Department of
Evolutionary Anthropology
Faculty of Life Sciences
University of Vienna
Althanstrasse 14
1090 Vienna
eMail: katrin.schaefer@univie.ac.at
Phone: 0043-1-4277-54747
Katrin Schäfer, Ao. Univ.-Prof.Dr.rer.nat. (M.Sc., Ph.D.)
Katrin Schaefer is Associate Professor at the Department of Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Vienna.
Her interests center around the evolutionary forces and constraints that shaped and continue to shape our minds, our behaviors, and our bodies. Current research focusses on biological causes and psychological effects of modern human facial shape variation using Geometric Morphometric methods in a cross-cultural context.
She was also involved in paleoanthropological field research in Ethiopia, and non-human European primate research.
For office hours, courses, more publications go to:
Short Curriculum Vitae
1997 Ph.D. Thesis title: "The social-integrative potential of urban squares." Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Vienna, and Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute for Urban Ethology. With greatest distinction.
1994 Master of Science. Thesis title: "Communication and satisfaction in urban housing areas," Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Vienna and Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute for Urban Ethology. With greatest distinction.
1992--1994 Studies in zoology and human biology at the University of Vienna
1988--1991 Study of general biology at the University of Vienna
1988 Practical training at the Centre of Human Genetics, University of Bremen.
1987 Development aid worker, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
1986 Graduation (Abitur, A-level), Hansestadt Bremen, Germany.
Professional Career
2016-- present Head, Surface Scanner Lab, Department of Anthropology.
2006-- present Schaefer Lab: Face Research, Division of Human Behavior, Dept. of Anthropology.
2018--2019 Head, Department of Evolutionary Anthropology.
2015-- 2017 PI, Investment project: Morphogenetics in Comparative Anthropology.
2010-- 2018 Deputy head, Department of Anthropology, University of Vienna.
2013-- 2015 Leader (together with S. Kirchengast and GB Mueller), Emerging Field: Comparative Human Life History: A Multilevel Approach
2009 Maternity leave
2008, 2009 Leader, Cross-cultural face perception, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
2005 Associate professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Vienna.
2004 Habilitation (venia docendi for Anthropology). Title: "Quantifying evolutionary anthropology -- From behavior studies to geometric morphometrics," Univ. of Vienna.
2003, 2004 Leader of two paleoanthropological field trips "Red Bed Exploration Survey" to the Danakil Depression, Afar Region, Ethiopia (PI).
2000-- 2007 Field director, PaleoAnthropological Research Team mission (PAR), annual survey of Pliocene deposits at the hominid locality Galili, Somali Region, Ethiopia.
2000-- 2004 Assistant professor, Institute for Anthropology, University of Vienna.
1995-- 1997 Multiple research stays at the Research Center for Human Ethology, Max-Planck-Institute, Andechs, Germany.
1995-- Jul 2000 Contract assistant, Institute of Anthropology, University of Vienna.
1994 Research assistant, Cultural Office project of the City of Vienna "Lebendigkeit von Plaetzen im oeffentlichen Raum," Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute for Urban Ethology.
Service To The Profession
2013-- present Member, Board of Trustees, Museum of National History, Vienna.
2015-- present Associate Editor, "Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology," MIT Press.
2013-- present Member, Editorial Board, "South European Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Research".
2014 External reviewer and Advisory Board Member for INA (Institut fuer Naturwissenschaftliche Archaeologie), Eberhard Karls University of Tuebingen, Germany.
Habilitation Committee: Hermann Prossinger, 2001; Verena Winiwarter, 2003; Wolfgang Recheis, 2006; Philipp Mitteroecker, 2011; Helmut Schaschl, 2013; Ottmar Kullmer, 2013 (Goethe Uni Frankfurt); Grigory Genikhovich, 2016.
My Favorite Publications

PhD Committee: Miriam Mayr, Mar. 23., 2006; Beatrix Haslinger Nov. 13, 2007; Philipp Mitteroecker, Jul. 24 2007; Ruth Zoehrer, Oct. 23, 2007; Birgit Buchinger, Nov. 24, 2008; Alessandro Pellegrini, Jul. 2, 2009; Cornelia Schrauf, Jul. 22, 2010; Doris Schamall, Dec. 22, 2010; Sonja Windhager, Nov. 9, 2012; Anja Spang, May 14, 2013; Peter Abend, Nov 2013; Johanna Gaul, Aug 26 2015; Cinzia Fornei, Oct 16 2015.
