Squashed extra dimensions in gauge theory and matrix models

supported by the FWF
, P28590

principal investigator: Harold Steinacker

project members: Marcus Sperling (postdoc), Timon Salar Gutleb (Master's student), Clemens Kerschbaumer (Master's student)

The starting point of this project is given by the squashed SU(3) brane solutions of SU(M) N = 4 super-Yang-Mills deformed by a cubic potential discovered and discussed in

 These solutions behave as self-intersecting fuzzy extra dimensions, leading to a truncated Kaluza-Klein tower of massive states, and a distinct sector of bosonic and fermionic zero modes with rich structure. The aim is to investigate the properties and the physical significance of this new class of solutions both in deformed N = 4 SYM and in matrix models, and to explore possible generalizations and applications.

  Here are some pictures and computer-measurements of the simplest of these "squashed extra dimensions", given by a projection of  fuzzy CP2:

this is a analytic plot of the classical surface,

 ... and here are some computer measurement of the fuzzy space:


    These pictures in fact show only a 2-dimensional section, which happens to be known as "Roman Surface" (as observed by Clemens Kerschbaumer).  The triple self-intersection at the origin is very important; this is where the 3 generations of massless fermions arise.

    Here is a  recent related talk on this topic.

These and similar solutions arise both within  Yang-Mills gauge theories with large rank, as well as within the (presumably) more fundamental and far-reaching matrix models, notably the IKKT matrix model, provided a simple cubic term is added to the potential  (this may ultimately be replaced by a mass term. This is still under investiation).

We have recently pulished a long and detailed paper where these ideas are carried out and pushed further:

In this work, we have established the basic hypothesis of this project, namely that there are indeed non-trivial "Higgs" condensates which link the various sheets of the squashed branes at their intersection loci. In fact, we have established a whole class of new exact solutions of the underlying models (Yang-Mills or matrix models) consisting of branes plus Higgs. The latter turn out to form similar geometrical structures as the squashed branes themselves. Moreover, these new solutions are exact minima of the potential under certain conditions.

Furthermore, we showed how such solutions can provide the basis for obtaining a low-energy effective gauge theory which is in the rough ball-park of the standard model. This vindicates the idea underlying the project, but as usual more work is required, which is non-trivial. This is a good project for further work.

More general backgrounds with a non-trivial geometric interpretation in large-N Yang-Mills gauge theories and matrix models have been found also as extra dimensions which are an intrinsic part of 4-dimensional covariant quantum spaces, as discussed below.

Recently, this project has developed more towards „covariant quantum spaces“, which allow to reconcile the notions of covariance and quantum space(time), and provide a promising basis for a higher spin extension of quantum gravity. This was sparked by the paper

In this paper, the basic observation is made that the fluctuation modes on certain "covariant" quantum spaces (=fuzzy spaces which are equivariant bundles over some base manifold interpreted as (space-time)) in 4 dimensions generically lead to higher spin gauge theory, and in particular to gravity. This promises to provide the long-sought backgrounds of the IKKT matrix model which leads to a (potentially) realistic emergent gravity, which is the ultimate goal of  my research efforts.

Given this development, the project was re-focused towards studying the physics which arises on these spaces. In fact this is very much compatible with the ideas on (squashed) extra dimensions as discussed above, as shown in

Here a genrealized class of covariant quantum spaces is studied, which has an internal structure which is almost the same as the squashed geometries discussed above. Hence these two lines of work are perfectly compatible and complement each other. It appears that the various threads are starting to converge.

The details of the resulting gravity theory are rather involved, as uusal, and depend on the details of the background space-time solution under consideration. We have developed the underlying gauge theory systematically, starting with S^4,

moving on to the non-compact H^4,

which is  the basis for the covariant cosmological space-time solutions found in

and culminating in a paper on the resulting 3+1-dimensional gauge theory, which indeed provides a very nice mechanism for gravity:

This is a promising starting point for a quantum theory of gravity. Stay tuned!

  Here is a  recent talk on this topic.

 Further work  related to suqashed extra dimension and non-commutative field theory:

Further work related to supersymmetric gauge theory in lower dimensions and the associated algebraic structures: