
Hans Peter Zima
Professor Emeritus, University of Vienna, Austria
Principal Scientist (retired), Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA


  1. Zima,H.P., Chapman,B.M.: Supercompilers for Parallel and Vector Computers
    ACM Press Frontier Series/Addison-Wesley (1990); Japanese Translation, Ohmsha (1995)
    Digital Reprint, Antony Rowe Ltd., Eastbourne (2002)
  2. Zima,H.P.: Compiler Construction II : Synthesis and Optimization (in German)
    Reihe Informatik Band 37, Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim (1983)
  3. Zima,H.P.: Compiler Construction I: Analysis (in German)
    Reihe Informatik Band 36, Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim
    First printing 1982, second printing 1989
  4. Zima,H.P.: Operating Systems: Parallel Processes (in German)
    Reihe Informatik Band 20, Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim
    First printing 1976, second printing 1980, third printing 1986

Journal Publications

  1. Zima,H.P.,James,M.L.,and Springer,P.L.: Fault-Tolerant On-Board Computing for Robotic Space Missions
    Journal of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, John Wiley and Sons, 2011
  2. Kennedy,K., Koelbel,C., and Zima,H.P.: The Rise and Fall of High Performance Fortran
    Communications of the ACM, Vol.54, No. 11, pp.74-82, 2011
  3. James,M., Shapiro, A.A., Springer,P.L., and Zima,H.P.: Adaptive Fault Tolerance for Scalable Cluster Computing in Space
    International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA), Vol.23,No.3,SAGE Publications, 2009
  4. Chamberlain,B.L., Callahan,D., and Zima,H.P.: Parallel Programmability and the Chapel Language
    International Journal of HPC Applications, Special Issue on High Productivity Languages and Models, Vol.21,No.3, pp.291-312 (2007)
  5. Zima, H.P.: From FORTRAN 77 to Locality-Aware High Productivity Languages for Peta-Scale Computing
    Scientific Programming, Vol. 15. Issue 1 (January 2007), pp.45-65, IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2007
  6. Diaconescu,R.E. and Zima,H.P.: An Approach to Data Distributions in Chapel
    In: International Journal of HPC Applications, Special Issue on High Productivity Languages and Models, Vol.21,No.3, pp.313-335 (2007)
  7. Zima,H.P.: Data Distribution Specification for High Performance Computing
    Invited Paper, Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS), Special Issue on Formal Aspects of Software Engineering -- J.UCS Special Issue in Honor of Professor Peter Lucas, Vol.7, No. 8 (2001), pp.736-753.
  8. Mehrotra,P. and Zima,H.P.: High Performance Fortran for Aerospace Applications.
    Parallel Computing, Special Issue on Parallel Computing in Aerospace, Vol.27,Number 4,pp.477-501, March 2001.
  9. Benkner,S. and Zima,H.P: Compiling High Performance Fortran for Distributed-Memory Architectures
    In: Trystram,D.(Ed.): Parallel Computing 25 (1999), Special Anniversary Issue, pp.1785-1825.
  10. Laure,E.,Mehrotra,P., and Zima,H.P.: Opus: Heterogeneous Computing With Data Parallel Tasks
    Parallel Processing Letters, Vol.9,No.2,pp.275-289, June 1999
  11. Laure,E.,Haines,M.,Mehrotra,P., and Zima,H.P.: On the Implementation of the Opus Coordination Language
    Concurrency Practice and Experience Vol.12,No.4,pp.227-249, April 2000.
  12. Zima,H.P. and Di Martino,B.: New Trends in Programming and Execution Models for Parallel Architectures, Heterogeneously Distributed Systems and Mobile Computing.
    Journal of Systems Architecture 45, pp.1259-1261 (1999).
  13. Di Martino,B. and Zima,H.P.: Support of Automatic Parallelization with Concept Comprehension
    Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA), Vol.45 (1999), pp.427-439
  14. Mehrotra,P.,Van Rosendale,J.,Zima,H.P: Language Support for Multidisciplinary Applications
    IEEE Computational Science and Engineering Vol.5,No.2,pp.64-75 (April-June 1998)
  15. Mehrotra,P.,Van Rosendale,J.,Zima,H.P: High Performance Fortran: History, Status and Future
    In: Zapata,E. and Padua,D.(Eds.): Parallel Computing, Special Issue on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computers, Vol.24, No.3-4,pp.325--354 (1998)
  16. Ujaldon,M., Zapata,E.L., Chapman,B.M., Zima,H.P.: Vienna Fortran/HPF Extensions for Sparse and Irregular Problems and Their Compilation
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol.8, No.10, pp.1068-1083 (October 1997)
  17. Chapman,B.M.,Mehrotra,P.,Zima,H.P.: Vienna Fortran and the Path Towards a Standard Parallel Language
    Invited Paper, IEICE Trans.Information and Systems,Vol.E80-D,No.4, pp.409-416 (April 1997)
  18. Chapman,B.M.,Zima,H.P.,Haines,M.,Mehrotra,P.,Van Rosendale,J.: OPUS: A Coordination Language for Multidisciplinary Applications
    Scientific Programming Vol.6/4 Winter 1997,pp.345-362
  19. Zima,H.P., Brezany,P., Chapman,B.M.: SUPERB and Vienna Fortran
    Parallel Computing 20 (1994), pp.1487-1517.
