The following statement/disclaimer applies to this entire web site. This web site consists of pages at the following locations: and all subdirectories, and all subdirectories, and and all subdirectories. This web site was written and designed by Horst Prillinger, ©1996-2017. All rights reserved. Some pages fall under a Creative Commons licence; click the Creative Commons buttn for details. If you want to use something from this web site, please ask for permission; if it's for non-commercial use, you'll most likely get it. The opinions expressed herein are those of Horst Prillinger and his only. Please note that while he has taken great care to ensure that all the information and facts displayed on this site are correct, he cannot be held responsible for any factual errors (and consequences thereof) that may have occurred. Under no circumstances is his employer in any way responsible for anything published on this site. Wherever possible, the copyright holders of the pictures and other copyrighted material used on this site have been asked for their permission before publication. If you feel that any of your work has been used unfairly, please send an email containing the URL of the page and details about what exactly should be removed. It will then be removed as soon as possible. The links on this entire web site are here for information purposes only. Under no circumstances can the owner of this web site, Horst Prillinger, be made responsible for any content on the linked pages. Information gemäß § 25 Mediengesetz und § 5 E-Commerce-Gesetz:
Betreiber der Website/Diensteanbieter:
Dr. Horst Prillinger, 1070 Wien, . |