Ass. Prof. Mag. Dr. Karl Reiter

Karl Reiter

Department of Conservation Biology, Vegetation - and Landscape Ecology
Faculty of Life Sciences
University of Vienna
Faculty - Center of Biodiversity
Rennweg 14
A-1030 Vienna
+43 1 4277-54373
+43 1 4277-9575

Head of the Workers council University of Vienna

Vice-Head of the Workers-UNION

PROMERE - Psychotherapie


Reseach Aktivties

After a period of seven years as a school - teacher, I started my scientific work in the field of analysis of vegetation in space and time putting the emphasis on using Geographical Information Systems, Remote Sensing and Multivariate Analysis. In most of the scientific work at the department I am directly involved (e.g. Hemeroby of Austrian Forest Ecosystems, Sustainable Use of Austrian Cultural Landscapes, MAB - Projects wuth focus on Biospherereserves, Flussbauliches Gesamtproject Donau ö. Wien).During the last years I tried to develop strategies in sampling design based on spatial factors manly derived from Digital Elevation Models and classification of remote sensed data.


My teaching activities are concetrated on Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Computer-Based Methods in Vegetation Science, Landscape Ecology und Conservation Biology for Teachers Vegetation Science for Geographers and others and field-coures in vegetation and Landscape Ecology.

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