Welcome to the website of the project "Proof in Context - A Contextualist Approach to Mathematical Proof and Provability", an FWF-funded research project (Project number: PAT1923823) that aims to contribute to a better understanding of the informal concept of mathematical proof and how it relates to the concept of proof as it is studied in formal logic. The basic goal of the project is to provide an explication of the concept of mathematical proof that is based on the idea that this concept is context-sensitive. While context is routinely emphasized in studies of the informal notion of proof, no systematic account of proof as a contextual notion has been provided thus far. The specific objectives of this project are:
- to provide a philosophical analysis of the concept of proof in context
- to develop formal models that support a precise study of this concept, and
- to revisit several questions connected to the informal concepts of proof and provability in light of the provided analysis.
Under Review
In Preparation
- Formalizability and the Standard-View of Rigorous Proof in Mathematics
- Proof in Context
- Frege on Formal and Informal Proof