Bibliometrische Indikatoren


Bibliometrische Indikatoren bauen auf folgende statistische Werte auf:

1) Anzahl und Verteilung von Veröffentlichungen

2) Anzahl und Verteilung von Autoren

3) Anzahl und Verteilung von Referenzen

4) Anzahl und Verteilung von Zitaten

5) Anzahl und Verteilung von Geldern

Basic Statistics

1) Number of Publications

2) Percentage of Cited Publications

3) Citation Rate per Publication: Observed (Mean Observed Citation Rate) (MOCR)

4) Citation Rate per Publication: Expected (Mean Expected Citation Rate) (MECR)
(the actual rate being substitued by the impact factor)

Relative Indicators

1) Relative Citation Rate (RCR)

2) Activity Index (AI)
The country's share in world's publication output in the given field / The country's share in world's publication output in all science fields
the given field's share in the country's publication output / the given field's share in world's publication output

3) Attractivity Index (AAI)
The country's share in citations attracted by publications in the given field / The country's share in citations attracted by publications in all science fields
the given field's share in citations attracted by the country's publication / the given field's share in citations attracted by all publications of the world