Publications of Jean-Robert Tyran
(for additional information, see GScholar and ORCID)
a) Journals (boldfaced articles are hyperlinked)
"Work Motivation and Teams", with Haeckl, S. and Sausgruber, R.
Economics Letters 2024, 244: 112020.
"Self-Signaling in Voting", with Mechtenberg, L., Perino, G., Treich, N., and Wang, S.W.
Journal of Public Economics 2024, 231: 105070.
"Civic Engagement, the Leverage Effect and the Accountable State", with Kamei, K. and Putterman, L.
European Economic Review 2023, 156: 104466.
"Fake News, Voter Overconfidence, and the Quality of Democratic Choice", with Kartal, M.
American Economic Review 2022, 112(10): 3367-97.
"Equal Opportunities for All? How Income Redistribution Promotes Support for Economic Inclusion", with Reindl, I.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2021, 190: 390-407.
"Distributional Preferences Explain Individual Behavior Across Games and Time", with Hedegaard, M., Kerschbamer, R. and Müller, D.
Games and Economic Behavior 2021, 128: 231-55.
"Disincentives from Redistribution: Evidence on a Dividend of Democracy”, with Sausgruber, R. and Sonntag, A.
European Economic Review 2021, 136: 103749
"Robust Inference in Risk Elicitation Tasks”, with Andersson, O., Holm, H.J., and Wengström, E.
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 2020, 61: 195-209.
"Risking Other People's Money. Experimental Evidence on bonus Schemes, Competition, and Altruism", with Andersson, O., Holm, H.J., and Wengström, E.
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2020, 122(2): 648-74."The Dark Side of the Vote: Biased Voters, Social Information, and Information Aggregation through Majority Voting", with Morton, R. and Piovesan, M.
Games and Economic Behavior 2019, 113: 461-81.
"Voter Motivation and the Quality of Democratic Choice”, with Mechtenberg, L.
Games and Economic Behavior, 2019, 116: 241-59.
"Thinking Fast, Thinking Badly", with Jimenez, N., Rodriguez-Lara, I. and Wengström, E.
Economics Letters 2018, 162: 41-44."The Price of Prejudice", with Hedegaard, M.
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 2018, 10(1): 40-63 (Appendix)."Choosing a Public-Spirited Leader. An Experimental Investigation of Political Selection", with Markussen, T.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2017, 144: 204-18."Judicial Error and Cooperation", with Markussen, T. and Putterman, L.
European Economic Review 2016, 89: 372–88."Medical Insurance and Free Choice of Physician Shape Patient Overtreatment. A Laboratory Experiment", with Huck, S., Lünser, G. and Spitzer, F.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2016, 131: 78-105."Fairness is Intuitive", with Cappelen, A.W., Nielsen, U.H., Tungodden, B. and Wengström, E.
Experimental Economics 2016, 19(4): 727-74 ."Risk Aversion Relates to Cognitive Ability: Preferences or Noise?", with Andersson, O., Holm, H.J. and Wengström, E.
Journal of the European Economic Association 2016, 14(5): 1129-54."Price Competition and Reputation in Markets for Experience goods: An Experimental Study" with Huck, S. and Lünser, G.
RAND Journal of Economics 2016, 47(1): 99-117."Deciding for Others Reduces Loss Aversion," with Andersson, O., Holm, H.J. and Wengström, E.
Management Science 2016, 62(1): 29-36."Predicting Lotto Numbers" with Galbo-Jørgensen, C.B. and Suetens, S.
Journal of the European Economic Association 2016, 14(3): 584–607."Corruption in Committees: An Experimental Study of Information Aggregation through Voting", with Morton, R.
Journal of Public Economic Theory 2015, 17(4): 553-579."State or Nature? Formal vs. Informal Sanctioning in the Voluntary Provision of Public Goods," with Kamei, K. and Putterman, L.
Experimental Economics 2015, 18(1): 38-65."Discriminatory Taxes are Unpopular - Even when they are Efficient and Distributionally Fair", with Sausgruber, R.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2014, 108: 463-476."Does Money Illusion Matter?: Reply," with Fehr, E.
American Economic Review 2014, 104(3): 1063-71."Competition, Cooperation, and Collective Choice," with Markussen, T. and Reuben, E.
Economic Journal 2014, 124(574): F163-95."Second Thoughts on Free Riding," with Nielsen, U. and Wengström, E.
