópolis, corte. Negociaciones culturales de la sociabilidad en la España del Siglo de Oro

book cover

Marlen Bidwell-Steiner (ed.):

Entrapped in warp and weft, Zeitsprünge – Forschungen zur Frühen Neuzeit (Studies in Early Modern History, Culture and Science), 1-2,2024

book cover

Latest Articles

“Caer en la propia trampa: Desafíos de la masculinidad de Don Fadrique en El prevenido engañado de María de Zayas (1637)”,

in: Entrapped between warp and weft. Zeitsprünge. Forschungen zur Frühen Neuzeit 28,1-2 (2024), pp. 49-66

“La Filosofía cortesana de Alfonso Barros: un juego entre divertimiento cortesano y ética casuística”,

in: Marlen Bidwell-Steiner, Teresa Hiergeist (eds.): Hogar, metrópolis, corte. Negociaciones culturales de la sociabilidad en la España del Siglo de Oro, Madrid: Iberoamericana/Vervuert 2024(Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica, 170), pp. 195-217.


Member of the Steering Committee of “GAIN Gender: Ambivalent In_Visibilities”.

This Research Platform has been established in January 2020, for four years and is directed by Elisabeth Holzleithner (Department of Legal Philosophy). It encompasses five faculties and pursues a multidisciplinary research on the genderedness of making and becoming in/visible, its chances and its fallacies.