Irfan Glogić

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna. Currently, I am principal investigator of a research project funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Formerly, I was employed on a project by Professor Roland Donninger.

Before coming to Vienna, I obtained my doctorate in Mathematics from The Ohio State University. My advisor was Professor Ovidiu Costin.

Before moving to the United States, I completed my undergraduate studies at the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Research Interests

I am interested in nonlinear partial differential equations, primarily those of dispersive and parabolic type. At the moment, I am focused on the existence and stability of blowup in supercritical models. This necessitates tools from different areas of mathematics, and as a consequence I also work in differential geometry, spectral theory, and harmonic analysis.

Contact Information

Faculty of Mathematics
University of Vienna
Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, Room 03.130
1090 Vienna, Austria


  • Curriculum vitae
  • Research Papers

    The following are available on my page.
    1. Global-in-space stability of singularity formation for Yang-Mills fields in higher dimensions
      submmitted for publication, 2023.

    2. Globally stable blowup profile for supercritical wave maps in all dimensions
      submitted for publication, 2022.

    3. Existence and stability of shrinkers for the harmonic map heat flow in higher dimensions
      with S. Kistner and B. Schörkhuber. to appear in Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations.

    4. On blowup for the supercritical quadratic wave equation
      with E. Csobo and B. Schörkhuber. Anal. PDE. 17(2): 617-680, 2024.

    5. Co-dimension one stable blowup for the quadratic wave equation beyond the light cone
      with P. Chen, R. Donninger, M. McNulty and B. Schörkhuber. Comm. Math. Phys. 405(2), Paper No. 34, 46 pp, 2024.

    6. Stable singularity formation for the Keller-Segel system in three dimensions
      with B. Schörkhuber. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 248(4): Paper No. 4, 40 pp, 2024.

    7. Stable blowup for the supercritical hyperbolic Yang-Mills equations
      Adv. Math. 408: Paper No. 108633, 52 pp, 2022.

    8. Co-dimension one stable blowup for the supercritical cubic wave equation
      with B. Schörkhuber. Adv. Math. 390: Paper No. 107930, 79 pp, 2021.

    9. Nonlinear stability of homothetically shrinking Yang-Mills solitons in the equivariant case
      with B. Schörkhuber. Comm. Partial Differential Equations. 45(8): 887-912, 2020.

    10. Strichartz estimates for the one-dimensional wave equation
      with R. Donninger. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 373(6): 4051-4083, 2020.

    11. Threshold for blowup for the supercritical cubic wave equation
      with M. Maliborski and B. Schörkhuber. Nonlinearity. 33(5): 2143-2158, 2020.

    12. On the existence and stability of blowup for wave maps into a negatively curved target
      with R. Donninger. Anal. PDE. 12(2): 389-416, 2019.

    13. On blowup of co-rotational wave maps in odd space dimensions
      with A. Chatzikaleas and R. Donninger. J. Differential Equations. 263(8): 5090-5119, 2017.

    14. Mode stability of self-similar wave maps in higher dimensions
      with O. Costin and R. Donninger. Comm. Math. Phys. 351(3): 959-972, 2017.

    15. On the stability of self-similar solutions to nonlinear wave equations
      with O. Costin, R. Donninger and M. Huang. Comm. Math. Phys. 343(1): 299-310, 2016.
    Here is also a link to my MathSciNet profile.


    The thesis I wrote under the guidance of Professor Ovidiu Costin is freely available through OhioLINK and can be accessed here.