Recent Lectures

Lecture at the Institute for Educational Sciences (University of Vienna)
Die Entstehung der Profession Soziale Arbeit, mit Fokus auf Ausbildungen und den Brüchen in den 1930er Jahren The emergence of the profession of social work, with a focus on training programmes and the ruptures in the 1930s

Lecture on female welfare workers in panel 7
Die ersten Juristinnen in Österreich. Beruflicher Ein- und Aufstieg sowie Kontinuitäten des Ausschlusses
The first female lawyers in Austria. Professional entry and advancement as well as continuities of exclusion
Zeitgeschichtetag Graz, 11.4.2024, 11.30 a.m.
Link to the programme

Lectures at the universities

Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte:
Historische biographische Migrationsforschung (gem. mit Annemarie Steidl) (WiSe 2022/23)

FH Campus Wien, Bachelor 
Social Work:
Biographical Research
Scientific Research and Writing
Social research methods
Asylum, Migration and Social Work
BA Thesis Seminar

During the last terms:
Akademie für Bildende Künste: Flüchtlingsarbeit in akuten Krisensituationen (Ukraine) (SoSe 2022)
Master Internat. Development, University of Vienna: Disputed expertise in science and politics in the field of migration research, together with Gerd Valchars
FH Campus Wien, Master Social Work:
Social Inequalities 
Welfare State in a Gender & Diversity Perspective

BA: Flight and Exil together with Thomas Wallerberger
Trans*Inter*Queer in Social Work
, together with Persson Perry Baumgartinger
Experience-based knowledge in Social Work, together with Karin Rowhani-Wimmer

...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...

Previous lectures

Lecture: Geschlechterverhältnisse im Kontext von Verfolgung und Widerstand in Wien 1938 / Gender relations in the context of persecution and resistance in Vienna 1938  at the conferenceGeschlechterdimensionen in Geschichte und Geschichtsschreibung zu Sozialer Arbeit
Tagung der AG Historische Soziale Arbeit/Sozialpädagogik an der HS RheinMain vom 22.-24.2.2024

Presentation of the Herbert Steiner Prizes 2023
15.2.2024, 18.00
DÖW (exhibition room), Old City Hall, Wipplinger Str. 6-8, 1010 Vienna / entrance in the courtyard
Link to the event

Lecture: Individueller Widerstand am Wiener Jugendamt durch Arbeitsverweigerung und Verstecken einer jüdischen Kollegin / Individual resistance at the Vienna Youth Welfare Office through refusal to work and hiding of a Jewish colleague, at the conference "Widerstand von Frauen gegen den Nationalsozialismus in Europa", 27.-29.09.2023, Bonn

Lecture in German and English: Anna Böhmerwald – Fürsorgerin in der Hilfsstelle für nicht-arische Katholiken und ihre Emigration in die USA 1948
together with Anne-Marie Kendra, granddaughter
Mo, 15.5.2023, 18.30 IWK

Lecture in German: Juristinnen in der Fürsorge / Women Lawyers in Welfare (lecture in the course "Women in Law")
6.6.2023, 18.00, Hörsaal U21 Schottenbastei 10-16, Juridicum, KG2

Hedy Schwarz - Verfolgte Fürsorgerin, Montessori-Pädagogin im Goethehof, Kinderpsychoanalytikerin im britischen Exil
/ Montessori teacher at the Goethehof, child psychoanalyst in British exile

22.03, 18.30 Wien Museum MUSA (mit Anmeldung)
24.03, 11.30 FH Campus Wien, Kelsenstr. 2, 1030 Wien
24.03., 19.00 im Werkl im Goethehof Details

Persecution and Resistance of Jewish Welfare Workers in Viennese Youth Welfare Offices. Verfolgung und Widerstand von jüdischen Fürsorgerinnen am Wiener Jugendamt
11.11.2022, 19.00, Republikanischer Club
Fischerstiege 1-7, 1010 Vienna
Event organized by FIPU

Palffygasse on the memorial walk in Hernals
13.11.2022, 15.00 Meeting point: Frederic-Morton-Park, 1170 Vienna
More about the memorial walk

Persecution and Resistance of Women Welfare Workers - 4 female comrades at the Vienna Youth Welfare Office
15.11.2022, 18.00, DÖW (Sitzungssaal) Old City Hall, Wipplingerstrasse 6, 1010 Vienna

