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Department of
Evolutionary Anthropology
Faculty of Life Sciences
University of Vienna

Djerassiplatz 1
1030 Vienna


Elmira Mohandesan, PhD

Elmira Mohandesan is a group leader at the Department of Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Vienna.

My research interest focus on a variety of topics in evolutionary biology such as population genetics, phylogenetics and domestication. In my lab we mainly involve the application of ancient DNA and next-gneration DNA sequencing to better understand the timing and tempo of the genetic changes in extinct and extant animal species over time.

Short Curriculum Vitae

Current & Previous Positions

2016-2018 Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Institute for Molecular Evolution and Development, University of Vienna (PI: Dr. Qi Zhou)
2012-2016 Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Institute of Population Genetics and Research Institute for Wildlife and Ecology, Vetmeduni Vienna, Austria (PIs: Dr. Pamela Burger, Prof. Christian Schloetterer)
2011 Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Department of Cognitive Biology, University of Vienna, Austria (PI: Prof. Tecumseh Fitch)
2005-2006 Research Assistant Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany (PI: Prof. Michael Hofreiter)

Teaching Experience

2007-2010 Teaching Assistant, Massey University, New Zealand


2006-2011 Ph.D. Thesis title: The evolution of the mitochondrial DNA in tuatara (Sphenodon punctuates), Massey University, Auckland New Zealand (PI: Prof. Dr. David Lambert)
2002-2005 Master of Sciences (MSc) in Molecular Genetics. Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
1997-2001 Bachelor of Sciences (BSc) in Zoology. Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

Current Research Interests

My research interest focus on a variety of topics in evolutionary biology such as population genetics, phylogenetics and domestication. In my lab we mainly involve the application of ancient DNA and next-gneration DNA sequencing to better understand the timing and tempo of the genetic changes in extinct and extant animal species over time.

As of June 2019, I am hiring a PhD student to investigate the contribution of hybrid equids in Europe applying ancient DNA methods and computational genomics. Please contact me under for more information.