  20. Zima,H.P.: High Performance Languages for Parallel Computing
    IEEE Computational Science and Engineering,Vol.3,No.3,pp.63-65 (Fall 1996)
  21. Chapman,B.M.,Mehrotra,P.,Zima,H.P.: Extending HPF for Advanced Data Parallel Applications
    IEEE Magazine on Parallel and Distributed Technology, Fall 1994, pp.59-70.
    Also: Technical Report TR 94-7, Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna (May 1994)
  22. Chapman,B.M.,Mehrotra,P.,Zima,H.P.: High Performance Fortran Without Templates: A New Model for Data Distribution and Alignment
    Proc. Fourth ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, San Diego (May 19-22, 1993), ACM SIGPLAN Notices Vol.28, No.7, pp.92-101 (July 1993)
  23. High Performance Fortran Forum: High Performance Fortran Language Specification.
    Scientific Programming 2(1-2), pp.1-170 (1993)
  24. Chapman,B.M.,Mehrotra,P.,Zima,H.P.: User Defined Mappings in Vienna Fortran
    Proc.Second Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Run-Time Environments for Distributed-Memory Multiprocessors, Boulder, CO (September 30 - October 2, 1992) ACM SIGPLAN Notices Vol.28, No.1, pp.72-75 (January 1993)
  25. Zima,H.P., Chapman,B.M.: Compiling for Distributed-Memory Systems
    Invited Paper, In: Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Section on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Machines, Vol.81, No.2, pp. 264-287, (February 1993)
    Also: Technical Report ACPC/TR 92-16, Austrian Center for Parallel Computation (November 1992)
  26. Chapman,B.M., Mehrotra,P., Zima,H.P.: Programming in Vienna Fortran
    Scientific Programming Vol.1,No.1, pp.31-50
    (Fall 1992)
  27. Gerndt,H.M., Thole,C.A., Trottenberg,U., Zima,H.P.: Parallelisierung auf SUPRENUM
    Informatik-Spektrum 13, 247-259 (1990)
  28. Zima,H.P.: Das SUPRENUM-System: Architektur, Software und Anwendungen
    In: Kastens,U.,Rammig,F.J.(Eds.): Proc. GI/ITG-Fachtagung Architektur und Betrieb von Rechensystemen
    Informatik Fachberichte 168,1-20
    Springer Verlag, Berlin (1988)
  29. Kremer,U., Bast,H.-J., Gerndt,M., Zima,H.P.: Advanced Tools and Techniques for Automatic Parallelization
    Parallel Computing 7, 387-393 (1988)
  30. Zima,H.P., Bast,H.-J., Gerndt,M.: SUPERB - A Tool For Semi-Automatic MIMD/SIMD Parallelization
    Parallel Computing 6, 1-18 (1988)
  31. Zima,H.P.: A Constraint Language and Its Interpreter
    Computer Languages 11, 2 (1986)
  32. Zima,H.P.: Datenflu\ssanalyse
    Informatik Spektrum 6, 155-164 (August 1983)
  33. Zima,H.P.: PROGRESS- Eine Programmiersprache für Realzeitsysteme
    Angewandte Informatik 8/1974 (August 1974)
  34. Mor,L., Yott,J., Zima,H.P.: PROGRESS- A Programming Language for Real-Time Systems
    ACM SIGPLAN Notices Vol.3, No.6, pp.4-24 (June 1972)

Conference Publications and Chapters in Books

  1. Zima,H.P. and Nikora,Allen: Fault Tolerance
    Invited Contribution, Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing (David Padua, Editor in Chief), 2011, ISBN 978-0-387-09765-7, Springer Verlag
  2. James,M., Springer,P. and Zima,H.P.: Adaptive Fault Tolerance for Many-Core Based Space-Borne Computing
    Distinguished Paper, In: P.D'Ambra,M.Guarracino, and D.Talia (Eds.): Proc.Sixteenth International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2010), Part II, pp. 260-274, LNCS6272, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg,2010
  3. Zima,H.P.: High-Level Specification of Data Distribution for Many-Core Based Parallel Systems
    Extended Abstract, Proc. 13th International Workshop on Innovative Architectures for Future Generation High-Performance Processors and Systems (IWIA'10), Kohala Coast, Hawaii, March 2010
  4. Zima,H.P. and James,M.: Runtime Verification and Validation for Multi-Core Based On-Board Computing
    Extended Abstract, Proc.Thirteenth Annual Workshop on High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC 2009), MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, Massachusetts, September 2009