Marriages of convenience as a life-safer for Jewish women during the Nazi era?
30.11.2022, 21.00 Online for Mosaic, Oxford
More info will follow, lecture in English

29.10.2022: Guided tour with Daphne Roth
Verfolgt Verlobt Verheiratet. Frauenmuseum Hittisau

Lecture in English: “Will you marry me?” Marriages of convenience in times of crises; The Nazi era and nowadays. With Henrie Dennis, Post-Conceptual Art Studio and Prof. Marina Grzinic, supported by Afro Rainbow Austria.
27.6.2022, 18.00, Akademie der Bildenden Künste

Input on "Doing Gender in Exile" at the celebration of 20 years of the Women's AG of öge
21.06.2022, 17.00, Kreisky Forum
Einladung, PDF

Lecture (german): Interkonfessionelle Vernetzung der jüdischen Fürsorgerin Franzi Löw (Interdenominational networking of the Jewish welfare worker Franzi Löw)
with Éva Kovács in den rÆson_anzen (VWI): Jüdische Fürsorge im Schatten der Vernichtung
12.5.2022, 15.00 bis 17.00, VWI

Online Lecture in English: The Forgotten Social Workers of "Red Vienna" for the American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work
3.6.2022, 12.00 (EDT), in Österreich: 18.00
free, registration in advance

Lecture: Drei Wiener Fürsorgerinnen im Exil. Wissenstransfer in die USA und retour [Three Viennese Welfare Workers in Exile. Knowledge transfer to the USA and back] Panel together with Linda Erker and Philipp Strobl: Transnational circulation of knowledge of Austrian refugees, 22.4.2022, Zeitgeschichtetag Salzburg
Programm (PDF)

Lecture: „Freiwilligkeit“ und Zwang bei den Pensionierungen von Fürsorgerinnen an Wiener Jugendämtern 1938 – [Forced retirements of welfare workers at Viennese youth welfare offices 1938]
Geschichte am Mittwoch, 6.4.2022, 6.30 pm

Talk at the opening of the exhibition 
Persecuted. Engaged. Married. Marriages of Convenience in Exile at the Frauenmuseum Hittisau

6.3.2022, Hittisau, Vorarlberg

Paper presentation:
Persecutes Social Workers from the 1930ies
12.10.2021, 12.30
at the IFSW Conference 2021, Zagreb (online)
in the panel Policial Dimensions in/of Social Work

Moderator of a lecture of the FrauenAG of the Austrian Society for Exile Research
Ina Markova: Tilly Spiegel. Eine politische Biografie
25.5.2021, 18.30 Uhr
Einladung als PDF

 Poster presentation "Verfolgte Fürsorgerinnen aus Wien in den 1930er Jahren"
Trinationale Tagung der DGSA, OGSA und SGSA

Book launch: "Soziale Arbeit in der Postmigrationsgesellschaft Österreich" (co-editor and author)
23.3.2021, 09.15, ogsa Tagung

Lecture: Verfolgte Fürsorgerinnen– Eine Zeitreise zu einem fehlenden Stück der Geschichte der Fürsorge in Wien (Persecuted social workers - Time travelling to a missing piece of the history of professional Fürsorge (care-work) in Vienna)
22.3.2021, 11.30, ogsa Tagung

Moderator of a lecture of the FrauenAG of the Austrian Society for Exile Research
Larisa Schippel: Übersetzerinnen im Exil.
23.3.2021, 18.30 Uhr
Einladung als PDF

Lecture: Discourse on Asylum and Integration in Austria using the example of young working asylumseekers 3. Konferenz des Netzwerks Fluchtforschung, 17.-19.09.2020

Round-table: AK Flucht & Gender "Beyond a fe/male bias? Aktuelle Genderdebatten in der Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung bei der 3. Konferenz des Netzwerks Fluchtforschung, 17.-19.09.2020

Moderation of the lecture by Larisa Schippel: Übersetzerinnen im Exil (Translators in Exile),
31.03.2020, IWK --> 2021

Lecture at ogsa Forum, Social Work in Migration Society
Critical discourse analyses and Social Work (together with Persson Baumgartinger)
Article: discourse on concepts of Asylum and Integration in Austria using the example of young apprentices seeking asylum.
2.3.2020, Linz