Economics Letters 2014, 122(2): 136-9."Self-Organization for Collective Action: An Experimental Study of Voting on Sanction Regimes," with Markussen, T. and Putterman, L.
Review of Economic Studies 2014, 81(1): 301-24."Give and Take in Dictator Games", with Cappelen, A.W., Nielsen, U.H., Sørensen, E.Ø. and Tungodden, B.
Economics Letters 2013, 118(2): 280-3."Inequality Aversion and Voting on Redistribution", with Höchtl, W. and Sausgruber, R.
European Economic Review 2012, 56(7): 1406-21."Competition Fosters Trust", with Huck, S. and Lünser, G.
Games and Economic Behavior 2012, 76(1): 195-209."The Gambler’s Fallacy and Gender", with Suetens, S.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2012, 83(1): 118-24."Microfoundations of Social Capital", with Thöni, C. and Wengström, E.
Journal of Public Economics 2012, 96(7): 635-43."Money Illusion and Nominal Inertia in Experimental Asset Markets", with Noussair, C. and Richter, G.
Journal of Behavioral Finance 2012, 13(1): 27-37."Public Goods and Voting on Formal Sanction Schemes", with Kamei, K. and Putterman, L.
Journal of Public Economics 2011, 95(10): 1213-22."Let the Experts Decide? Asymmetric Information, Abstention, and Coordination in Standing Committees", with Morton, R.
Games and Economic Behavior 2011, 72: 485-509."Are We Taxing Ourselves? How Deliberation and Experience Shape Voting on Taxes", with Sausgruber, R.
Journal of Public Economics 2011, 95: 164-76."Voting on Thresholds for Public Goods: Experimental Evidence", with Rauchdobler, J. and Sausgruber, R.
Public Finance Analysis 2010, 66(1): 34-64."Consumer Networks and Firm Reputation: A First Experimental Investigation", with Huck, S. and Lünser G.
Economics Letters 2010, 108(2): 242-4."Everyone is a Winner: Promoting Cooperation through All-Can-Win Intergroup Competition", with Reuben, E.
European Journal of Political Economy 2010, 26(1): 25-35."Limited Rationality and Strategic Interaction. The Impact of the Strategic Environment on Nominal Inertia", with Fehr, E.
Econometrica 2008, 76(2): 353-94."Money Illusion and the Market",
Science 2007, 314(5841): 1042-3."Pure Redistribution and the Provision of Public Goods", with Sausgruber, R.
Economics Letters 2007, 95(3): 334-8."Money Illusion and Coordination Failure", with Fehr, E.
Games and Economic Behavior 2007, 58(2): 246-68."Reciprocity, Social Ties, and Competition in Markets for Experience Goods", with Huck, S.
Journal of Socio-Economics 2007, 36(2): 191-203."Cournot Competition and Hit-and-Run Entry and Exit in a Teaching Experiment", with Gächter, S. and Thöni, C.
Journal of Economic Education 2006, 37(4): 418-30."A Little Fairness may Induce a Lot of Redistribution in Democracy", with Sausgruber, R.
European Economic Review 2006, 50(2): 469-85."Achieving Compliance when Legal Sanctions are Non-Deterrent", with Feld, L.
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2006, 108(1): 135-56."Individual Irrationality and Aggregate Outcomes", with Fehr, E.
Journal of Economic Perspectives 2005, 19(4): 43-66.
Reprinted in: ICFAI Journal of Behavioral Finance, 2006, 3(2): 6-26."Tax Liability Side Equivalence in Gift-Exchange Labor Markets", with Riedl, A.
Journal of Public Economics 2005, 89(11): 2369-82."The Diffusion of Policy Innovations", with Sausgruber, R.
Journal of Evolutionary Economics 2005, 15(4): 423-42."To Buy or Not to Buy? An Experimental Study of Consumer Boycotts in Retail Markets", with Engelmann, D.
Economica 2005, 72(285): 1-16."Learning Trust", with Bohnet, I., Harmgart, H., Huck, S.
Journal of the European Economic Association 2005, 3(3): 322-9."Testing the Mill Hypothesis of Fiscal Illusion", with Sausgruber, R.