  5. Zima,H.P.and James,Mark: Introspection-Based Verification and Validation
    Proc.Third IEEE International Conference on Space Missions Challenges for Information Technology (SMC-IT 2009), Pasadena, July 2009
  6. Zima,H.P.,Hall,M.,Chen,C.,and Chame,J.: Model-Guided Autotuning of High-Productivity Languages for Petascale Computing
    Proc.2009 International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC 2009), Munich, Germany, June 2009
  7. James,M., Shapiro, A.A., Springer,P., and Zima,H.P.: Adaptive Fault Tolerance for Space-Borne Computing
    Extended Abstract, Proc. 12th International Workshop on Innovative Architectures for Future Generation High-Performance Processors and Systems (IWIA'09), Maui, Hawaii, March 2009
  8. James,M., Shapiro, A., Springer,P., and Zima,H.P.: Introspection-Based Fault Tolerance for COTS-Based High Capability Computation in Space
    In: Alexander V.Veidenbaum and Atsushi Kubota(Editors): Proc.11th International Workshop on Innovative Architectures for Future Generation High-Performance Processors and Systems (IWIA 2008),pp.74-83, IEEE Computer Society, 2009
  9. James,M. and Zima,H.P.: Introspection-Based Fault Tolerance for Future On-Board Computing Systems
    Extended Abstract, Proc.Twelfth Annual Workshop on High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC 2008), MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, Massachusetts, September 2008
  10. James,M. and Zima,H.P.: An Introspection Framework for Fault Tolerance in Support of Autonomous Space Systems
    Proc.2008 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, March 2008
  11. James,M. and Zima,H.P.: Fault Tolerance for High-Capability Computation in Space Based on Multi-Core Technology -- An Introspection-Based Approach
    Extended Abstract, Proc.11th International Workshop on Innovative Architectures for Future Generation High-Performance Processors and Systems (IWIA'08), Hilo, Hawaii, January 2008
  12. Diaconescu,R.E. and Zima,H.P.: Locality Awareness in a High-Productivity Language
    In: David Bader (Editor): Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications, Computational Science Series, Chapter 22, pp.463-485, Chapman and Hall/CRC Press (2008)
  13. Kennedy,K., Koelbel,C., and Zima,H.P.: The Rise and Fall of High Performance Fortran: An Historical Object Lesson
    In:Barbara Ryder and Brent Hailpern (Editors): HOPL III: Proceedings of the Third ACM SIGPLAN Conference on History of Programming Languages Conference (HOPL-III), San Diego, California, June 9-10, 2007; ACM, New York, NY
  14. Diaconescu,R.E. and Zima,H.P.: User-Defined Data Distributions in High-Level Programming Languages
    Proc. Second IEEE International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology (SMC-IT 2006), Pasadena, July 2006
  15. Diaconescu,R.E.,Chamberlain,B.,James,M.L.,Zima,H.P.: Reusable and Extensible High-Level Data Distributions
    Proc.Workshop on Patterns in High Performance Computing, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, May 4-6, 2005.
  16. Zima,H.P.: Programming Models and Languages for High Productivity Computing Systems
    In: Zwieflhofer,W. and Mozdzynski,G.(Eds.): Use of High Performance Computing in Meteorology, Proc.Eleventh ECMWF Workshop on Use of High Performance Computing in Meteorology, pp.25-35, World Scientific Publishers, Singapore, 2005.
  17. Zima,H.P.: Introspection in a Massively Parallel PIM-Based Architecture.
    In: Joubert,G.R.,Nagel,W.E.,Peters,F.J., and Walter,W.V.(Editors): Parallel Computing: Software Technology, Algorithms, Architectures and Applications, Advances in Parallel Computing Volume 13, 2004,pp.441-448.
  18. Callahan,D.,Chamberlain,B.L., and Zima,H.P.: The Cascade High Productivity Language.
    Proc.9th International Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments (HIPS 2004), Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 2004.