Moderation des Vortrags von Karin Scherschel
Frauen auf der Flucht - Fluchtursachen und Bedingungen im Aufnahmeland
Di, 07.01.2020, IWK, Berggasse 17, 1090 Wien
Flyer als pdf

Lecture: Fame and (Auto)Biography. The dancer Anna Lelewer to the "Viennese Nightingale" Anita Douglas, at the 16. Workshop of Netzwerks Biographieforschung about Auto/Biography, Gender and Celebrity

Fr, 15.11.2019

Cover Doing GenderBook launch Doing Gender in Exile. Geschlechterverhältnisse, Konstruktionen und Netzwerke in Bewegung.  
together with Katharina Prager and Andreas Brunner, who will talk about the queer networks of Erica Anderson
Fr, 22.11.2019, 19h
Lazylife, Burggasse 44, 1070 Wien
Flyer as pdf

Lecture "Gastarbeiterinnen" in der
österr. Migrationsgeschichte
in the course "Einführung in die (kritische) Migrationsforschung" by Manuel Liebig
Mo, 14.10.2019, 18.00 Uhr Hanuschgasse 3, SR 2

Lecture: Education in Social Work 1918/19 at the Campus Lecture: 100 years Social Work
Mo, 06.05.2019, 19.00
FH Campus Wien
more info

Cover Doing GenderBook launch: Doing Gender in Exile
Tue, 07.05.2019, 18.30
IWK, Wien
more info (pdf)Lecture: Marriages of convenience during the Nazi era
part of the lecture serie >Juden und Judentum in Österreich. Eine Rechtsgeschichte<
Thu, 23.05.2019, Juridicum

Lecture: Women and Migration in Austria - A historical perspective
Th, 24.04.2019, 09.00 - 12.00
MA 17, Gasgasse 8, 1150 Vienna
more info

Book launch: A Cherry Dress
Th, 24.04.2019
Austrian Cultural Forum, London
more info

Lecture: Rahmenbedingungen des Flüchtlingsbereichs at the Campus Lecture:
Leben und Arbeiten im Wiener Flüchtlingsbereich 
We, 06.03.2019, 17.30-20.45
FH Campus Wien, B.E.02
more info

Lecture: Marriages of convenience in exile presenting the biography of the dancer Anita Bild, who had to leave Vienna in 1939
Thu, 13.12.2018, 18.00
Frauenstudienzirkel, Windmühlgasse 26, 1060 Vienna
more info

Workshop: Social work with refugees - the value of knowledge, experience and education 
Fr, 02.11.2018, 14.00, kritnet Tagung, Berlin

Anita Bild, former student in Mädchengymnasium Rahlgasse
Tue, 06.11.2018, 10 a.m.
University for music, Rennweg 8, 1030 Vienna
more info

Lecture: Scheinehen im Nationalsozialismus
in lecture serie >"Jüdischsein" in Österreich im Spiegel des Rechts<
Thu, 08.11.2018, 15.45, DG Juridicum
more info

Stella Kadmon, Nachlass Henriette Mandl, Exilbibliothek
Exhibition Persecuted–engaged–married.
Marriages of convenience in exile.

Jewish Museum Vienna, Museum Judenplatz
Exhibition: 16 May - 07 Oct 2018,
more info

Guided tour through the exhibition / in English
Sun, 07.10.2018, 13.00
Jüdisches Museum Wien, Judenplatz
more info

Womens breakfast / Frauenfrühstück Bund Demokratischer Frauen:
100 Scheinehen in der NS-Zeit.
Sat, 29.9.2018, 10.30, FrauenHetz,
Hetzgasse / Untere Weißgerberstraße 41, 1030 Wien
more info

Guided tour through the exhibition / in German
Führung mit den beiden Kuratorinnen, der Architektin Gabu Heindl und Toledo i Dertschei
Sun, 23.09.2018
more info

Guided tour through the exhibition / in German
organised by FrauenAG der ÖGE (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Exilforschung)
Mon, 24.09.2018, Jüdisches Museum Wien, Judenplatz
more info

Guided tour through the exhibition / in German for fernetzt - Junges Forschungsnetzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte
19 June 2018, 16:15
more info

Book launch "A Cherry Dress. Kommentierte
Memoiren von Anita Bild" 

together with Peter Bild (Anitas son, London). 
Moderation: Thomas Wallerberger
18 May, 19:00
more info

