Marianne Nürnberger
additional data:
- Since 1986 certified graphologist (Verband Schweizerischer Graphologen), thereafter analysis of more than 2000 handwritings.
- 1988: doctorate of philosophy,
Institute for Ethnology, Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University
of Vienna, Austria. Dissertation: "Die Tanzschule Chitrasenas
in Colombo - Eine Kulturwandelstudie der Tänzer Sri Lankas (Ceylons)
aus ethnosoziologischer Sicht".
Since then focus of research: culturally coded movement and consciousness (ritual, handwriting, dance).
- Since 1998 certified and sworn in court expert of the forensic
analysis of handwriting for the European Union, appointed as court expert in about 300 court cases.
- 2000: inauguration,
Institute for Ethnology, Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University
of Vienna, Austria (venia: "Ethnology of the Dance, Ritual, the Body"). Inaugural dissertation:
- Integrität und das Fremde".
- Since 2009: listed expert for the analysis of handwriting at the International Criminal Court (The Hague)
- April 2010-April 2015: Vice President of the "Österreichische Gesellschaft für Graphologie und Schriftexpertise (ÖGS)" (Austrian Society for Graphology and Expertise on Handwriting)
- Sri Lanka (ethnology of ritual
dance and stage dance): 1977/78 (3 months), 1979-1981 (13 months), 1984
(5 months), 1996 (1 month),
- England (ethnology of the
South-Asian dance in Britain): 1994 (1 month), 1995 (1 month).
- 1980: eleven months scholarship
of the "Ministerium
für Wissenschaft und Forschung"
(Ministry for Science and Research) for field-work for the dissertation.
- 1993: three years research
scholarship of the "Österreichische
Akademie der Wissenschaften"
(Austrian Academy of Sciences), under the "Austrian Programme for Advanced Research
and Technology (APART)".
Title of research: "Kunst voller Bewegung. Tanz, Ritual, Gesellschaft
und Identität im Dialog zwischen den Kulturen".
- 1996: research scholarship
of the "Magistrat
der Stadt Wien MA 7",
for the writing of a commentated
bibliography on the ethnology of dance and theatre, in cooperation
with Stephanie Schmiderer.
- Aid
for publication by the "Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und
Kunst", of the book "Tanzkunst, Ritual und Bühne: Begegnungen
zwischen Kulturen", edited
in cooperation with Stephanie Schmiderer.
- 1997:
one year scholarship "Charlotte-Bühler-Habilitationsstipendium
für Frauen des Fonds zur Förderung wissenschaftlicher Forschung",
for the writing of the inaugural dissertation.
- Aid for publication, by the
für Wissenschaft und Verkehr",
for the book "Dance
is the language of the gods: the Chitrasena School and the traditional roots
of Sri Lankan stage dance".