  19. Zima,H.P.: Issues in Software Support for Future High End Computing Systems.
    Proc. Workshop on the Road Map for the Revitalization of High End Computing, Washington, DC, June 2003.
  20. Sterling,T.L. and Zima,H.P.: Gilgamesh: A Multithreaded Processor-In-Memory Architecture for Petaflops Computing
    Proc. SC2002 -- High Performance Networking and Computing, November 2002, Baltimore.
  21. Zima,H.P.: Towards High-Level Programming Support for Scientific Computing on Clusters
    Invited Paper, (Extended Abstract), In: Proc.IEEE Cluster2001 Conference, Newport Beach, California, USA, October 2001.
  22. Sterling,T.L., Zima,H.P.,and Bergman,L.A.: Gilgamesh: A Scalable Spaceborne Computer Architecture Using Processor-in-Memory (PIM) Technology.
    Proc.American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Conference 2001, August 2001, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
  23. Zima, H.P., and Sterling, T.L.: The Gilgamesh Processor-in-Memory Architecture and Its Execution Model
    Proc.9th Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers (CPC 2001), Edinburgh, Scotland (June 2001)
  24. Zima,H.P.: High-Level Programming Support for HPC -- The Tradeoff Between Elegance and Performance
    Invited Paper, In: Proc.International Supercomputer Conference (SC 2001), Heidelberg, Germany (June 2001)
  25. Zima,H.P. and Sterling,T.L.: Macroservers: An Object-Based Programming and Execution Model for Processor-in-Memory Arrays
    Invited Paper, In: (Valero,M.,Kazuki,J.,Kitsuregawa,M., and Tanaka,H.(Editors): Proc.Third International Symposium on High Performance Computing (ISHPC2K), Tokyo, Japan, October 2000. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1940, pp.7-25, Springer Verlag.
  26. Zima,H.P. and Sterling,T.L.: Support for Irregular Computations in Massively Parallel PIM Arrays, Using an Object-Based Execution Model. Proc.Irregular'2000, Cancun, Mexico, May 2000.
  27. Zima,H.P. and Sterling,T.L.: A Programming and Execution Model for DRAM Processor-In-Memory Arrays.
    Proc.First International AURORA Conference (IAC 2000), Vienna, Austria, January 2000.
  28. Laure,E.,Haines,M.,Mehrotra,P., and Zima,H.P.: Compiling Data Parallel Tasks for Coordinated Execution
    In: Amestoy, al.(Eds.):EuroPar'99 Parallel Processing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No.1685, pp.413-417, Springer Verlag, 1999.
  29. Benkner,S.,Lonsdale,G., and Zima,H.P.: The HPF+ Project: Supporting HPF for Advanced Industrial Applications.
    Proc.EuroPar'99 Parallel Processing, Toulouse, France, August/September 1999. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Vol.1685, Springer Verlag, 1999.
  30. Chapman,B.,Mehrotra,P.,and Zima,H.P.: Enhancing OpenMP with Features for Locality Control.
    In: Zwieflhofer,W. and Kreitz,N. (Eds.): Proc. Eighth ECMWF Workshop on the Use of Parallel Processors in Meteorology ``Towards Teracomputing'', pp.301-313, Reading, England (November 1998). World Scientific, 1999.
  31. Zima,H.P.: An Introduction to HPF+ Project
    Invited Paper, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 1615/1999), pp.9-10, Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg (1999)
  32. Laure,E.,Mehrotra,P.,and Zima,H.P.: Opus: Heterogeneous Computing With Data Parallel Tasks.
    Proc.Workshop on Programming Environments, Clusters, and Computational Grids for Scientific Computing. Blackberry Farm, Tennessee (September 1998).
  33. Mehrotra,P.,Van Rosendale,J.,Zima,H.P: High Performance Fortran: Status and Prospects
    Proc. Fourth International Workshop on Applied Parallel Computing (PARA'98), Umea, Sweden (June 14-17, 1998)
  34. Delves,M. and Zima,H.P.: High Performance Fortran: A Status Report, or: Are we Ready to Give up MPI?
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1497, pp.161-171 (1998)
  35. Benkner,S.,Mehrotra,P.,Van Rosendale,J.,Zima,H.P.: Explicit Management of Communication Schedules in HPF+.
    In: Hoffmann,G. and Kreitz,N.(Eds): Proc. ECMWF Workshop ``Making its Mark'' (November 1997), World Scientific Publishing.