Book launch "A Cherry Dress. Kommentierte
Memoiren von Anita Bild" 
Girma und Modges, zwei der vier Söhne, die Donald Douglas (Anita Bilds Scheinehemann) in Äthiopien adoptierte, Katharine Campbell, die Nichte des Scheinehemanns, und die HerausgeberInnen Irene Messinger und Peter Bild, letzterer ist der Sohn von Anita Bild
together with Katharine Campbell (niece of Donald Douglas, her marriage of convenience “spouse”) and Peter Bild (Anitas son). 
16.01.2018, 18.30 Uhr
Jüdisches Museum Wien
more info

Book launch "A Cherry Dress. Kommentierte
Memoiren von Anita Bild"together with Primavera Driessen Gruber, Traude Bollauf und Peter Bild
18.01.2018, 19.00
IWK, Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst
info sheet (pdf)

Lecture "Ausbildungswege und -standards in der Flüchtlingssozialarbeit in Österreich"
at the "Osnabrücker Winter School" "Migrationsgesellschaften und Soziale Arbeit"
University of Osnabrück, 20./21.02.2018

Lecture Gemeinsame HerausgeberInnenschaft mit Familienangehörigen am Beispiel der kommentierten Memoiren von Anita Bild [Joint publishing with family members using the example of the memoirs of Anita Bild]

at the conference "Autobiographik von Exil, Widerstand, Verfolgung und Lagererfahrung"
23.-25.11.2017, Vienna
Co-organizer of the conference 
Doing Gender in Exile
together with Katharina Prager
Aula, Campus University of Vienna

Moderation of the talk: Doing Gender in Exile. A Dialogue between the Studies on Exil and Forced Migration today with Janna Wessels und Paul Scheibelhofer.
18.10.2017, 19 Uhr, Literaturhaus Wien

Jewish women from Vienna marrying in 1938
Lecture at the conference 'Vertreibung und Vernichtung. Neue quantitative und qualitative Forschungen zu Exil und Holocaust'
25./26. September 2017
Altes Rathaus, Wipplingerstraße 6-8, 1010 Vienna

Marrying for a Visa to Palestine.
Lecture at the conference 'Emigration from Nazi-Occupied Europe to British Dominions, Colonies and Overseas Territories after 1933', London, 13.-15.09.2017

Ausbildungswege und -standards in der Flüchtlingssozialarbeit in Österreich 
Lecture at the Workshop Flucht, Ökonomie und Solidarität, 30.06.-01.07.2017

Podium mit Irene Messinger, Gerd Valchars, Stephanie Mayer, Sara de Jong, Petra Dannecker Book launch JEP Special Issue 01/2017
Migrationsmanagement: Praktiken, Intentionen, Interventionen
31.05.2017, 19h
Depot, Breite Gasse 3, 1070 Wien

Lecture Karin Scherschel:
Spannungsfelder Sozialer Arbeit im Asylkontext 

aus deutscher und
österreichischer Perspektive
Irene Messinger in conversation with Karin Scherschel

11.05.2017, 19.00 Uhr, FH Campus Wien

Dialogue between Exile and Refugees Studies
using the example of marriages of convenience
and people smuggling
06.04.2017, 16.45 Uhr, HS 31, University of Vienna

Participation in the book-launch
'Flucht, Migration, Theater', 18.01.2017, brut

Presentation 'Fachbegriffe am Fließband: Transnationalismus und Protest'  
09.12.2016, depot

Marriages of Convenience during the Nazi Era
02.12.2016, FH Campus Vienna
Lecture in the seminar "Exile and Resistance"

Recent Theories in (Critial) Migration Studies relating to Historical Exile Studies
working group "women in exile"
29.10.2016, University of Hildesheim, Germany

Marriages of Convenience during the Nazi Era 29.09.2016, 12.00 Uhr
Commission for Provenance Research Vienna
more info

Advice and Support for Refugees. Political Framework, Course "Sozialberatung und Betreuung in der Flüchtlingsarbeit"
14.10.2016, Vienna
more info