Public Choice 2005, 122(2): 39-68."Price Rigidity in Customer Markets", with Renner, E.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2004, 55(4): 575-93."Voting when Money and Morals Conflict. An Experimental Test of Expressive Voting"
Journal of Public Economics 2004, 88(7): 1645-64."Do Institutions Promote Rationality? An Experimental Study of the Three-Door Anomaly", with Slembeck, T.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2004, 54(3): 337-50."Tax Evasion and Voting", with Feld, L.
Kyklos 2002, 55(2): 197-221."Does Money Illusion Matter?", with Fehr, E.
American Economic Review 2001, 91(5): 1239-62.
Reprinted in: Carbone, E. and Starmer, C. (eds.): New Developments in Experimental Economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2007.
Reprinted in: Sadrieh, A. and Weimann, J. (eds.): Experimental Economics in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. A collection of papers in honor of Reinhard Tietz. Marburg: Metropolis, 2008: pp. 81-113."Institutions and Reciprocal Fairness", with Fehr, E.
Nordic Journal of Political Economy 1996, 23(1): 133-44."Environmental Impairment Liability as an Instrument of Environmental Policy", with Zweifel, P.
Ecological Economics 1994, 11(1): 43-56."Environmental Risk Internalization through Capital Markets (ERICAM): The Case of Nuclear Power", with Zweifel, P.
International Review of Law and Economics 1993, 13(4): 431-44.
b) Books and Contributions to Edited Volumes
“Paying Cash for Votes," with Murugesan, A. in: C. Bjørnskov and R. Jong-A-Pin (eds.)
Elgar Encyclopedia of Public Choice, forthcoming. (WP version)“A Dividend of Democracy," with Markussen, T. in: C. Bjørnskov and R. Jong-A-Pin (eds.)
Elgar Encyclopedia of Public Choice, forthcoming (WP version)“Patience and the Wealth of Nations," in: B.S. Frey, and C. Schaltegger (eds.): 21st Century Economics. Economic Ideas You Should Read and Remember.
Springer, 2019: 135-37.“Experimental Evidence on Expressive Voting;" with Wagner, A.K. In: Congleton, R., Grofman, B. and Voigt, S. (eds.):
Oxford Handbook of Public Choice, Ch. 45, 2018: 928-40.“Personality Traits and the Gender Gap in Ideology" with Morton, R. and Wengström, E. In: Gallego, M. and Schofield, N. (eds.): The Political Economy of Social Choices.
Springer, 2016: 153-85.“Schaffen Institutionen Vertrauen?" with Spitzer, F. In: Hammer, E. und Tomaschek, N. (eds.): Vertrauen. Standpunkte zum sozialen, wirtschaftlichen und politischen Handeln. University – Society – Industry. Münster:
Waxmann, 2013, Bd. 2: 91-104."Coordination Failure" In: W.A. Darity (ed.):
International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, 2007, 2nd ed., Macmillan, Vol. 2: 127-8."Expectations and the Effects of Money Illusion; with Fehr, E. In: B. Agarwal and A. Vercelli (Eds.): Psychology, Rationality and Economic Behavior. Challenging Standard Assumptions.
International Economic Association 2005, Ch. 8: 155-80."Instinct or Incentive to be Trustworthy? The Role of Informational Institutions", with Bohnet, I. and Huck, S.
Jahrbuch für Neue Politische Ökonomie 2003, 21: 213-21."What Causes Nominal Inertia?" with Fehr, E. In: J. Carillo and I. Brocas (eds.): The Psychology of Economic Decisions, Vol. 1, Oxford University Press, 2003: 299-322.
"Geldillusion und Geldpolitik" In: E. Fehr und G.S. Schwarz (eds.): Psychologische Grundlagen der Ökonomie. Zürich:
Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 2002: 91-5."Ursachen nominaler Rigiditäten", with Fehr, E. In: G. Chaloupek, A. Guger, E. Nowotny and G. Schwödiauer (eds.): Ökonomie in Theorie und Praxis. Berlin:
Springer, 2001: 89-105."Money Illusion and Strategic Complementarity as Causes of Monetary Non-Neutrality"
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 1999, 472 (228 pages) Springer.
c) Didactic Contributions
“Eksperimentel og psykologisk økonomi” with Sloth, B. Samfundsøkonomen 2005, 3(July): 8-11.
“Learning to be a Behavioral and Experimental Economist” Politen 2005, 2: 4-5.