  36. Mehrotra,P.,Van Rosendale,J.,Zima,H.P: Solving Irregular Problems With High Performance Fortran
    Proc. Third Working Conference on Massively Parallel Programming Models (MPPM-97), London, England, pp.2-11 (November 12-14, 1997)
  37. Benkner,S.,Mehrotra,P.,Van Rosendale,J.,Zima,H.: High-Level Management of Communication Schedules in HPF-like Languages
    Proc. International Conference on Supercomputing 1998 (ICS'98), Melbourne (July 1998). Also: Technical Report TR 97-5, Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna (April 1997)
  38. Di Martino,B.,Iannello,G.,Zima,H.P.: An Automated Algorithmic Recognition Technique to Support Parallel Software
    Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems, Boston, Massachusetts (May 17-18, 1997)
  39. Chapman,B.M.,Mehrotra,P.,Zima,H.P.: HPF+: New Language and Implementation Mechanisms for the Support of Advanced Irregular Applications
    Proc. Sixth Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers (CPC'96), Aachen, Germany (December 12, 1996)
  40. Benkner,S.,Mehrotra,P.,Van Rosendale,J.,Zima,H.P.: Current State and Future Developments of HPF-Like Languages
    Proc. Seventh ECMWF Workshop on Parallel Computers in Meteorology, Reading, England (December 1996)
  41. Mehrotra,P., and Zima,H.P.: Extending High Performance Fortran for Advanced Applications
    Proc.Sommerschule Partielle Differentialgleichungen, Numerik und Anwendungen, KFA Jülich (September 1996)
  42. Chapman,B.M.,Mehrotra,P.,Zima,H.P.: High Performance Applications: State-of-the-Art and Future Requirements
    1996 Spring Proceedings, Cray User Group, pp.6-13 (March 1996)
  43. Andel,S., Di Martino,B., Hulman,I., Zima,H.P.: Program Comprehension Support for Knowledge Based Parallelization
    Proc. 4th EUROMICRO Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Braga, Portugal (January 1996)
  44. Chapman,B.M.,Mehrotra,P.,Zima,H.P.: Vienna Fortran and the Path Towards a Standard Parallel Language
    Invited Paper, In: M.Shimasaki,H.Sato (Eds.): Proc. International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Supercomputing, Fukuoka, Japan (September 26-28, 1995), pp.224-232.
  45. Zima,H.P., Chapman,B.M.: Automatische Parallelisierung sequentieller Programme
    In: Waldschmidt, K. (Ed.): Parallelrechner -- Architekturen, Systeme, Werkzeuge
    Chapter 14, pp.563--587. Teubner, Stuttgart (1995)
  46. Di Martino,B.,Chapman,B.M.,Iannello,G.,Zima,H.P.: Integration of Program Comprehension Techniques into the Vienna Fortran Compilation System
    Proc. 1995 International Conference on High Performance Computing, New Delhi, India (Dec.27-30, 1995)
  47. Ujaldon,M.,Zapata,E.L.,Chapman,B.M., Zima,H.P.: Data Parallel Language Features for Sparse Codes
    In: Szymanski,B.K.,Sinharoy,B.(Eds.): Languages, Compilers and Run-Time Systems for Scalable Computers. Chapter 19, pp.253--264.
    Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston (1995)
  48. Ujaldon,M.,Zapata,E.L.,Chapman,B.M., Zima,H.P.: New Data Parallel Language Features for Sparse Matrix Computations
    Proc.9th International Parallel Processing Symposium (IPPS'95), Santa Barbara, California (April 1995)
  49. Chapman,B.M.,Pantano,M.,Zima,H.P.: Supercompilers for Massively Parallel Architectures
    Proc. Aizu International Symposium on Parallel Algorithms/Architecture Synthesis (pAs'95), Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan (March 15--17, 1995),pp.315-322
  50. Pantano,M. and Zima,H.P.: An Integrated Environment for the Support of Automatic Compilation
    In: Dongarra,J.J.,Grandinetti,L.,Joubert,G.R.,Kowalik,J.(Eds.): High Performance Computing: Technology, Methods, and Applications, pp.159-176.
    Elsevier, 1995.
  51. Chapman,B.M.,Mehrotra,P.,Van Rosendale,J.,Zima,H.P.: Extending Vienna Fortran With Task Parallelism
    Proc. 1994 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'94)
    Hsinchu, Taiwan,ROC (December 19-21, 1994)
  52. Chapman,B.M.,Mehrotra,P.,Zima,H.P.: Compiler Technology for Massively Parallel Architectures -- State of the Art and Current Research
    Proc. Sixth ECMWF Workshop on Use of Parallel Processors in Meteorology, Reading, England (November 21-25, 1994)
  53. Chapman,B.M.,Mehrotra,P.,Zima,H.P.: Why High Performance Fortran is not Useful for Advanced Numerical Applications -- Directions for Future Developments
    Invited Paper, In: Furnari,M.M.(Ed.): Proc.Second International Workshop on Massive Parallelism: Hardware, Software and Applications, Capri, Italy (October 3-7, 1994),pp.321-336.
