
Amnesty International
     Bauen und Wohnen in Österreich (Bestimmungen, Förderungen, ...)
Burgenland Bunch Genealogy Group
- mia Buagnlända und da Rest da Woid
    Edikte - gerichtliche Versteigerungen in Österreich

    Fahrschulen in Österreich
Featherbase - online feather determination compendium
    Flamenco - International Language Travel
Gapminder - independent Swedish foundation with no political, religious or economic affiliations; it is a fact tank, no think tank
Historischer Waehrungsrechner - Oesterreichische Nationalbank
    Spices - many infos by Gernot Katzer
    Instituto austríaco para américa latina
    Job opportunities at UN - Office of Human Resources Management
    Mein schöner Garten - Tips, Tricks und Info zu deinen Planzen
Herbert Geddes hand coloured photos Japan around 1910
Panoramas of Mountains - mountain panoramas
Panoramas of the Alps
Pflanzenbestimmung online
Sassi d´Autore - srone art, con la fantasia la staticità diventa dinamicità
SAVE-Foundation - Safguard for Agricultural Varieties in Europe
    Ward´s teaching supplements

    World Wildlife Fund