“Wege zu einem besseren Verständnis von Geld als Kategorie der Nationalökonomie” Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften 2000, 11(4): 537-9.
“Mikroökonomie. Eine Einführung mit zahlreichen Beispielen und Anwendungen” (A Primer in Microeconomics). Zurich: AKAD-Verlag, 1999 (436 pages).
“Toolbox Mikroökonomie”. Zurich: AKAD-Verlag, 1999 (164 pages).
"Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung” mit Falk, A.; Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium WiSt 1997, 26(6): 326-9.
“Einführung in die Makroökonomie” Zürich: AKAD, 1997 (92 p., 40 fig.).
“Umwelthaftung aus ökonomischer Sicht” Plädoyer. Das Magazin für Recht und Politik, 1994, 3/94: 30-35.
d) Book Reviews
"Social Preferences. An Introduction to Behavioural Economics and Experimental Research," by M. Drouvelis (2021, Agenda Publishing).
Journal of Economic Psychology 2023, 94: 102585.
“The Foundations of Behavioral Economic Analysis” by S. Dhami (2016, Oxford Univ. Press).
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 2017, 67: 161-2.“Bounds of Reason. Game Theory and the Unification of the Social Sciences” by H. Gintis (2009, Princeton Univ. Press).
Journal of Economics 2010, 100(2): 185-8."Recent Developments in Behavioral Economics" by S. Maital (ed., 2007, Elgar).
Journal of Economic Psychology 2008, 29(3): 869-71."Preference, Belief, and Similarity: Selected Writings by Amos Tversky" by E. Shafir (ed., 2004, MIT Press).
Journal of Socio-Economics 2007, 36(4): 675-6."An Economic Theorist’s Book of Tales" by G.A. Akerlof (1984, Cambridge University Press). In: D. Herz and V. Weinberger (eds): Lexikon der ökonomischen Werke. Schäffer-Poeschel: Düsseldorf, 2006: 3-4.
"The Economics of Reciprocity, Giving and Altruism " by L.-A. Gérard-Varet, S.-C. Kolm, and J. Mercier Ythier (eds., 2000, International Economic Association Conference Vol. no. 130, McMillan Press).
Economica 2004, 71(282): 320-1."Public Goods and Private Wants. A Psychological Approach to Government Spending" by S. Kemp (2002, Edward Elgar).
Economic Journal 2004, 114(496): F361-3."Behavioral Game Theory" by C.F. Camerer (2003, Princeton University Press).
Journal of Socio-Economics 2003, 32(6): 717-20."Experimental Business Research" by R. Zwick and A. Rapoport (2002, Kluwer).
Kyklos, 2002, 55(4): 605-7."Social Capital. A Multifaceted Perspective" by P. Dasgupta and I. Serageldin (eds., 2000, World Bank),
Aussenwirtschaft 2001, 56(2): 276-7.
e) Policy Contributions and Newspaper Articles
"Experimente für eine bessere Welt", Die Presse, 27.10.2021
"Laudatio of Muriel Niederle", held by J.-R. Tyran at the occasion of the award of the Oskar Morgenstern Medal by the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics at the University of Vienna, October 7, 2021
"Wie man Frauen auf dem steinigen Weg zur Professur unterstützen kann", Die Presse, 19.10.2020
"Ökonomie für ein besseres Leben" Neue Zürcher Zeitung 2017, 14.10.2017: 33.
"Laudatio of Ernst Fehr", held by J.-R. Tyran at the occasion of the award of the Oskar Morgenstern Medal by the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics at the University of Vienna, September 5, 2017
"Of Cashew Nuts, Marshmallows and the Wealth of Nations" The Dufour Street Journal 2016, Vol. 3: 25-26.
Various contributions to FehrAdvice blog on behavioral economics and behavioral finance, July - Nov. 2013.
"Why is Housing such a Popular Investment? A New Psychological Explanation" with Stephens, T.A., VoxEU, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), Nov. 23, 2012.
"Predicting the Improbable", with Suetens, S. and C.B. Jørgensen, Vox, 22.4.2011.
"Can Markets Be Trusted?", with Huck, S., Policy Insight, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), No. 6, June 2007: 1-6.
"Learning to be a Behavioral and Experimental Economist" (contribution to student newspaper Politen at U Copenhagen) 5.2006.
"Geldillusion und Geldpolitik", Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Nr. 125, 29.5.2001: 25.