  54. Pantano,M.,Zima,H.P.:Performance Analysis of Parallelized Programs Using Workload Characterization Techniques
    Proc.AICA'94 Annual Conference, Palermo, Italy (September 1994), pp.1851--1865
  55. Chapman,B.M.,Mehrotra,P.,Zima,H.P.: High Performance Fortran: Current Status and Future Directions
    Invited Paper, In: Proc.International Advanced Workshop on High Performance Computing. Technology and Applications.
    Cetraro, Italy (June 27-29, 1994)
  56. Benkner,S.,Brezany,P.,Zima,H.P.: Processing Array Statements and Procedure Interfaces in the PREPARE High Performance Fortran Compiler
    In: Fritzson,P.A.(Ed.): Proc.5th Int.Conf.on Compiler Construction (CC'94), Edinburgh, U.K.,(April 1994)
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science 786, pp.324-338, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1994)
  57. Chapman,B.M.,Mehrotra,P.,Zima,H.P.: High Performance Fortran Languages: Advanced Applications and Their Implementation
    Future Generation Computer Systems 11(1995), pp.401-407
    Also in: Gentzsch,W. and Harms,U.(Eds.): Proc.High Performance Computing and Networking Europe (HPCNE Europe 1994), Volume II
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science 797, pp.407-416, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1994)
  58. Haines,M.,Hess,B.,Mehrotra,P.,Van Rosendale,J.,Zima,H.P.: Runtime Support for Data Parallel Tasks
    Proc.Fifth Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation (Frontiers'95),McLean,Virginia
    Also: Technical Report TR 94-2, Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna (April 1994) and ICASE Technical Report 94-26
  59. Chapman,B.M., Mehrotra,P., Van Rosendale,J., and Zima.H.P.: A Software Architecture for Multidisciplinary Applications: Integrating Task and Data Parallelism
    Proc.CONPAR'94 -- VAPP VI, pp.664-676, Linz, Austria (September 1994)
    Also: Technical Report TR 94-1, Institute for Software Technology and Parallel Systems, University of Vienna, March 1994.
  60. Benkner,S.,Brezany,P.,Zima,H.P.: Compiling High Performance Fortran in the PREPARE Environment
    Proc. Fourth Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers, Delft, Netherlands (Dec.13-16,1993), pp.105-116.
  61. Hulman,J.,Andel,S.,Chapman,B.M.,Zima,H.P.: Intelligent Parallelization Within the Vienna Fortran Compilation System
    Proc.Fourth Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers, Delft, Netherlands, December 13-16, 1993, pp.455-467.
  62. Chapman,B.M.,Mehrotra,P.,Moritsch,H.,Zima,H.P.: Dynamic Data Distributions in Vienna Fortran
    Proc.Supercomputing'93, pp.284-293, Portland,Oregon (November 15-19,1993)
  63. Benkner,S., Zima,H.P.: Massively Parallel Architectures and Their Programming Paradigms -- Recent Developments
    Invited Paper, In: Proc. AICA'93, International Section: Parallel and Distributed Architectures and Algorithms, pp. 31-56
    Gallipoli, Italy (September 22-24, 1993)
  64. Zima,H.P.,Brezany,P.,Chapman,B.M.,Hulman,J.: Automatic Parallelization for Distributed-Memory Systems: Experiences and Current Research
    Invited Paper, In: Spies,P.P.(Ed.): Euro-Arch '93, pp.538-556
    Proc. European Informatics Congress, Computing Systems Architectures, Munich, October 18-19, 1993
    Informatik aktuell, Springer Verlag (1993)
  65. Chapman,B.M.,Fahringer,T.,Zima,H.P.: Automatic Support for Data Distribution on Distributed-Memory Multiprocessor Systems
    Invited Paper, In: Proc.Sixth Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallelism, Portland, August 1993
  66. Chapman,B.M.,Mehrotra,P.,Zima,H.P.: User Defined Mappings in Vienna Fortran
    Proc.Second Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Run-Time Environments for Distributed-Memory Multiprocessors, Boulder, CO (September 30 - October 2, 1992) ACM SIGPLAN Notices Vol.28, No.1, pp.72-75 (January 1993)
  67. Fahringer,T.,Zima,H.P.: A Static Parameter Based Performance Prediction Tool for Parallel Programs