Podium mit Heidrun Zettelbauer, Ilse Korotin, Vanessa Hannesschläger, Katharina Prager, Irene MessingerGender und “Agency” in Scheinehen in der NS-ZeitÖsterreichischer
in session 'Agency, Netzwerk und Biographie in der Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte'.
Zeitgeschichtetag 2016
09.-11.06.2016, Graz
more info

Historical and recent discourses on people smuggling
in the Workshop: Schlepper*innenbericht. Ausblicke, Allianzen, Widerstände.
28.05.2016, kritnet conference in Vienna
more info

KriMi Lecture "Questioning Migrationsmanagement: Logics of  Differentiation"
Crossing Borders: people smuggling or aiding an escape, Clemens Lahner (lawyer), Katarzyna Winiecka  (Fluchthilfe & Du) in dialogue with Irene Messinger
Di, 10.05.2016, 15.00 Uhr
HS A, Hof 2.2, Altes AKH
more info

KriMi Lecture "Questioning Migrationsmanagement: Logics of  Differentiation"
Historicization of Migration, Vida Bakondy and Viktorija Ratkovic  in dialogue with Irene Messinger
Di, 12.04.2016, 15.00 Uhr

HS A, Hof 2.2, Altes AKH

more info

Being on the scent of estate - between archives and relatives of deceased persons
Input and Co-organiser of the 9th Workshops of the Network of Biographical Research
22. April 2016, Institut für Europäische Ethnologie
more info

Marriage of Convenience as Strategy to Escape the Nazi Regime
in session 'Mixed Marriages among Migrants: Opportunities and Constraints'
European Social Science History Conference 2016, Valencia, 30.03.-02.04.2016
more info

Gender & Nation: Constructing Marriages (of Convenience) in Swiss Archives
04.03.2016, Marietta-Blau-Saal, University of Vienna
Workshop "Cases, Case Files and Case Stories" at the Working Group "Womens' and Gender History" of the Historical-Cultural Faculty of the University of Vienna more info

Book launch: Schleppen, Schleusen, Helfen
Flucht zwischen Rettung und Ausbeutung
01.03.2016, 19.00
C3 – Centrum für Internationale Entwicklung, 
Alois Wagner Saal, Sensengasse 3, 1090 Wien
more info

Marriage of Convenience as Strategy to Escape
lecture in the serie Geh Denken!
12.01.2016, 19.00
Depot, Breite Gasse 3, 1070 Vienna
more info

Marriage of Convenience - Unusual and Unequal Partner Relationships in Exile
lecture at the workshop "Relationships Across Borders: Couples and Families in a Mobile Modern Age"
10.–11.12.2015, German Historical Institute, Paris
more info

Marriage of Convenience as Female Strategy to Escape the Nazi Regime
lecture at the workshop 25th anniversary of the German Comitee Research in Women’s History, 27.11.2015, Berlin
more info

Marriages of convenience

Annual Conference of the Austrian Political Science Association 2015
28.11.2015, University of Salzburg
more info

Szenen einer widerspenstigen Zähmung. Die Grenzen der Migrationskontrolle
in the lecture series "Flight Migration Theatre"
19.10.2015, 18.30, University of Vienna, auditorium I NIG ground-floor
more info

Marriage of Convenience as a Way into Exile – Unusual Partner Relationships
Online Presentation at the conference “Family and Partner Relationships during and after Exile” Conference of the “North American Society for Exile Studies”
Michigan Technological University, 25.-27.09.2015
more info

Fake Marriage as Illicit Strategy to Escape the Nazi Regime

lecture at the conference “Trafficking, Smuggling, and Illicit Migration in Historical Perspective.”
18.-20.06.2015, London
more info

Marriage of Convenience in Narrations about Exile in Switzerland
lecture at the workshop “Family Narratives/ Nation(alistic) Narratives”
09.06.2015, Zürich
Mehr Info

Werkstattgespräch, Zukunftsfonds der Republik Österreich: Presentation of the project „Schutzehen in der NS-Zeit“
19.05.2015, 18:30
Diplomatic Academy Vienna
more info

Marriages of Convenience during the Nazi era
12.05.2015, 18:30
Seminarraum Geschichte 3
im Uni-Hauptgebäude, 2.Stock, Stiege 9
fernetzt - Young Network on Women’s and Gender History
more info

Presentation at the Prize-giving of the "Edith-Saurer grant"
12.03.2015, 18.30 Uhr, AK Wien
Invitation as pdf