Master/Diploma and PhD Theses
Breitenberger, Claudia: Morphological differences in Dkk1 knockout mice skulls (running)
Bichler, Sandra: Selbsteinschaetzung von Maennern und Frauen (running)
Hulak, Heidje: Koerperzusammensetzung und deren Einfluss auf eine wahrgenommene Berufseignung (running)
Woehrer, Kim: Haptische Wahrnehmung von Sexualdimorphismus und Attraktivitaet des Gesichtes (running)
Prucha, Simon: Facial correlates of hand grip strength and their social perception (running)
Schadauer, Julia: Die Wahrnehmung maennlicher Gesichtsbehaarung (running)
Engleitner, Larissa: Zusammenhangsanalysen zwischen 2D:4D und Persoenlichkeitsmerkmalen bei oesterreichischen Soldaten (2018)
Gruber, Magdalena: Internale und externale Kausalattribuierung bei Maennern und Frauen in Bezug auf Erfolg und Misserfolg (2017)
Seeland, Kerstin: Ableitung prospektiver Statusmerkmale aus Maenner- und Frauengesichtern im Zusammenhang mit der Koerperhoehe (2016)
Krenn, Stefanie: Reale und wahrgenommene Koerperhoehe und deren Einfluss auf wahrgenommene Eigenschaften in maennlichen Gesichtermorphs (2016)
Grabner, Julia Victoria: 2D:4D und Wirkung des Gesichts bei praepubertaeren Maedchen (2015)
Zunner, Elke: Wahrnehmung von Gesichtermorphs weiblicher Jugendlicher bei manipuliertem Koerperfettgehalt (2015)
Lehrach, Christine: Wahrnehmung von Maennergesichtern in Zusammenhang mit ihrem Cortisolspiegel (2015)
Weinlinger, Christoph: Ist dieser Platz noch frei? Eine Untersuchung von Minimalterritorium und Individualraum in der Wiener U-Bahn (2014)
Mueller, Hanna: Koerperzusammensetzung und Wahrnehmung von Gesichtern bei Jugendlichen (2014)
Szabadvari, Anna: Koerperhoehe und Wahrnehmung von Fuehrungsqualitaet in Frauen- und Maennergesichtern (2014)
Ensberger, Maria-Anna: "Danke fuers Blumengieszen": Die positiven Auswirkungen eines Guerilla Gartens auf das prosoziale Verhalten (2014)
Schaman, Anna: Children’s Motivated Reasoning in Wason’s Selection Task (2013)
Hinterleitner, Christian: Sibling-sibling dissimilarity of facial shape with an interpretation in terms of heritability (2013)
Fruehwirth, Alexander: "Add me because I rock": Sex differences in the use of Facebook (2013)
Zabransky, Stefan: Cortisol und Gesichtsmorphologie bei maennlichen Homo sapiens (2012)
Windhager, Sonja: Geometric morphometric approaches to facial shape and trait attribution (2012)
Mikolka, Julia: Die Evolution des Cockpits - Der Auto-Cyborg und die Veraenderungen in seinen "Organsystemen" (2011)
Patocka, Karin: Body-Mass-Index und Gesichtsform bei Jugendlichen (2011)
Svoboda, Veronika: Digit Ratio (2D:4D) and Facial Shape in Adolescents - The Lower the Ratio, the More Robust the Face? (2011)
Esterl, Stefanie: Das Prospect-Refuge Beduerfnis im Innenraum unter Beruecksichtigung geschlechtsspezifischer Unterschiede (2010)
Pellegrini, Alessandro: Geometric morphometric craniofacial analysis of early bronze age Austrian populations (2009)
Schamall, Doris: Qualitative und quantitative Differentialdiagnose von Individuen mit und ohne Mineralisationsstoerungen am Beispiel spaetantiker, neuzeitlicher und rezenter menschlicher Skelettreste unter Verwendung des radiologischen , histologischen und histomorphometrischen Analysespektrums (2009)
Meindl, Konstanze: Praepubertaerer Sexualdimorphismus in Gesichtsform und 2D:4D Verhaeltnis (2009)
Lienbacher, Sabine: Evolutionaere Hintergruende dissoziativer Phaenomene (2009)
Zimmermann, Elisabeth: Cerebral processing of faces: an EEG study on perceived facial attractiveness (2008)
Theiler, Katharina: Facial Shape Changes due to Aging: About the Biology and Perception of Aging in Human Faces (2007)
Scheiner, Pamela: Untersuchung des proximaten Effekts von Alkohol auf die Bewertung von Gesichtern (2006)
Mayr, Miriam: Emotions in facial expressions ans body postures --a novel methodological approach (2006)
Fenes, Caroline: Studies in the Cranial Paedomorphism of the Khoi San Using Geometric Morphometrics (2005)
Prenner, Michael: Sportlicher Erfolg und der Zusammenhang mit Gesichts- und Koerperasymmetrie (2005)
Manfreda, Evelyn: Functional and evolutionary anatomy of the atlas in humans and non-human primates: A geometric morphometric approach (2005)
Windhager, Sonja: Fishing for attention - An ethological experiment on human biophilia in a real-life situation (2005)
Viola, Thomas Bence: Locomotion Dependent Variation in the Proximal Femoral Trabecular Pattern in Primates (2002)
Mitteroecker, Philipp: Assessment of Human Preadolescent Cranial Growth and its Implications for Human Evolution (2001)
Gunz, Philipp: Using Semilandmarks in Surfaces and curves in Three dimensions To Model Human Neurocranial Shape (2001)
Hirsch, Ingeborg: Mandibelform der Hominoidea - eine geometrisch morphometrische Analyse (2001)
Bernhard, Markus: Numerical Description and Comparison of Ecto- and Endocranial Variation in Homo sapiens (2000)