    Invited Paper, In: International Conference on Supercomputing 1993 (ICS'93), Tokyo
    Also: Technical Report ACPC/TR 93-1, Austrian Center for Parallel Computation (January 1993)
  68. Brezany,P.,Gerndt,M.,Mehrotra,P.,Zima,H.P.: Concurrent File Operations in a High-Performance Fortran
    Proc. Supercomputing'92, Minneapolis, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp.230-237 (November 1992)
  69. Chapman,B.M.,Moritsch,H.,Zima,H.P.: Vienna Fortran -- A Data Parallel Programming Language
    Proc.1992 European Meeting of the Intel Supercomputer Users Group, Lyon (August 1992)
  70. Chapman,B.M.,Mehrotra,P.,Zima,H.P.: Handling Distributed Data in Vienna Fortran Procedures
    In: Banerjee,U.,Gelernter,D.,Nicolau,A.,Padua,D.(Eds.): Proc.5th Int.Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing (New Haven, Connecticut, USA, August 3-5,1992)
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science 757,pp.248-263, Springer Verlag (1993)
  71. Fahringer,T., Blasko,R., Zima,H.P.: Automatic Performance Prediction to Support Parallelization of Fortran Programs for Massively Parallel Systems
    Proc.1992 International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS'92), pp.347-356, Washington, D.C. (July 1992)
  72. Brezany,P., Gerndt,M.,Sipkova,V.,Zima,H.P.: SUPERB Support for Irregular Scientific Computations
    Proc. of the Scalable High Performance Computing Conference, pp.314-321, Williamsburg, Virginia (April 1992)
  73. Benkner,S., Chapman,B.M., Zima,H.P.: Vienna Fortran 90
    Proc. of the Scalable High Performance Computing Conference,pp.51-59, Williamsburg, Virginia (April 1992)
  74. Gerndt,H.M., Zima,H.P.: SUPERB - Experiences and Future Research
    In: Saltz,J. and Mehrotra,P.(Eds.): Languages, Compilers and Runtime Environments for Distributed Memory Machines, pp.1-15
    Advances in Parallel Computing 3, North Holland, Amsterdam (1992)
  75. Zima,H.P., Chapman,B.M.: Software Tools for Parallel Program Development
    Invited Paper, In: (Gaffney,P.W.,Houstis,E.N.(Eds.): Proc. IFIP TC2/ WG 2.5 Working Conference on Programming Environments for High-Level Scientific Problem Solving, 157-177 (Karlsruhe, 23-27 September 1991)
    IFIP Transactions A-2, North Holland (1992)
  76. Zima,H.P.: Automatic Vectorization and Parallelization for Supercomputers
    In: Perrott,R.H.(Ed.): Software for Parallel Computers, Chapter 8, pp.107-120
    Chapman and Hall (1991)
  77. Chapman,B.M., Mehrotra,P., Zima,H.P.: Vienna Fortran - A Fortran Language Extension for Distributed-Memory Multiprocessors
    In: Saltz,J. and Mehrotra,P.(Eds.): Languages, Compilers and Runtime Environments for Distributed Memory Machines, pp.39-62, Advances in Parallel Computing 3, North Holland (1992)
    Also published as: NASA Contract Report 187634, ICASE Report No.91-72, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia (September 1991)
  78. Zima,H.P.,Chapman,B.M.: Automatic Restructuring for Parallel and Vector Computers
    In Adeli,H.(Ed.): Supercomputing in Engineering Analysis, Chapter 5, 135-167
    Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York and Basel (1991)
  79. Chapman,B.M., Herbeck,H.,Zima,H.P.: Automatic Support for Data Distribution
    Proc.Sixth Distributed Memory Conference (DMCC 6), Portland,OR, 51-58 (April 1991)
  80. Wirtz,G.,Zima,H.P.: Spezifikation numerischer Software für Superrechner
    In: Reuter,A.(Ed.): Informatik Fachbericht 257, Band I, 554-568
    Proceedings GI-20.Jahrestagung (October 1990)
  81. Zima,H.P.: Programmierparadigmen für parallele Systeme
    Proc. Workshop Partielle Differentialgleichungen: Algorithmen, Software und Anwendungen (Zurich, March 1990)
  82. Gerndt,H.M., Zima,H.P.: Optimizing Communication in SUPERB Proc.CONPAR 90-VAPP IV (Zurich, September 1990)
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 457, 300-311