Marriages of Convenience in Switzerland during the Nazi Era
Exile. Asylum. Diaspora. The Role Switzerland during the 20th Century
26.-28.02.2014, University of Bern
more info

Jewish Marriages 1938 in Austria
lecture at the Jewish Institute for Adult Education
Praterstern 1, 1020 Vienna
29.01.2014, 6.30 p.m.
more info

Marriages of Convenience in Narratives on Exile
lecture in the series "Debating Feminisms"
Depot, Breite Gasse 3, 1070 Vienna
12.01.2015, 7 p.m.
more info

Marriage of Convenience as Strategy to Survive the Nazi Regime
lecture at the conference "Beyond Camps and Forced Labour: Current International Research on Survivors of Nazi Persecution"
07.-09.01.2015, Imperial War Museum, London
more info

Marriage of Convenience as Unexplored Female Strategy of Escape and Exile
lecture in cooperation with Working Group: Women in Exile of the Austrian Society for Exile Research
IWK, Berggasse 17, 1090 Vienna
11.11.2014, 6.30 p.m.
more info

Marriages of Convenience as a Form of Human Trafficking?

lecture at the conference "Trafficking, Smuggling, and Helping". Flight between Life-Saving and Exploiting
13.-15.10.2014, Vienna
more info

Marriage of Convenience - Past and Present. Aspects of Gender-Specific Experiences of Persecution and Exile.
lecture at the conference of the working group „Women in Exile“
17.-19.10.2014, Berlin
more info

Fictitious Marriage as a Strategy for Escape to Britain
lecture at the conference "Exile and Gender"
17.-19.09.2014, London
more info

Marrying a "Foreigner". Living Conditions and Survival Strategies of Inter-Married Couples during the Nazi Era
12.06.2014, Verein Fibel, Vienna

Marriage as a Means to Escape. Case Studies from the Third Reich, Eastern Germany and Recent Developments, at the conference "The Long Road to Freedom"
08.05.2014, Vienna International Center

Fictitious Marriages of Viennese Jewish Women as Strategy to Escape. Report on an On-Going Research Project
04.05.2014, Maimonides-Centre, Vienna

Investment Fictitious Marriage. Marrying a Foreigner as an Escape Route.
lecture at the conference "Comets of Moneys. Exile and Economy. Annual Meeting of the Society for Research on Exile”
30.03.2014, Vienna

Marriages of Protection Entered Into by Viennese Jewish Women as a Way into Exile.
lecture at the Jewish Institute Vienna
29.01.2014, Vienna

Gender-Roles and Gender–Constructions in the Nazi Era. presentation at the first annual conference of the Austrian Society on Gender Research
05.-07.12.2013, Vienna

Panel Guest at PROSA event for "The Long Night of Human Rights" on Asylum Policy: Racism and Isolation 10.12.2013, 5 p.m., Academy of Fine Arts

Talk on the film "727 Days without Karamo" with film director Anja Salomonowitz and MEP Josef Weidenholzer at the conference "Wanted?! A Common European Asylum Policy"
14.11.2013, Schikander Kino, Vienna

Film "727 Days without Karamo" and talk with Anja Salomonowitz and Irene Messinger
5.11.2013, Legal Faculty, University of Vienna

Guest at the presentation of the Magazine "Women-Solidarity" Issue 125 with the main focus on migration. panel discussion with Ishraga M. Hamid und Irene Messinger
25.09. 2013, bookstore "ChickLit", Vienna

Austrian Migration Policy: an historical overview from the 1960s till today - with a special focus on family migration, its legal restrictions and loop holes using the example of sham marriages from an intersectional perspective. lecture at the MATILDA Summer School “Europe on the move: gender, minorities and forced and unforced migrations in the age of the nation state", 11.07.2013, Vienna

Methods of Analyzing Governmental Authorities in the Field of Migration Policy at the workshop: Methodological Challenges in Migration Research, 18./19.04.2012, Graz

Guest in the debate on Anti-Racist Moments against Migration- and Asylum Policies: Struggle for Rights and Solidarity. as part of the special lecture "Politics of Migration" 18.01.2012, Institute of Political Science, University of Vienna

Immigration Marriage: Definatory Powers of State Authorities and Approaches of Resistance,

poster presentation at the conference: Power and Agency, 06./.07.12.2012, Vienna

Guest at the panel discussion "Exile - Past, Present and Future?
03.12.2012 at the "Institute of Science and Art", Vienna
more info (in German)

