Aesthetics of Weather
Description In an age of rife consumption and increasing need for consideration of sustainable social practices, an exploration of the aesthetics of weather from various angles becomes vital in shedding
Description In an age of rife consumption and increasing need for consideration of sustainable social practices, an exploration of the aesthetics of weather from various angles becomes vital in shedding
polylog. Zeitschrift für interkulturelles Philosophieren 51 (2024) Hg. v. Mădălina Diaconu, Zhuofei Wang Link
In der Vortragsreihe Literatur, Kunst und interkulturelle Philosophie im Dialog 24. Jänner 2024, 19:00Universität Wien, SR 7, Tiefparterre Stiege 9 Hof 5, 1010 WienPlakat
In der Vortragsreihe Literatur, Kunst und interkulturelle Philosophie im Dialog 14. Dezember 2023, 19:00Universität Wien, SR 7, Tiefparterre Stiege 9 Hof 5, 1010 WienPlakat
Vortrag im Rahmen meiner Vorlesung „Interkulturelle Philosophie“ Yuriko Saito: Our Care Relationship with Everyday Objects: Aesthetic and Ethical May 16, 2023, 11.30-13.00Hauptgebäude, Universität Wien, HS 42or online: Zoom-Link | Meeting-ID:
Lecture at the international conference Intercultural Approaches to Practical Environmental Philosophy February 23, 2023Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of SciencesKlemensova 19, 811 09 Bratislava 1, Slovak Republic Programme | Book
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