  83. Kennedy,K.,Zima,H.P.: Virtual Shared Memory for Distributed- Memory Machines
    Proc.Fourth Conference on Hypercubes, Concurrent Computers, and Applications, 361-366 (Monterey, CA, March 6-8, 1989)
  84. Zima, H.: Automatic MIMD Parallelization
    In: Wright,M.H.(Ed.): Aspects of Computation on Asynchronous Parallel Processors,181-191
    Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam (1989)
  85. Zima,H.P.: An Advanced Programming Environment for a Supercomputer
    In: Dongarra,J.,Duff,I.,Gaffney,P.,McKee,S.(Eds.): Vector and Parallel Computing, Chapter 33, 395-404
    Ellis Horwood Series in Computers and Their Applications (1989)
  86. Gerndt,M., Zima,H.P.: MIMD-Parallelization for SUPRENUM
    In: International Conference on Supercomputing, Athens
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1988)
  87. Zima,H.P., Bast,H.-J., Gerndt,M., Hoppen,J.: Semiautomatic Parallelization of Fortran Programs
    In: CONPAR 86 - Conference on Algorithms and Hardware for Parallel Processing
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science 237, pp.287-294 Springer Verlag, Berlin (1986)
  88. Zima,H.P.: Interaktive Vektorisierung sequentieller Fortran-Programme
    In: Ecker,K.(Ed.): Proc. Workshop über Parallelverarbeitung Informatik-Bericht 86/1, Technical University Clausthal (July 1986)
  89. Zima,H.P.: Silicon Valley
    In: Maurer,H.A.(Ed.):Jahrbuch Überblicke Informationsverarbeitung 1984, 351-369
    Bibliographisches Institut (1984)
  90. Zima,H.P.: Automatische Generierung von Compilern
    In: Maurer,H.A.(Ed.):Jahrbuch Überblicke Informationsverarbeitung 1983, 277-314
    Bibliographisches Institut (1983)
  91. Barz,H.-W., Zima,H.P.: A Bibliography of Parallel Processing
    Bulletin of the European Association of Theoretical Computer Science (1979)
  92. Zima,H.P.: Mächtigkeit von Synchronisationsoperatoren
    Schriftenreihe der Österr. Computergesellschaft Nr. 5, 93-108 (1979)
  93. Zima,H.P.: An Evaluation of the Real-Time Language PROGRESS
    Proc. EUROCONTROL Seminar on Real-Time Languages, Paris (1977)
  94. Zima,H.P.: Real-Time Languages for Large-Scale Systems
    Proc. AFCET Conference ``Langages Evolues Temps Reel'', Paris (November 1975)
  95. Zima,H.P.: Coordination of Asynchronous Tasks
    Proc. IFAC/IFIP Workshop on Real-Time Programming, Budapest (1974)
  96. Zima,H.P.: Storage Allocation in Real-Time Programming Languages
    Proc. Third European Seminar on Real-Time Programming, Ispra (1973)
  97. Zima,H.P.: A Programming Language for Real-Time Systems
    In: Pyle,I.C.(Ed.): Techniques in Real Time Programming, The Clarendon Press (1972)


  1. Li,Kuang-Ching, Hsu,Ching-Hsien, Yang,Laurence Tianruo, Dongarra,Jack, and Zima,H.P.(Editors): Handbook of Research on Scalable Computing Technologies
    Information Science Reference (IGI Global), Hershey, PA, USA (2009)
  2. Kepner,J. and Zima,H.P. (Editors): Special Issue on High Productivity Languages and Models
    International Journal of HPC Applications, Vol.21,No.3, pp.249-250 (2007)
  3. Di Martino,B.,Dongarra,J.,Hoisie,A.,Yang,L.T., and Zima,H.P.(Editors): Engineering the Grid: Status and Perspective.
    American Scientific Publishers,2006
  4. Shimasaki,M. and Zima,H.P. (Editors): Special Issue on the Earth Simulator
    Parallel Computing, November 2004
  5. Zima,H.P.(Editor): Report, DARPA Workshop on High Productivity Programming Languages and Models
    Santa Monica, CA, September 2004
  6. Zima,H.P.,Joe,K.,Sato,M. and Shimasaki,M. (Editors): Proc. 4th International Symposium on High Performance Computing (ISHPC2002)
    Kansai Science City, Japan (15-17 May 2002), Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 2327, Springer Verlag, 2002
  7. Zima,H.P. (Editor): Proc. Third Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers, Vienna, July 6-9, 1992
  8. Zima,H.P.( Editor): Parallel Computation: Proceedings of the 1st ACPC Conference, Springer Verlag, 1991