Marriages of Protection in Egypt in 1938, presentation at the conference "Going East. Going South. Austrian Exile in Asia and Africa"
19./20.10. 2012 in Graz

Marriages with Third-Country Nationals under Suspicion of Being Immigration Marriages at the specialists conference “Intersectional Disadvantages and Discrimination— Social Realities and Legal Practice”, 18./19.10.2012, University of Graz

Marriages without Borders, presentation together with Petra Neuhold and Paul Scheibelhofer, at the „9. Contemporary History Days“, Linz

Wilful Marriage Migration. Marriages of Protection and Marriages of Convenience during the Nazi Regime, presentation at the conference „Children, Women and Family. Historical Perspectives of Migration“
06./07.09.2012 in Salzburg 

Austrian Migration Policy: A historical overview from the 1960s till today - with a special focus on family migration from an intersectional perspective, 09.07.2012, Budapest, Central European University, MATILDA Summer School on  “Gender and Migration, 19th-21st Centuries.” 

Into Exile by Means of Marriages of Convenience. Marriages of Protection by and with Writers during the National Socialism, at the book presentation "Exile - a Reader on the Literature of Exile", 22.05.2012, Republican Club, Vienna

Fake Stories and Marriage
04.04.2012, 20h talk and debate,
que[e]r @ w23, Wipplingerstraße 23, 1010 Vienna

Methods of Research on 'White Male Networks" in Austrian Migration Policies. lecture at the conference "ill / disciplined. Methods, Theories and Positions of Women's and Gender History" 28.02.2012 in Vienna

Rightly Suspected of Entering into a Sham Marriage?
02.12.2011, lecture at the Depot, Vienna

Seminar: Love and Marriage in the Light of the Austrian Alien Law 2005 and 2009, together with Angela Magenheimer, Marriages without Borders,
10. - 11.11.2011, Asylkoordination Österreich

"Sham Marriage and Suspicion", presentation of research results from the PhD dissertation at the 'Jour fixe Migration Research', 16.09.2011 in Vienna

WS 2010/11: External lecturer "Intersectionality – a Buzzword of Feminist Theory or Applicable Concept? Institute for Political Science, University of Vienna (together with Ewa Dziedzic)

"Intersectionality as an Explanatory Approach to Inequality", lecture at the seminar on "Social Inequality and Media Literacy" by Margit Böck, 02.12.2010 in Salzburg

Intersectionality in Migration Research, presentation at the 1. Annual Meeting of Migration- and Integration Research in Austria, 21.09.2010, Vienna

A Historical Survey on the Legal Construct of Sham Marriage, conference on "Unified Law for Diverse Cultures?" Society of Interdisciplinary Criminology, 09.04.2010, Vienna

Regulating and Controlling the Phenomena of Marriage in a Migration Context, lecture at the Republican Club, 03.02.2010 in Vienna

Poster presentation at the conference "Rethinking Migration", 30.09.2009 in Graz

Re-Constructing Marriage (of Convenience), presentation at the conference "The State and Controlling Deviance"
14.11.2008, Berlin

Marriage of Residence in Austria, Presentation at the conference "Gender, Generation and the Family in International Migration"
15.06.2007, Florence

And All Out of Love?, lecture about images of binational couples and migration control with film shortcuts, 04.10.2006, Vienna

Institutionalised Racism in Austria - Not a Chance for Binational Couples in the New Alien Law? lecture at the Soweto Memorial Day, 16.06.2006, Vienna

WS 2004/05: External Lecturer, Unaccompanied Minor Refugees and Social Work, Institute for Educational Sciences, University of Vienna

On Systematics of Ilegalisation, talk at the Social Democratic Youth Organisation, 23.05.2003, Vienna

The Living-Conditions of Young Refugees and the Professional Field of Social Work, lecture at the Federal Academy of Social Work, 01.04.2003

Fall 2001 – 2003 numerous lectures for the training program „Connecting People“ on Introduction to the Subject of Unaccompanied Minor Refugees; Accommodation and Socio-Pedagogical Care of Young Refugees; Illegalisation and it Repercussions on the Life-Situation and Perspectives Unaccompanied Minor Refugees